Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1177 Get It

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"You should have listened to me. I already told you that I could easily kill you!" Ricky sneered, looking

pleased as Fitch threw a useless fit. Fitch's empty words couldn't help him now.

After the golden light pervaded, Ricky instantly turned into a huge palm and crushed Fitch into the

ground. Six kinds of runes formed a cage and imprisoned Fitch, rendering him trapped and helpless.

After the shock, people could not stop their big mouths from flapping. "I can't believe it. If Kenney broke

out his Massacring Mutant at the beginning, I'm afraid that Fitch would have only lost faster."

"Yeah, he is indeed quite capable. No wonder he could kill the Yellow Water Emperor in an instant!"

"But I am really curious. How will he deal with Hutton and the other two middle spiritual emperors from

the Flame Valley?

He could defeat Fitch easily but what about those three?"

Swish! While the flurry of whispers and hissed conversations grew louder, the void on Ricky's sides

suddenly cracked, and the two huge palms forcefully rallied down and rushed directly toward Ricky.

'It must be the two middle spiritual emperors who are attacking him!' all the warriors thought to

themselves when they saw this.

As the dust settled around them and the visibility improved, they saw the two middle spiritual emperors

of the Flame Valley standing behind these two huge palms.

"Humph!" Ricky snorted condescendingly as if he didn't care about the two huge palms rushing after

him. To the spectators, they thought the huge palms were too strong to be resisted, but Ricky only

scoffed at them with disdain, while his large palm ignored them and continued to suppress Fitch.

Boom! At that critical moment, two water spiritual fingers sprang up from Ricky's body and collided with

the two gigantic palms separately.

It was more like a complete crushing than a collision.

When the two fingers collided with the two palms, the latter immediately collapsed. However, the

fingers didn't dissolve afterward, and they went on to pierce through the two middle spiritual emperors.

When the power of the fingers ran through them, it instantly destroyed the souls of these two middle

spiritual emperors.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The two middle spiritual emperors died even before they

realized what was happening.

However, the battle was not over yet.

The two fingers combined into one and merged into the space in an instant, and then Hutton's figure

appeared behind this very space. However, at this moment, the only thing people could see in his face

was fear and despair.

There was no time for him to resist the fingers or roar at all. He was struck by the fingers too, and his

soul was instantly destroyed.

The surrounding warriors were utterly shocked by this shocking scene, and they looked like they had

just seen pigs flying and hell freezing over. The whole space was deathly quiet as if everyone was still

in a daze.

It was so quiet that they didn't even notice when Ricky finally killed Fitch.

They were still in a shocked stupor even after Ricky had finished putting the dead bodies of Hutton,

Fitch, and the two middle spiritual emperors into his Devourer Zone.

Then, he checked in one of Hutton's spiritual space tools and found the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb. It

was an eight-leaf herb that had a grayish-green pallor.

"It's the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb! I finally got it!" Ricky said excitedly. "I've already exhausted the

power of Doris' mutant. I'm glad I finally got this!"

"Ricky, we need to leave now. If the spiritual emperors of the Moon Dragon Palace and the Star Tiger

Palace take action now, we won't be able to escape," Amelia warned Ricky worriedly.

"Don't worry. They have lost their guts!" Ricky flippantly answered, waving her concern away.

And he was actually right. When the warriors of the two forces realized what had happened, they

immediately backed off so fast that they almost fell on top of each other.

There were upper spiritual emperors in both forces, so they could tell that the water spiritual fingers that

Ricky summoned were full of Demi-sage Level power.

On top of that, Hutton had died without any resistance. That was the best proof of how powerful Ricky


In this case, they didn't dare to think of killing Ricky, and they could only hope that he would not go after

them. They didn't have the time and energy to doubt where Ricky's Demi-sage Level power came from,

for they were too busy being terrified of him.

The warriors who had seen what happened could only look at Ricky with awe, curiosity, and fear.

At this moment, they also began to wonder about how powerful Ricky's master was. Was his master a

demi-saint or a real saint?

They finally understood that Ricky was not a simple man.

And they also realized that Ricky was telling the truth right from the start. It was the Flame Valley that

was seeking death and not him.

Ricky didn't care about what these warriors thought. Once he had the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb in his

hand, he immediately left. As for his destination, it was, without doubt, the Wind-Mountain Alliance.

Since the Wind-Mountain Alliance had offered the use of their Transmission Array, he planned to go to

the Middle Land directly with their help.

On the other hand, the warriors who witnessed the fight began sharing the news with others, and soon,

Ricky's story had spread everywhere like wildfire. People were saying that the Flame Valley had

offended a Demi-sage Level force at the very least.

Meanwhile, Kenney was welcomed by the Wind-Mountain Alliance with open arms.

"Kenney, I have underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have a demi-saint behind you!" Edie

exclaimed in surprise, as they met inside the Wind-Mountain Alliance's palace once again.

"Ha-ha! You would know whether I have a master at the Demi-sage Level behind me. I won't hide such

a thing from you, Edie!" Ricky answered with a laugh.

"Ha-ha, you are very honest!" replied Edie, giving Ricky a disarming smile.

"I have no choice but to be frank with you. After all, it is you who have a demi-saint behind you." Ricky

smiled. "I want to confirm that you will not help the Flame Valley to take the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb

away from me, right?"

"As long as it has been auctioned, it does not belong to our Wind Mountain Alliance anymore. So we

will not do anything more about it," answered Edie reassuringly.

"Thank you for that. Anyway, I came here to cash in my favor. I want to go to the Middle Land now, so

can you lend me the Transmission Array of your Wind-Mountain Alliance?" Ricky didn't beat around the

bush and told Edie what he came here for immediately.

"You know, a promise is a promise, and I would not dare break my promise to you. But I'm afraid that

you have to wait for about two more months," Edie answered, flashing Ricky an awkward smile this


"What do you mean?" Ricky's voice turned cold when he heard this.

"It takes a lot of resources to transfer from here to the Middle Land. And we have to take these

resources seriously, so our two saints have set the rule that the Transmission Array only opens every

half a year.

There are still two months left before it will be opened the next time."

"Is that so?" Ricky said coldly, obviously displeased. "Well, I am leaving then."

Of course, he didn't believe Edie. Even if it was true that the Transmission Array would open in two

months, he didn't want to wait because that would waste a lot of his time. Hell, he could pass through

the endless mountain by taking advantage of the Massacring Zone in those two months!

"Why? You don't even want to wait for two months?" Edie said anxiously after seeing that Ricky was

about to leave.

"I don't have a demi-saint following me. Compared with the demi-saints of the Wind-Mountain Alliance,

the power I used to kill the three spiritual emperors of the Flame Valley is not that strong, though it was

also at the Demi-sage Level," Ricky replied with a frown.

"Therefore, the longer I stay here, the more dangerous it will be for me.

I'd better leave while I can still intimidate those forces."

"I can make sure that you'll be safe in the Wind-Mountain Alliance in those two months," Edie

reassured him hurriedly, seemingly alarmed now that Ricky was about to leave.

"I will never accept a reward that I haven't earned. Besides, I can't believe those I don't know very well."

Ricky smiled disarmingly. Meanwhile, in his mind, he had already connected to the Massacring Zone.

If something unexpected happened, he would enter the Massacring Zone directly.

With his current strength, even the sealing power of the upper spiritual emperors couldn't stop him from

entering the Massacring Zone, unless they were demi-saints.

Seeing that Ricky was truly about to leave, Edie had no other choice. His shoulders drooped helplessly,

as he blurted out, "Okay, you win. I will tell you the truth!"


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