Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1117 Meeting The Saint

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The voice trailed away into the darkness, and a woman robed in black came out. She walked with the

grace of a queen, as she stood in front of the members of the Nether Manor.

The woman was tall and devilishly beautiful. Her pupils were abnormally black as if they were full to the

brim with evil.

The cold expression on her face didn't decrease her beauty, though. Instead, it made her more


Intangible magic was flowing from her body, and she exuded a queenly aura. It was as if she was the

center of the whole world. With a start, Ricky realized that he had felt such aura once before, way back

when Pearl had activated the Feminine Mutant.

Everyone present was surprised at the sight of the woman. They couldn't believe that she was the one

Norris was asking for help from, because judging by the power she emitted, she was only a one-star

lower spiritual emperor.

'Is she the pill refiner behind Norris?' Ricky wondered in confusion. If that were the case, it was time for

all of these to come to an end.

It didn't matter to him how excellent the girl's pill refining skills were; she could not change anything as

long as she was merely a one-star lower spiritual emperor.

But somehow, Ricky felt that things were not that simple.

And what happened in the next moment proved him right.

The moment the woman stood out from the crowd, she clapped her hands, and a small evil tree

sprouted out in front of her.

From the evil tree, another figure walked out.

It was obviously a mutant instead of a body with blood and flesh. And as soon as it showed up, it drew

the attention of all the warriors present.

The mutant looked like a middle-aged warrior.

He flicked his finger, and three rays of evil spirit shot out and collided against the Holy Platane Stakes.

The evil spirit defeated the Holy Platane Stakes with ease, and made them retreat to Ricky's side.

All the people watched in shocked silence.

The Holy Platane Stakes were able to defeat Norris, which showed just how powerful they were. And

now a mutant was able to defeat the Holy Platane Stakes with one attack, and that showed how

powerful the mutant's real body was.

After the mutant appeared, Ricky quickly retreated, because he knew that the mutant was too powerful

for them to fight. None of them expected this to happen, and in fact, it was above and beyond their


There was silence all around.

All eyes were fixed on the woman and the mutant. As for Norris, he was standing behind the woman

like a docile sheep.

"My Lady!" The mutant bowed to the woman respectfully after repelling the Holy Palatane Stakes.

Ricky and his companions were once again surprised when they heard how the mutant addressed the


'My Lady? This woman must have a special identity!' Ricky thought to himself seriously.

"Ricky, did Norris call her name just now? Did you still remember that name?" the Dragon Intent Grass

asked Ricky telepathically.

"Yes, he called her Lady Queenie!" Ricky answered, hoping that the grass knew something about the


"It seems that the things here are not as simple as we thought," the Dragon Intent Grass said in a low


"What do you mean?" Ricky asked.

"My intuition told me that this woman might be from the Murong Clan. It is a direct line of human devils.

Yes! I'm sure of it! This woman must come from the direct line of descent of human devils," the Dragon

Intent Grass explained. "Judging by the great power of her follower, she must have a high position

among human devils."

"If that is the case, there is no need for her to come to the Eastern Land, right? But why did she appear

here now?" Ricky asked doubtfully.

"Who knows? Maybe she came to have some fun," the grass replied.

"So, what should we do now?" Ricky asked at this point, as he had no idea what to do next.

"Actually, things will be much easier this way. Since this mutant has appeared, the Wood Saint will

have a sufficient reason to show up and deal with them. We don't need to do anything but wait.

Unfortunately, it looks like you still can't kill Norris this time."

The Dragon Intent Grass sounded apologetic about this, as Ricky's face turned gloomy.

"Kill them!" The woman's shout brought Ricky back to the present, as her voice was murderous and


The mutant heard the woman's order, which put him between a rock and a hard place. That was

because by coming here, the mutant had already crossed the border. And if he killed people here, it

was very likely that he would bring unnecessary trouble to the human devils.

"My Lady, this..."

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal to kill a few people," the woman said coldly. "How dares he defeat the

people that I trained?! He deserves to die because he has upset me. You can let the others go but not


The woman stared at Ricky as she spoke, her tone dripping with hatred and killing intent.

As far as she could remember, it was also Ricky who had ruined Norris' plan three years ago.

"As you wish, My Lady, but I will only kill this one!" the mutant replied helplessly.

Then, his momentum swept toward Ricky, and it would take him only a second to turn Ricky into ashes.

Thankfully, someone interfered.

"Sir, don't you think it is inappropriate for you to do this here?"

As the Dragon Intent Grass expected, the Wood Saint showed up and blocked the mutant's attack with

his power.

The surrounding warriors were once again shocked when they saw the Wood Saint. They could feel

that he was also very powerful, but they only had a vague idea.

Their guess was proved correct when the Wood Saint took back the Holy Platane Stakes.

'This man was the one who was controlling those three wooden stakes!' the warriors thought to

themselves with awe.


You're the saint guardian!" the mutant said coldly. He could readily pinpoint who the Wood Saint was

because his strength was quite singular.

"Sir, this is none of your business," the woman said to the Wooden Saint unhappily. She, of course,

knew what a saint guardian was. The look in her eyes had changed from anger to cold and calculating


The appearance of the saint guardian was a massive blow to her plan after all.

She could not just let what happened today go. She was determined to seek retribution.

"Lady Queenie, I'm sorry but I didn't mean to offend you. However, this is my duty as a saint guardian. I

don't think you should get involved in anything here in the Eastern Land," said the Wood Saint.

"How dare you challenge me?!" The woman's temper suddenly erupted like a deadly volcano.

Her follower looked wary of her flaring temper, though he bravely didn't flinch.

"Elder, just ignore him. Even though he is a saint, he is still not a match against a mutant like you,

right?" the woman ordered, insisting.

"But, My Lady, this..." the mutant muttered quietly, still trying to reason with the woman.

But he didn't get to finish his words. He must have switched to speaking with the woman telepathically.

At this moment, the Wood Saint's face had visibly darkened, as he watched his opponent's movements


The woman was right. Even though his opponent was only a mutant, the mutant would be able to

defeat a saint like him.

Fortunately, it looked like the woman's rage had cooled after a while, so whatever the mutant said to

her must have worked wonders.

"Fine. Since you won't allow us to interfere in the matters of the Eastern Land, I will solve this problem

myself," the woman said to the Wood Saint with a smirk afterward. Then, she turned to Ricky, eyeing

him like she wanted to eat him whole.

"Your name is Ricky, right? I know what you did in the Eastern Land, and I know that you're the central

figure among your group. So, let's settle this matter with just you and me," the woman proposed.

"Oh? That does sound interesting, but how do you want to settle the matter?" Ricky asked curiously.

He didn't want the mutant to fight either because he had seen from the Wood Saint's expression that

he was at a disadvantage when facing the mutant. Thus, Ricky needed to deal with this matter himself.

"It's simple. You and I will fight, and if you win, I won't interfere in anything here. But if you lose, you

have to disappear from the Eastern Land, just like you did three years ago," the woman said



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