Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1173 A Tusk

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Wild laughter echoed in the auction hall, brightening the hall's aura. The place was rowdy with hooting

and laughter, except for one place—the Flame Valley's private box.

In the background, they could hear the sound of furniture breaking, someone spluttering in disbelief,

and outraged shouting.

Many warriors present could imagine the faces of the four Flame Valley members at that moment, and

it just made them laugh harder.

The laughter died down soon enough, and the warriors began to speculate and discuss thoughtfully.

"Who on earth is this white-haired young man? He must have known how many cultivation resources

the Flame Valley had brought with them today. But how did he find out?" some of them asked.

"Yes, his last bid was indeed seven hundred and twelve zones of cultivation resources, so he must

have known..."

Meanwhile, inside one of the secret rooms in the castle were Edie and the Thousand-hand Emperor.

"Edie, it might be a coincidence, but the information in Kenney's hand is more accurate than that we

have. Could he be a descendant of someone from our Wind Mountain Alliance?" asked the Thousand-

hand Emperor.

"I don't think so, and I don't think his real name is Kenney. I only befriended him because I felt that he

was extraordinary. Apart from that, I know nothing about him," said Edie. "However, I didn't expect him

to possess such information. It seems that I have underestimated him."

While they were conversing, Ricky and his companions were cheerfully celebrating.

"Flame Valley, you're not qualified to play with me!" Ricky sneered, unseen by anyone outside of their

private box.

"I can imagine their expressions at the moment," said Tina, giggling in amusement. "And I can also

imagine how desperately they want to take revenge on you for this."

"Yeah! Ha-ha! And they are likely confused about how Ricky knew the maximum amount of cultivation

resources that they could spend," Amelia chimed in, laughing all the while.

"You bastard, tell me your name if you have the guts!" Fitch roared angrily all of a sudden.

"Fitch, you can ask for it politely if you want to know my name so much. I won't refuse to tell you. Now,

listen carefully. My name is Kenney," Ricky said in a flat tone upon hearing Fitch's roar.

"So, his name is Kenney..."

The other warriors present were listening too, and of course, they automatically took note of his name

as well.

At this point, the auctioneer took out the second auction item in the finale group.

This item was placed in a zone box. It looked about half a meter in length, but its real length was longer

than that.

Everyone let out admiring murmurs, as the box was opened to reveal a white tusk with a crescent


"It's a tusk!" Seeing this, all the warriors were slightly shocked.

Among all the three finale auction items in the auction, the Wind-Mountain Alliance had only revealed

the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, while the other two auction items had been kept secret until this

moment when the tusk was shown.

Immediately, all the warriors began to guess what kind of treasure it was. Since it was brought out as

one of the finale auction items, it must be extraordinary.

Ricky didn't hesitate to activate his Golden Spirit Eyes to observe it.

With the help of his special eyes, he saw a white tusk that was as long as a hundred meters and as

thick as a giant tree.

Majestic power was contained in the body of the tusk, which was full of vital energy.

'What kind of creature's tusk is this?' Ricky whispered in shock secretly.

Seeing the blank and wondering faces in the crowd, the auctioneer finally revealed what it was. "You're

right, everybody. It's a tusk. According to the saints of our Wind-Mountain Alliance, it might be the tusk

of a mammoth in ancient times!"

"What? Did I hear it wrong? Is that really a mammoth's tusk from the ancient times?" Immediately, the

whole hall was in an uproar again.

"And the ancient mammoth who left this tusk must have been a demi-saint when it was alive. I don't

think I need to explain to you how tremendous the power in it could be," the auctioneer continued.

"Besides, this tusk is definitely a perfect material to make Sage Level weapons.

We, the Wind-Mountain Alliance, have obtained two such tusks. We will keep one for ourselves, while

we decided to offer this one for the auction. If you doubt whether this tusk is genuine or fake, I can only

say that we dare not cheat you.

Moreover, you all know the Wind-Mountain Alliance's reputation in the endless mountain. Our credibility

is flawless."

After this speech, the auctioneer began to wait for the first bidder.

"The tusk of an ancient mammoth is indeed extremely valuable.

Although the Iron Justice Saber has become my accompanying saber for so long, its power can still be

improved further. If I get this tusk, I can upgrade my saber and exert more power when I use it in the

future," Ricky said greedily.

"But the auction price of this tusk will definitely not be less than six hundred zones of cultivation

resources!" protested Amelia worriedly.

"Still, I want to try. I have a lot of good stuff with me!" Ricky said with a faint smile.

While they were talking, the bidding inside the auction hall was going strong.

"Four hundred!"

"Four hundred and ten!"

"Six hundred!" The price of the tusk rose quickly like the full moon's tide. Soon, the price had reached

six hundred zones of cultivation resources.

As Ricky had expected, only the Moon Dragon Palace and the Star Tiger Palace were competing for it

by the end. After all, nobody else could afford it.

The two forces competed with each other fiercely, and soon the price had reached six hundred and

twenty zones of cultivation resources.

However, at this moment, another unexpected bid suddenly sounded. "Six hundred and fifty!"

Once again, everyone present shifted their eyes to the private box where Ricky was in. They looked at

him in disbelief.

They could understand Ricky when he played with the Flame Valley just now. Everyone knew that the

Flame Valley was determined to get the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, so the Flame Valley would not stop

bidding unless their consumption limit was exceeded.

But this time was different! Why did he get involved in this? Everyone was puzzled.

'Kenney is playing with fire!' all warriors thought to themselves.

"I really do not know if he is incredibly bold or incredibly stupid!"

"Well, I am beginning to think that he is really just a reckless guy. It was likely a coincidence for him to

have offered the bid of seven hundred and twelve zones of cultivation resources earlier."

Some warriors began to discuss once again, and most of them changed their minds about Ricky.

Instead of admiring Ricky, they began to ridicule him.

"Maybe we can think about the situation from another point of view. Is it possible that Kenney is

actually acting in a play for the Wind-Mountain Alliance?"

"That's possible. After all, the alliance is capable enough to know how many cultivation resources the

three big forces have."

"Hmn...I am inclined to believe you..."

The members of the Moon Dragon Palace and the Star Tiger Palace fell silent, as they were not sure

about Ricky's intention now.

"Is this guy really working for the Wind-Mountain Alliance?" the team leader of the Moon Dragon

Palace said to his men through telepathy.

"Let's stop bidding here. If he really works for the Wind-Mountain Alliance, we won't lose anything then.

If he doesn't, he certainly won't be able to pay the cultivation resources, and he will die a miserable

death. Even if he really buys the tusk by auction, we can always snatch it from him after the auction

finishes," the team leader of the Star Tiger Palace said.

At this time, the four members of the Flame Valley did not say anything. Apparently, they had lost faces

and could not speak in public again.

Meanwhile, back in the secret room, the two men inside had their own speculations.

"It seems that Kenney is going to get this tusk by spending six hundred and fifty zones of cultivation

resources. But the value of this tusk is actually more than this price," said the Thousand-hand Emperor.

"He does get a good bargain. But it is true that what he is doing now seems like he works for us," said


"Now, I'm curious about how he will pay the six hundred and fifty zones of cultivation resources."

Then, Edie and the Thousand-hand Emperor both turned their eyes to the private box where Ricky was


And it was not just the two of them, but all the other warriors in the hall had also fixed their eyes on


If Ricky could not pay the allotted cultivation resources, the manservant by his side would ring the


A manservant ran to Edie and reported in a low voice, "Deacon Edie, Kenney wants to invite you to his

private box. He said he wanted to exchange another item for cultivation resources, and that only you

would know its value."

"Really? Then let me see what he can use to offset for the six hundred and fifty zones of cultivation

resources," Edie said curiously.


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