Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1171 His Trick

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Many warriors had expected that Ricky would take this Sage Level treasure, for they all knew that the

Flame Valley wouldn't want to spend too many cultivation resources on a something that was of no use

to them.

"Amelia, after things are over here, I will help you refine it," Ricky promised Amelia once the Aquatic

Fruit was in their hands.

In response, Amelia could not stop the bright smile that flashed across her face. She enthusiastically

nodded, pleased with Ricky's promise. "Thank you!"

"Oh, don't be so courteous to me!" He could not help the answering smile that automatically made its

way to his lips.

Then, Ricky sent the cultivating resources to the manservant who had brought him the fruit.

However, the manservant didn't take the resources. "Our deacon said that he sent you this fruit as a

gift," the man revealed tonelessly.

Ricky and his companions were surprised to hear the news.

"I really don't understand; what on earth does Edie want from you? Does he really have a crush on

you?" the Dragon Intent Grass said.

"Dragon Intent Grass, if you have time to make a joke, why don't you think about what Edie really

wants?" Ricky replied.

"Do you think Edie has found out about your real identity? Maybe that is why he is trying to cozy up to

you!" the Dragon Intent Grass speculated.

"I don't think my story has reached this endless mountain yet," Ricky responded negatively.

Meanwhile, he turned back to the manservant and answered,

"Please express my thanks to him for me. I appreciate his kindness, but I can't accept a reward when I

have not done anything to merit it yet. Please take my cultivation resources!"

After all, it was not always a good thing to take advantage of others without any reason.

At this point, the auction was now in full swing, and the better items were starting to be brought out.

The next auction item—Chaotic Sword Intent Herb was to be auctioned soon.

"Everyone, lend me your eyes! I will now show you the last items to be auctioned. And the first will be

the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb!" At this time, the warrior who was in charge of the auction had also

become very excited.

The other spectators were even more excited, as the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb was an exceedingly

rare treasure. It was superior to any Treasures from Heaven and Earth at Sage Level, and it could

scarcely be found.

The warriors around sighed deeply in admiration, as they were well-aware that they didn't have any

chance to get it.

"The Chaotic Sword Intent Herb finally appeared!" Ricky said seriously in his private box.

The Chaotic Sword Intent Herb was an herb that could only grow in the Fake Chaotic Space. It

contained two kinds of powers— the chaotic power and the intent power. And if a creature cultivated

the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, his Intent Apperception would be increased infinitely.

It was commonly known that even for the spiritual emperors, the Intent Apperception was a very

precious comprehension. It might take decades or even hundreds of years for them to comprehend it.

If spiritual emperors like Ricky obtained the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, it would be very likely that they

had opened a door to a deeper understanding of the Intent Apperception, which saved much time for

them invisibly.

As for Ricky, it was not only the Intent Apperception that he would benefit from but also the chaotic

power. With the help of the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, he had a great chance to improve his chaotic

power to a tenth of the primitive power.

Once his chaotic power reached one-tenth of the primitive power, he would definitely be one of the

strongest spiritual emperors in terms of strength just by using the chaotic power.

To top it off, he also owned the chromatic energy. No one in the continent could be more powerful than

him concerning the essence of power then if he got the said herb.

"Chaotic Sword Intent Herb!" At this moment, all the warriors in the private boxes exploded in an

uproar, as all of them salivated over the precious item.

The tension in the auction hall thickened in an instant, so it was unimaginable how high the tension

would be later on when better items were brought out.

"Everyone, let's begin. The principle is still the same; the person with the highest price offered will

obtain the treasure!" the warrior in charge of the auction announced again, which signaled them to start


In just a minute, the price of the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb had reached two hundred zones of

cultivation resources.

"The Wind-Mountain Alliance is really extraordinary! They even have the luxury to auction off the

Chaotic Sword Intent Herb. If they use it to cultivate their own warriors, it can cultivate a spiritual

emperor!" the Dragon Intent Grass murmured admiringly.

"Obviously, what they obtained is not a mere Chaotic Sword Intent Herb," replied Ricky knowingly. "And

the cultivation resources they will get from the actions are already enough for them to cultivate two

spiritual emperors." "You are right.

Next, let's see how high the price of this Chaotic Sword Intent Herb will reach!"

While Ricky was speaking to the Dragon Intent Grass through telepathy, the price of the Chaotic Sword

Intent Herb had reached a whopping five hundred zones of cultivation resources.

Of course, very few people could participate in such high-level bidding.

At this point, only three private boxes were competing, one of which was no doubt the Flame Valley.

Ricky had learned more about the forces inside the other two private boxes through the other warriors'

discussion. They were two forces that were as powerful and influential as the Flame Valley—the Moon

Dragon Palace and the Star Tiger Palace.

"Six hundred zones of cultivation resources!" It seemed that the Flame Valley was getting serious, as

Hutton offered another bid and added one hundred zones.

Hearing this, all the warriors around could not help the astonished gasps that left their mouths. "It

seems that the Flame Valley is determined to get the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb.

The six hundred zones of cultivation resources at King Level are definitely enough to cultivate two

spiritual emperors!" some warriors exclaimed.

"The leader of the Flame Valley is a genius in swordsmanship who cultivates the fire element. It is likely

that he wants to make a breakthrough with the help of the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb. Once he makes

a breakthrough, his strength will be increased greatly and he will likely become the top upper spiritual


the other warriors also speculated.

"Well, since the leader of the Flame Valley is determined to get the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, we, the

Moon Dragon Palace, decide to quit." As soon as the Flame Valley offered their new price, the people

of the Moon Dragon Palace were discouraged. They decided to quit instead, and in that way ensured a

good relationship with the Flame Valley as well.

"We also quit!" At the same time, the warriors of the Star Tiger Palace also decided to quit.

For these two great forces, the problem was not that they had no resources to compete, but they didn't

want to compete anymore. If they kept on competing, they would definitely offend the Flame Valley.

Instead, they consoled themselves with the thought that the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb was not the

only item in the auction, and they could still obtain other, better items later on.

If the Flame Valley had obtained the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, then they would have less money to

compete for the next items later.

"Thank you so much, my friends. I will certainly make sure that our leader hears about your kindness

once I get back to the Flame Valley, and we will pay you back for that," Hutton gratefully remarked,

thanking the two forces for not bidding more and increasing the price as a result.

After all, if the two forces bid more, the Flame Valley would have to bid higher and higher. In that case,

they would have to pay more to get the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb.

"It is our pleasure!" The two forces gave the humble reply.

They were probably happy deep inside, but they controlled their emotions well enough so that they

wouldn't look like beggars looking for scraps from the Flame Valley.

Meanwhile, the warrior in charge of the auction asked excitedly, "Does anyone else have a higher


With six hundred zones of cultivation resources, the Wind-Mountain Alliance had earned a lot of

money, so he was very excited.

Of course, no one answered.

But as he was about to announce that the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb belonged to the Flame Valley,

something unexpected happened.

'Well, I can't turn down this opportunity to play with the Flame Valley. Let's see how you like it when

you're the one being played with,' Ricky sneered in his heart.

The next moment, a Shadowy Replication appeared and entered the Massacring Zone. Then it rushed

quickly to the private box where the Flame Valley was in.

"Ricky, why did you send your Shadowy Replication there?" Amelia said, a little confused.

"I want to know how many cultivation resources the Flame Valley has brought here. I'll make sure that

they use up all their cultivation resources this time," answered Ricky with a wicked smile.

Then, he declared in a loud voice, "I will offer six hundred and fifty zones of cultivation



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