Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 255 Devouring Strike

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The strong and powerful sword-light swept through the air. The whole place was covered by the smite.

People who were far away from the battle could also feel the power.

The strikes seemed to combine, coming toward Ricky with an incredible murderous force. It was scary

to even imagine if Ricky could take that blow.

'The momentum from this cultivation method is so powerful. Though it looks simple, it's surprising how

the warriors manage to strike from every direction. It leaves the opponent no place to hide nor find an

escape. I'll have to take the bull by the horns, '

Ricky thought to himself as he watched the fierce display of power.

Eyes lighting up with keen interest, he badly wished he could master this cultivation method.

Although it was a sword cultivation method and needed two people to practice, Ricky believed that with

the power of his two zones, he would be able to transform this set of sword method into his saber


Now, although the power looked intimidating, Ricky was not afraid at all.


The waves of spiritual energy swept across the field. Ricky channeled the force of roaring flames

combined with the devouring runes.

Given the dreadful force of every strike, Ricky would have to use a completely different way to fight

back. He decided to use the devouring power to resist their strike and eliminate the threat via his

Devourer Zone.

The scarlet runes started spreading and formed into so many bloody mouths sticking with the Iron

Destroyer, which seemed to tear the saber apart.

Then Ricky's eyes turned the color of blood, flashing with beams as if he had two powerful torches.

While at it, he waved his saber with all his might.

To be precise, he didn't just simply swing the saber. It was something more. In essence he was using

an intense and calculated movement that formed by endless devouring runes.

This was Ricky's best Devouring Skill move so far. For the very first time he had maximized all the

power of this zone.

Such an impressive performance, given that he knew very little about the tactic. "Devouring Strike," he

named the move for the time being, and he was determined to learn it until he mastered everything to


Maybe when he fully comprehended it, he would know the true name of this move from the Devourer

Zone. But what was the use of a name? The most important thing was that he was enjoying the tactic

and he'd make the best of it.

Already, he could feel effectiveness of the move. Without a shadow of doubt, he knew this could have a

devastating effect on any opponent.

In particular, this move channeled tremendous devouring power.

All that the opponents could see when Ricky struck them would seem like minimal collision or strong

spiritual forces. Apparently, only endless devouring runes that surged through their swords. But the

damage would be cataclysmic.

While he was engrossed, all the runes and the strike of the sword suddenly ceased. The whole field

went deathly still.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

"What's... what's going on?" They all murmured confusion. The Shen brothers in particular were in a

daze as to how the strike that they channeled had fizzled out.

'So this is true? The devouring runes could immediately transfer the strike to the Devourer Zone!' In

contrast to his confused opponents, Ricky was very excited.

In the meantime, the power of their strike was eliminating in the Devourer Zone.

This was how the Devouring Strike worked. It could transfer formidable power to wherever you directed


'If I fully perfect this move, it would be one of my best cards, ' Ricky thought to himself. This was one

tactic he had never thought of, but now it was working so smoothly.

Of course, there were two reasons. First, the Shen brothers hadn't expected he could make this

extremely powerful move. They underestimated him and took him on as though he was a mere novice.

Pride was their undoing.

Secondly, their power was way bellow Ricky's level. Even if they had done their best, they'd still have

needed a miracle of sorts to overpower him.

"It seems that your so-called powerful method of sword is bullshit!" Ricky mocked them when he saw

how dumbfounded they were.

"What kind of freaky shit did you use?!" Craig growled in a low voice.

"Do you expect me to answer that? Go to hell!" Ricky grinned, "You're done with your swords; now you

should taste the power of my fist!"

Boom! The next moment, Ricky's force of roaring flame surged like a big, dangerous beast. A wounded

beast breathing fire and charging for the fight of its life. With his body moving like a cannonball, he

stumped and struck.

"Fire Cloud Fist—Furious Fire Fist!"

In a moment, he took back his Iron Destroyer and channeled the first level of the Fire Cloud Fist. He

formed a huge fire cloud that he hurled at the brothers.

When they saw his fist coming, they stopped hesitating and summoned their most powerful spiritual

energy to the silver sword to block him.

Bang, Bang!

The deafening collision of weapons reverberated through the air. The crushing force of his punches

falling hard against their silver swords. With intense sparks of fire, he caught the brothers back. With a

thud, they landed awkwardly several meters away.

As they hit the ground, they spat blood, their chests burning like they had hot coals for lungs. The clang

of their silver swords lingered in the air for what seemed like an eternity.

"How can it be! The strength of this guy's body refinement is quite unbelievable. How could he crush

our swords so easily as though they were a child's plaything?" baffled Ashton blurted, his face deathly


"And those strange scarlet runes made little of our strike in flash. He got a lot of secrets!" As he spoke,

Craig badly wished he could acquire Ricky's powers.

"Wow. I'm impressed! With that fierce fists, you guys just spat out a little blood. I may have

underestimated you," said Ricky disdainfully, towering over them, legs apart, arms akimbo.

But after a moment's thought, his expression changed a contemplative one. These two were not easy

to deal with. The power of their cultivation method would double when they combine forces. He'd have

to be careful about about that.

"Another hell of a fight, I like it!" Ricky thought to himself.

"Don't be too arrogant, Russell! The power you channeled just now actually relies on your level of body

refinement, method of cultivation, and the strange runes. Well, now you'll see how we crush you!" Craig

growled when heard Ricky.

"Wrath Spirit Attack!"


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