Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1154 Rodger Won

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"I have only broken three of your doors. It is not you who behaved arrogantly but me. I admit defeat in

this battle, and now, I'm willing to admit the you are indeed very strong," Gage admitted his defeat with

a smile. He was defeated because he was not strong enough, so he could willingly accept the result.

After all, it only meant that he had to work harder, and he could expect better results next time as long

as he was alive.

"I'm flattered. Who knows? Maybe I was just lucky. But let me tell you that our Land Bears' fighting

power can be infinite wherever there is a land. We indeed enjoy an exceptional advantage," Eric

replied. Ricky found Eric to be so modest. He was not as overbearing as people thought him to be.

And a man like him was truly powerful.

After all, only a truly powerful being could be powerful and determined in his heart, while outside, he

would still be humble and accepting of his faults.

"Ricky, why don't you make friends with them? After all, they are also peerless geniuses. Besides, you

can use the support of the forces behind them," the Dragon Intent Grass suggested in Ricky's mind.

"Although you're unique in this world, you won't be unafraid of anything for a long time to come. You

still need some people and some forces to back you up.

For example, in the Eastern Land and Western Land, if you don't have the Oriental College and the

Spirit Sect to support you, no matter how extraordinary your talent is, it will still be useless. You should

understand what I mean!"

"I understand!" Ricky replied.

The Dragon Intent Grass was right. If Ricky wanted to grow further in this martial world, talent,

willpower, blood power, and spiritual meridian were all critical factors. And it was also important

whether there were strong forces supporting him.

Over these years, Ricky had also come to understand this.

Of course, Ricky had his own principle, which was to make friends with people and forces that could

get his approval.

"Ha-ha, I can accept this defeat. Eric, you don't need to make excuses for me. I can accept failure as

long as I don't lose my life," Gage said with a smile upon hearing Eric's words.

Then, he withdrew his power and spread out his hands in front of Rodger, indicating that it was

Rodger's turn to fight next.

"Molly, you go first!" Rodger said with his power surging around his body.

"Eric is stronger than me, so..." Molly remarked, shrugging and smiling lightly.

As a result, Rodger and Eric confronted each other face to face.

"Rodger, I know that you have the Blood Devil's blood power, but I find that your Saber Stunt is much

more terrifying!" Eric remarked. Actually, he could feel that Rodger was slightly more powerful than


"If I can't break your defense, then my Saber Stunt is not worth its name." Rodger laughed in response.

"Ha-ha, in that case, let's not waste time and end this with one big blow!" Eric replied with a smile.

"I agree!"

Swish! As great power swept over them in waves, a strong saber intent rose from Rodger's body and

surged to the sky. At the same time, the whole huge arena was directly enveloped by forty-percent

saber intent at the late stage.

"The forty-percent saber intent at the late stage is close to the fifty-percent saber intent. What a gifted

and brilliant young man Rodger is! And his saber intent seems to cover all kinds of saber skills!"

the Dragon Intent Grass remarked to Ricky.

"He has the Heavenly Saber Mutant. No matter how many saber skills the heavenly law contains, those

who with the Heavenly Saber Mutant should be able to comprehend all of them,"

Ricky murmured.

The moment that Rodger's saber intent swept over, his body was filled with the evil spirit. Furthermore,

the evil spirit contained the power of Supreme Ultimate, which made two swirls and encircled Rodger,

who had activated his Heavenly Saber Mutant.

"Come on, Eric, release your defense and attack! Let's end the battle with one big move!" Rodger

challenged Eric loudly, similar to how the king of saber should act. Indeed, his skills reflected his



Eric roared again and turned into his bear form. As his power rose to the cusp, he summoned the Earth


But this time, there were not only seven doors.

The white moon on his head shone brightly and gathered power again to form the force of the earth.

Undoubtedly, this was one of Eric's powerful Omnipotent Skills.

"Dear earth, bless me with boundless strength, please!"

Boom! The tremendous impact penetrated through the seven doors instantly, and it turned into a

shadow of the king bear, running wildly towards Rodger.

In the face of Rodger's attack, Eric didn't dare to withstand him only with defense power. Thus, he also

launched his fiercest attack. Since what he had to face was forty-percent saber intent at the late stage,

which was very close to the fifty-percent saber intent, he had to give it his all.

The saber intent at this stage was actually far beyond his level.

So, at this moment, Eric thought of himself as in a dangerous situation—a life and death situation. He

motivated himself by thinking that there was a real danger, even though there was only minimal risk

involved here.

"It's the saber intent melted with the evil blood!"

When Rodger saw that the bear shadow was rushing toward him, he stood still, jumped up, and held

his saber tightly with both hands. The saber intent turned into the saber light and mixed with the red

blood and the power of Supreme Ultimate on both sides of his body. After that, he slashed down with

all his might.


As Rodger's strike collided with the bear shadow, a deafening sound reverberated and even reached

the spectators. For a moment, they were on par with each other and were in a stalemate. But soon, the

bear shadow transformed from the boundless strength was shattered by the strike.

Bang! The sound of metal clashing rang out. Rodger's strike continuously hit the seven doors.

Boom! Endless dust and debris scattered in the air, caused by the Earth Doors being chopped into

pieces. The dust inundated the whole space, and the result of the collision couldn't be seen clearly.

After a long time, the dust and airwaves finally receded, and then the scene was revealed.

Six of the Earth Doors were destroyed and shattered into dust, while the seventh Earth Door remained

intact. However, Rodger's strike had left several thin cracks all over it.

"Are they well-matched in strength?" Queenie murmured almost to herself.


As soon as the words left her mouth, the cracks on the seventh Earth Door suddenly increased,

spreading all over the door. In the blink of an eye, the last door broke into pieces. Rodger's strike went

forward fiercely.

Eric had no choice but to counteract it with a powerful blow.

"It seems that they are not well-matched in strength. Rodger got the upper hand," commented Ricky in

a low voice. "He broke all the seven doors, which means that he had broken through Eric's strongest


And when it comes to attacking, Eric is naturally no match for Rodger."

"But, technically, Eric didn't fail. He resisted the strike up to the last moment," Queenie contradicted.

"But the fact is that Rodger did not burst out the power of the Heavenly Saber Mutant. In that strike, he

only burst out the blood power of Blood Devil and the power of saber intent, didn't he?" Ricky


Back on the arena, the two warriors communicated.

"You broke through my boundless strength and all the Doors. And you didn't even have to use the

power of the Heavenly Saber Mutant. I admit defeat in this battle." Shaking his head, Eric admitted


However, it could be seen that his fighting intent was even more intense. "If we have the chance, let's

fight again," he added.

"Thank you!" Rodger answered with a smile as he took back his saber. "If you take me as your friend, I

will be more than pleased to have another fight with you."

After that, Eric looked at Molly apologetically.

"It does not matter, Eric. You have tried your best. Thank you," Molly reassured him. However, contrary

to her words, her eyes showed her unwillingness as she looked at Queenie.

"Humph!" Queenie smirked when she noticed Molly's sour and jealous expression. This, in turn,

irritated Molly even further.

Meanwhile, Rodger turned his attention to Ricky with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.


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