Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 163 Confronting Ivan

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This time, the severe pain was not able to shake Ricky any more. Ricky had literally been numb to the

severe pain he should have felt. The blazing flame was not burning Ricky. It was instead burning the

thick layers of blood that covered him.

Reinforced by the two Supreme Skills, Ricky's mortal body was rapidly developing with every second.

After four hours of that burning intensity, the energy inside Ricky finally rose up again. A dim blue light

bloomed instantly. It reached its zenith, and then immediately was replaced by brighter blue light. The

brightness was not too overwhelming, but out of the energy of the explosion, the power was completely

beyond the Fifth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula.

At that moment, Ricky had completely broken through to the Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body

Refining Formula.

Covered by that blue energy, the bloodstains on Ricky disappeared after burning off. All of it cracked off

and a new layer of skin was born. Under the blue light the new skin was so glorious.

Ricky's hair was long and thin but much more elegant than before while his angular face had become

more inviting and handsome. Ricky was like a newborn in that moment and the explosive power that

was like an avalanche was swirling within him and affecting every part of him.

On the ninth stair, Ricky could no longer feel the burning pain he had felt before.

Growl! There was a gurgling growling sound, but it wasn't from any sort of beast, it was from Ricky's

hungry stomach.

After a few days of hard work, he was really starving.

However, for him, the ninth stair was a natural barbecue platform. He took out a large piece of flesh

from the storage bag, and soon after cooking it, he began to devour it.

After a satisfying meal, Ricky came out of the platform and put on his robe again.

In the light of the platform, Ricky entered another space, which was a huge battle platform that was

covered on all sides by flames.

The flames were not ordinary flames. They were instead made up of various kinds of Beast Fires.

Seeing the Beast Fires, the Chaotic Fire Zone was immediately in eager, and couldn't wait to swallow

all of them.

'These must be the Beast Fires that have not been claimed!' Ricky thought to himself.

"After so many days, I didn't expect to see you coming out of the channel. It seems your fate to be

killed by me, Ivan!" a voice called out, surprising Ricky.

Immediately, Ricky looked over to the sound and saw Ivan on the battle platform.

'Ivan went through the Ninth Platform!' Ricky thought in surprise. Ricky was in such disbelief because

he never thought anyone but himself could pass through the stairs.

He also knew how difficult it was to pass through. It was even impossible for the first grade warrior of

Bone Reinforcement to pass through. He would already be dead if not for the Nine-degree Body

Refining Formula and his two Supreme Skills

'It seems that I underestimated Ivan. Any person who is able to achieve a level like that, at the same

time in the martial arts and casting, can't be average.'

It was more surprising to Ivan than it was to Ricky. Only he knew what price had to be paid to cross

through the nine stairs.

Although Ricky was a few days later than Ivan, it looked like the ninth stair did not cause any harm to

him. Moreover, he had a feeling that Ricky's energy had improved a lot since he had seen him last.

"Ivan, I was taken aback by that fact, too. It doesn't really matter though. Since the nine stairs didn't kill

you, I will just have to take care of you!" Ricky said coldly.

"Ha-ha, what a rude and shameless boast!" Ivan said with a disdainful laugh, "You really think you can

frighten me? You naive boy!"

"Come and see how serious I am!" Ricky said.

Bang! Bang! In the next moment they stopped talking altogether and their vigorous energy built and

rose to the surface of their bodies. It didn't matter if the hatred they held for each other was old or new;

it fueled them enough for thousands of battles.

Just in the beginning of the collision of energy, Ricky directly broke out the Fifth Degree of Nine-degree

Body Refining Formula. He couldn't look down on people who were able to pass the nine stairs despite

everything else.

Ricky was half covered with flame and his other half was covered in ice. Ricky intended to, for this time,

mix the power of the two attributes together.

The black energy, meanwhile, rose from Ivan's body. It mixed with white flames, gray flames, and the

smell of death. Venom spread out and it made Ricky feel like being stared at by the snake in the


'What a horrible atmosphere! it is making me feel being oppressed. Ivan is such a bad-ass! This battle,

no doubt, will be like a diamond cutting a diamond, ' Ricky thought.

"Bring it! I want you to impress me. You little genius without a complete spiritual meridian!" Ivan

laughed coldly. His eyes were full of a great malice.

At that moment, all Ivan's breathing and expressions gave out one message. Every bit of him was

exuding a force of subtle malice.

"After this battle, problems between you and me will be completely solved. I don't have the habit of

taking advantage and taking the first move, so the advantage is yours now!" Ricky said.

"You are so dead, you arrogant boaster!" Ivan said maliciously.

Right then, there was no need to waste time. Before one could see what was happening, Ivan

disappeared so fast that one could see the shadow he left where he had been standing, while his body

was already ten yards up in the sky.

"Multiple Shadow Kicks!"

With a loud battle-cry, Ivan's body rolled in the air. His right leg had endless spiritual energy gathered

around it. He slammed his leg directly down on Ricky.

As his leg was coming down, the black spiritual energy actually showed the shadow of dozens of legs.

For a moment, Ricky could not tell the real leg from the illusions of it!

"Since I can't tell, I will just ignore it," Ricky mumbled. "So, I will freeze them all together!

Ice Cage Fingers-Double Cage Fingers!"

Immediately, the frosty power around Ricky rose up and rushed into his right hand. Then, Ricky pointed

two fingers out at the dozens of shadows of the leg.

Immediately, the two tracks of energy collided fiercely. Dozens of black shadows directly crushed the

energy of Ricky's Double Cage Fingers. Countless tiny ice blocks burst open, but that was not the end

of it. The ice blocks instantly came around and frozen the shadows. Then, they were broken again,

dissolving the energy of the smash from the dozens of shadows.

"Good moves, but not good enough to stop me!" Ivan sniffed. As he said that, his figure came out from

behind the broken blocks. His body was rotating at a high speed. A solid kick straightly smashed down

toward the center of Ricky's face.

"Hmm, my purpose was to destroy the shadows!" Ricky said coldly. As he said that his infernal power

was rising. There was a roaring sound and a fist of flame punched out

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next second, the leg and the flame fist collided. All of a sudden, the strong waves from the

collision filled the platform and then swept out all the flames that were on the platform.


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