Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1108 About To Go Back

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Hearing what the saint guardian said, all the warriors surrounding them were shocked once again.

They could not help but envy Ricky. After all, it was a great honor to be invited to talk by a saint.

This was much more important than being called "little buddy".

It showed that the saint guardian already viewed Ricky as his own people, and now, Ricky had added a

saint as one of his backups. If Ricky asked the saint guardian to do something for him, the saint

guardian would probably agree to do it, as long as it was reasonable and it wasn't too difficult to do.

Now, some things could seem improper for a saint guardian to do himself, but there was no doubt that

there would be many upper spiritual emperors or demi-saints who would love to do it in his place, as a

favor to a saint.

'Ricky should not be trifled with!' The warriors marveled at Ricky's luck, as his influence grew even

greater. They gave up the idea of taking anything from him at once, as nothing would be worth throwing

their lives away, which was essentially what they were doing if they went after him.

At this point, the members of the Sky-breaking Dome and the Chu Clan were drowning in their shame

and anger in the face of Ricky's success.

They held too much jealousy, hatred, and killing intent toward him, and their resentment for him was so

deep that it ran through their very bones.

At that moment, Ricky was also surprised to hear the saint guardian's invitation, but it suddenly dawned

on him that every strong warrior had to take an incredible demi-spiritual emperor seriously. No wonder

the saint guardian thought highly of him.

So he readily agreed saying, "I have no reason to reject your invitation, sir."

He was happy to have a connection with a saint. After all, he was confident but he was not arrogant.

He would not be haughty or rely on himself for everything.

In the world of martial arts, the more sophisticated ones had more chances to survive.

Of course, Ricky's sophistication was on the premise of not hurting others.

He believed that the saint guardian invited him sincerely because the Dragon Intent Grass had told him

that the super forces that dispatched saints to guard weaker lands were all forces of justice. This meant

that the saint they dispatched were all righteous.

So it was unlikely that the saint guardian invited him to have a private talk with sinister intention.

Besides, even if he wanted to snatch something from Ricky, Ricky had no choice but to give in to him.

That was because he was being watched by a saint. He could not escape even if he wanted to. He just

needed to face it head-on.

"Ha-ha, you are quite brave. You deserve to be an incredible demi-spiritual emperor. Ordinary demi-

spiritual emperors can only tremble before me, and none of them can look as relaxed as you do," the

saint guardian noted with a smile, looking quite impressed with him.

In the next moment, Ricky's body vibrated for an instant, and when he recovered from the shock, he

found himself in another world. Needless to say, it was the world of the saint guardian.

It was not until the saint guardian and Ricky disappeared from their sight that Arthur and his people

dared to move and breathe smoothly.

In the saint guardian's world, Ricky found a simple house in the middle of a meadow. It held a simple

set of furniture inside—some wooden chairs and a small wooden table.

"Little buddy, I invited you here not for anything else but to build a friendship with you, because I like

befriending any genius that I encounter. I would not pass up befriending some like you, an incredible

demi-spiritual emperor!" the saint guardian said eagerly and introduced himself.

"I'm the Metal Fire Saint!"

"I am flattered, Sir!" Ricky answered with a bright smile.

After that, they talked randomly about anything and everything that came to their minds. The Metal Fire

Saint liked to listen to Ricky's experiences because, for a saint, the stories of any incredible demi-

spiritual emperor could bring an opportunity to comprehend the heavenly law and the supreme


Of course, only a saint was qualified to comprehend something from the stories of an incredible demi-

spiritual emperor.

The Metal Fire Saint was also quite generous. He told Ricky a lot of his martial arts experiences, as

well as his understanding of the path of martial arts for an incredible demi-spiritual emperor.

Ricky benefited a lot from these detailed conversations that they were having, and from these, he found

a better way that he had a better understanding on the path as an incredible demi-spiritual emperor.

The Metal Fire Saint also told Ricky not to let the Evil Mandragora show up in public before he became

a saint. After all, not all the saints and forces would have the same attitude on this matter as him.

The next few days passed quickly, and before Ricky knew it, he had to return to the Spirit Sect. When

he arrived, he was greeted by the warmth with which the other members of the Spirit Sect welcomed

him. After all, he was now an incredible demi-spiritual emperor, and they were proud to be his


Mason and others met with him shortly to greet him. Afterward, Ricky sought some peace of mind and

started to cultivate in seclusion to consolidate his realm.

He hadn't consolidated his current strength yet since he became an incredible demi-spiritual emperor.

Moreover, the detailed conversation with a saint in the past few days had allowed him to gain a lot. He

had to cultivate in seclusion to digest what he had learned.

For this reason, he had to isolate himself for a month.

During this period, none of the members of the Sky-breaking Dome showed up. It seemed that none of

them was brave enough, as they all just kept hiding in the Sky-breaking Dome like sewer rats that hid

in the shadows. But they had no other choice. In the competition on the Complete Emperor Island, they

were the biggest loser. Most of their disciples had lost and died, and worse, they had almost enraged a

saint. What was more, their enemy had become an incredible demi-spiritual emperor.

It would not be a surprise if the members of the Sky-breaking Dome would lay low for a long time. And

this was a good thing for all those they had treated badly at the height of their power.

Of course, the Chu Clan as well as all the other clans that followed the Sky-breaking Dome stayed low

key too.

Besides the Sky-breaking Dome, one more force was in a more miserable situation, and that was the

Sky Palace.

Thanks to Oswald, the Sky Palace was dismissed instantly, and some of their senior leaders who had

known about Oswald's Blue Water Mutant were killed. There was no room for discussion about this.

And thus, the Sky Palace finally ceased to exist.

No one felt sympathy for them because if it weren't for Ricky and the saint guardian, the whole Western

Land would have fallen into ruins.

And with its fall, all the creatures would have fallen with it. Doubtlessly, all the creatures would have

been absorbed and become the blood inside that demi-saint devil's body.

Once Ricky was done with his cultivation in seclusion, he and Soar got together.

"Ricky, you have consolidated your strength, haven't you?" Soar asked.

Soar and the others had not been able to move forward. They were still so excited about Ricky's

ascension into an incredible demi-spiritual emperor.

"A month has passed already! Of course, I have consolidated it." Ricky nodded. "Has the Sky-breaking

Dome caused any trouble?"

"How could they? They have no power now. A rumor is even going around nowadays, saying that the

saint guardian has accepted you as his disciple. I think that for the next one or two years, none of their

members could make any move against us. At least, not in public," Autelan said. Then he smirked

gleefully and continued, "And I doubt they would be brave enough to do anything big against us even in


"It seems that the threat from the Sky-breaking Dome has been solved for the time being," Ricky

murmured with a faint smile.

He hadn't expected that the Metal Fire Saint would be such a big deterrent, which even the members of

the Sky-breaking Dome dared not to act against. He was surprised, but he was pleased as well. That

was exactly what he wanted.

"Ricky, what are you going to do next?" Soar inquired curiously, seeing the pleased smile on his face.

"How long will it take for you to break through the Thunderstroke Doom and become spiritual

emperors?" Ricky asked.

"I think seven or eight days will be enough...We have been looking forward to that for a long time after

all," Autelan answered seriously. He looked away from Ricky and into the horizon, his eyes burning with

a longing that he could soon satisfy—a thirst that could only be sated if he became a spiritual emperor.

"Well, you can become spiritual emperors first, and after that, we should return to the Eastern Land.

More than two years have passed. I guess by now, Norris has recovered completely." Ricky decided.

"It's time to make a clean break with the Nether Manor."

"I agree!" Autelan and Soar said seriously, and their voices echoed as one. At that moment, they

clearly remembered their hatred against the Nether Manor.

So in the following days, Autelan and Soar began to regulate their breaths. And after six days, they had

adjusted to their peak state. Thus, they began to break through the Thunderstroke Doom.


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