Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 257 The End Of The Battle

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Warriors on either side didn't react until a long time after the blast waves completely ceased to exist.

They were shocked by what had just happened.

"Dead? Dead! Two young masters of the Shen Clan have been killed!" Warriors from the Panther Gang

were too shaken up to say anything.

As for warriors of the Axe Hall who followed Ricky here, they were all silent out of shock. Especially

when they saw the two burnt corpses, it made them recoil.

Ricky put his Iron Destroyer away after the blast wave had dispersed. It took him effort to restrain his

now raging power and finally clam down.

Then, overlooking the welkin, Ricky found the killing sprees and the smell of blood were not as strong

as what it had been. Slowly he said, "This battle seems to be over. The Panther Gang will be history in

the Chaotic Region."

There was no shadow of doubt in his heart that Tyson, buoyed by the pride of their current success,

would defeat Abner—the leader of the Panther Gang. After all, Tyson was regarded as a genius who

could always challenge those stronger than him.

Likewise, he was sure that Trent and his brother could beat Thaddeus to a pulp. The Axe Gang had

seized their moment of glory, which Trent and his brother were both determined to make the best use


Maybe, Nicholas was the only member of this team about whom he wasn't fully convinced. Especially,

since his opponent - Marcus, the first vice-leader of the Panther Gang, was as powerful as him. But

Ricky knew Nicholas would try his very best. In addition, it didn't make any difference whether Marcus

would win the battle. After all, what difference would it make if he won a single battle, when his gang

was already licking their wounds?

'Forget about that for the time being, ' Ricky thought to himself. The task at hand was more important.

'I'll have to take it one step at a time, ' he decided. Then turning to the warriors of the Panther Gang, he

offered, "Now, I will give you another choice. You either leave that damn gang of yours or die! The

choice is yours."

The cold look on his face alone was enough to send a shiver through the warriors of the Panther Gang.

Already, he had proved his power and influence. Just in case anyone doubted his intentions, the

lifeless bodies of the two young masters from the Shen Clan were still in sight. But he conducted

himself with great restraint, showing mercy, on the odd chance that these warriors would surrender.

After all, he wasn't that kind of man addicted to killing. For as long as the criminal elements were

eliminated, he'd keep it as civil as possible. But that did not mean he'd be soft on anyone who posed a

threat to peace in any form.

Hearing Ricky's words, all the warriors of the Panther Gang dropped their weapons and ran for their

lives, colliding like inanimate objects, some stumbling, crashing to the ground and picking themselves

up as quickly as possible. Outside the gate, they had no time to check the direction. All they knew was

to keep running forward without stopping for anything, without looking back.

At this time, a group of people came forward. In front were Trent and Bastian carrying a severed head

in hand. Ricky guessed it must be the head of Thaddeus'.

"Leader, it seems that a great battle has taken place here!" Trent said with a smile while he was

observing the mess around and feeling the aura hanging in the air like a heavy ominous cloud.

"Yes, if you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have been overwhelmed by the power of our

Leader Russell. The two young masters from Shen Clan, powerful warriors at the fifth grade of Bone

Reinforcement, united to fight our leader. See what has become of them? Two lifeless bodies, burnt

beyond recognition!"

A warrior exclaimed excitedly.

As Trent and Bastian turned to look where the excited soldier pointed, they were jolted. There on the

ground lay two corpses, charred to a black sooty mess.

Even to a battle hardened soldier, the sight was frightening. As they looked at Ricky now, they were

filled with awe.

They had heard Tyson harping on about Ricky's power. They thought Ricky's power was merely at the

inferior fifth grade of Bone Reinforcement. However, their perception had immediately changed. How

could Ricky so easily kill two experienced warriors beyond his level without the slightest injury in

return? They were awestruck.

No wonder, Tyson had mentioned something about Ricky concealing his real strength by taking certain

pills. He had fooled them into believing he was just an ordinary warrior at the second grade of Bone


"It was just by a fluke of fate! The two young masters from the Shen Clan were too arrogant and

underestimated their enemy. Otherwise, I am not sure whether I can hold out till you come," Ricky said

with a smile.

"Leader, you are being too modest!" Trent and his brother replied.

Then they put down Thaddeus' severed head.

Soon, Tyson came back as well with a group of warriors behind him. He too was carrying a severed

head in his hand. Obviously, it was the head of Abner, the leader of the Panther Gang.

However, Tyson was not in a good state now. The clothes on his body were torn. He had sustained

some injuries. Worried, Ricky had to quickly examine him. Luckily, the injuries were all superficial.

There was nothing major.

"How are you feeling now?" Ricky asked with deep concern.

With his characteristic smile, Tyson reassured him, "Well, you don't have to worry! There's nothing the

Panther Gang's leader can do to me. But he was quite powerful. It surely wasn't a walk in the park," he

added, now looking reflective.

"I'm glad that you're fine!" Ricky nodded, "Now, Nicholas is the only one missing."

"He has already finished with Marcus," Tyson said.

"Seems you're quite sure about that? Then where is he now?" Ricky wondered, although he was

confident that his team was wining on all fronts.

"He has left with his branch of people. If I'm right, he's afraid of being attacked by us after this fight,"

Tyson said.

"That's quite understandable. After all we have very little to do with each other except for this thing.

Nobody would truly believe someone else in around this region," Ricky said.

"To show his sincerity, he had told us the location of the Panther Gang's Treasure Tower before he left.

I had it checked, and what he said was true!" Tyson added.

"Perhaps, he did so just in order to save his life. After all, we scare the bejesus out of him. In his heart

of hearts, he knows we are the wrong guys to mess with." Ricky nodded in agreement.

"Russell, that guy looks good to me. So before he left, I let him and his branch of people take away a

quarter of the resources and gold coins from the Treasure Tower. Will you blame me for this?" Tyson

said, a little embarrassed.

"Tyson, you regarded me as an outsider in this way. Now that we are brothers, I will gladly abide by

your decision. I will have no objection!" Ricky smiled.

"Ha-ha, you are really something to me!" Tyson laughed excitedly.

"Well, next we should go to the Ghost Gang to help Kristen. Trent, I'll leave everything here under the

two of you. Thank you for your efforts!" Ricky said.

"Rest assured, we will hold the fort for you while you're away!" Trent and his brother both nodded their

heads and promised in unison.

Without further ado, Ricky and Tyson then prepared to leave.

But just as they lifted the soles of their feet, a familiar figure came rushing to them. At once, they both

knew it was Kristen.

Kristen instantly arrived. Studying the place, she asked, "Am I too late for a piece of the action? Oh my

bad. You guys solved everything so fast!"

"Kristen, how is everything going for you?" Ricky was a little worried about her, because she came

back a little faster than they had thought.

"Just as Nicholas said, the Ghost Gang planned to take actions, but not on today. They didn't have the

slightest clue we would attack them today. And they didn't even know I would go there secretly," Kristen


"When I sneaked into their leader's room, the old man was sloshed. I killed him with no effort at all. As

for those three vice-leaders, they were just too weak to be mentioned.

By the way, I even made a breakthrough just now, and then came here.

It seems that we think too highly of these two gangs. I think we don't need to do anything tomorrow.

The Ghost Gang will spiral downward into chaos, all by themselves."

"Hmm.., Kristen, that's because you are simply too powerful for any of them!" Ricky smiled.

In admiration of her success, Tyson and the other warriors smiled from ear to ear.

"You are just flattering me!"

Right now, joy among them was palpable.


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