Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1162 Nether Ice Elders

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Two old men with grey hair stood before Ricky, but despite their advanced age, the power they emitted

made Ricky feel cold and dark.

Even before Ricky laid eyes on them, he had sensed that the two old men were mighty warriors at the

Emperor Level.

However, the two were just ordinary two-star lower spiritual emperors, which was a great relief for


"I think these two gentlemen cultivate the ruling power with the ice element," the Dragon Intent Grass

said to Ricky through telepathy. "They are both two-star lower spiritual emperors. I suppose that with

your present strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them.

Besides, the Evil Mandragora can also help you. Things won't go worse."

"If it is a simple one-on-one fight, they are indeed no match for me. But they can still put a lot of

pressure on me if they work together, so we still need to be careful," Ricky replied with a cautious air.

"I'm sorry.

But why are you standing in my way?" Ricky asked bluntly. After all, there was no use of beating

around the bush, because he could tell that they came with no good intention.

"We have heard of you, Ricky, the ace genius. You are the only incredible demi-spiritual emperor in

several eras. Your brilliance has reached far and wide," one of the old men responded.

It looked like the two men didn't plan to hide anything either, seeing as they came straight to the point

at once.

"We are Nether Ice Elders. To be honest, you make us feel slightly uneasy, for you have already

become a spiritual emperor. However, our greed has gone beyond our fear. So, hand over that

mysterious object you obtained in the Sky-breaking Palace, and we will give you a painless and swift



As soon as he finished speaking, their power erupted instantly.

"I see. Your greed drove you to do this," Ricky sneered as he looked down at the men disdainfully. "Too

bad you won't get what you came here for. You two don't deserve to be called elders, but the miserable

lackeys of the Sky-breaking Dome!"

Ricky actually knew something about these two elders because Mason had mentioned them to him


These two elders were the spiritual emperors of the Western Land. They didn't belong to any force, and

they often assaulted others. They frequently robbed people, burned down villages, and killed people

indiscriminately. Mason even targeted them once, after they managed to offend disciples of the Spirit


But at that time, the Sky-breaking Emperor showed up and pretended to know nothing about what had

happened and saved the two old men.

Since then, Mason suspected that Nether Ice Elders were members of the Sky-breaking Dome.

The fact that most of the two elders' victims were forces who went against the Sky-breaking Dome

reinforced that belief.

Of course, Nether Ice Elders were enraged when they heard Ricky insult them bluntly and call them

'lackeys'. Two beams of dark and icy power turned into invisible attacks that swept towards Ricky.

"Ha-ha! What? The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Ricky smiled at them widely, white teeth flashing like a lion

showing its fangs. "If you want that mysterious object, then take it if you can defeat me! Don't just

speak with your mouth; use your strength, you two lackeys! It's also a good thing for me to kill two

Emperor Level lackeys of the Sky-breaking Dome before I leave."

Ricky burst out his power without any hesitation, and the power of the six mutants surged. His punch

immediately smashed the ruling power sent by the two old men, and his flame swelled and danced like

sea currents, drowning everything in its wake.

Meanwhile, the flaming lotus condensed within the flame.

"You two lackeys, you will bring about your own destruction today!" Ricky said with disdain as he

jumped up.

"Nether Ice Power!" As soon as they felt the power of Ricky's Flame Torrent and the flaming lotus, the

two elders' pupils shrank in fear. They hastily made a seal with their hands, condensing a massive

black shield in front of them instantly.


The collision between the roaring flames and shield was supposed to be an intense collision of fire and

ice. However, things turned out to be different as they had expected. Once they collided, the flaming

lotus quickly suppressed the shield, and soon, the shield was crushed into pieces.

A seemingly endless torrent of flames hit the two old men head-on, and the impact threw them like

ragdolls, rolling over and over in the void before they finally stopped.

"How could this be possible? Why kind of power is this?!" The two elders could only groan in pain, as

they came out of the flames, ragged.

"You want to know my power? Well, let me introduce it to you intimately! The moment that you decided

to come here, your fates were sealed for a single outcome—death!" Ricky replied coldly.

"Listen up! Arthur asked you two losers to come here to kill me. But he is just asking for trouble."

Ricky shook his head slightly as if lamenting Arthur's decision. Then, he started walking towards the

two old men, and his power rose with each step.

Feeling Ricky's real strength, the two elders couldn't help the quake in their boots.

They weren't just afraid of Ricky's great strength, but also the fact that Ricky spent only one year to

become a spiritual emperor. And now, he possessed the power of a two-star lower spiritual emperor.

How could he make such rapid progress? Even though he was once an incredible demi-spiritual

emperor, it still sounded unreasonable.

The two elders felt a little regretful for volunteering to kill Ricky after they found out that Ricky had left

back then.

At this moment, all they wanted to do was running for their lives.

However, their pride as spiritual emperors and the greed in their hearts were like cast-iron boots that

wouldn't allow them to take a single step away.

Besides, they had been in the four lands with great ease for years. They had their own means of

fighting, or they wouldn't have survived for so long.

"Next, I will kill you in three moves!" Ricky sneered again.

As soon as he finished speaking these words, the Death Wings materialized behind him. The whole

area suddenly transformed into a world of death. As the Death Wings flapped behind him, waves of life

and death runes surged and swelled. However, the runes were now filled with death power alone.

The strong death power continuously absorbed the vitality of the two elders.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Under the death power, the thunder power pervaded and turned into countless Thunder Light Blades. It

resembled a storm of swords, as countless blades poured from the sky, stabbing straight towards the

two old men.

"Destructive Lightning! Two lackeys, this is my first move!" Ricky called out in a challenge.

"You brat! How dare you look down on us?" the two elders replied coldly after hearing that Ricky

wanted to defeat them within three moves. Their fear swiftly turned into anger.

"Nether Ice Piton!"

Rage swelled within their bodies like magma beneath a volcano that was about to erupt. They stood

side by side and made the same seal with their hands to summon their nether ice power. Abruptly, they

roughly released their power, and the whole sea in the surroundings was frozen instantly.

As the nether ice power swept around them like winter air, all the ice turned into dark ice, as if it came

straight from the nether world.


The next moment, the ice broke again and condensed into icy spikes in midair, with some of them as

long as a hundred meters. They spun rapidly and collided with Ricky's Death Wings and Thunder Light


Boom! With the power colliding fiercely, the two elders blocked Ricky's first strike.

However, both felt a great pressure on their chests, and blood came spurting out from their mouths.

"You are quite powerful to be able to withstand my first move. But if that's all you have, you will have to

die during my second strike," Ricky said seriously.

His Iron Justice Saber shot out at once, and the six mutants' power integrated and turned into chaos,

which then fused with the galaxy power.

In the blink of an eye, Ricky's strike slashed down with a fearsome crack. Crack! The frozen sea

shattered into pieces upon impact and quickly restored its original state. This was the chaotic power

that could restore everything.

"He has the chaotic power!" the two elders exclaimed in surprise after they felt his strike's power. Their

eyes met, and both orbs reflected the fear that was beginning to take hold of them at that point.

The two elders exchanged discrete nods as if they had agreed on something without talking. Or

perhaps, they were talking, but Ricky was not privy to their conversation.

In the next breath, dark ice rose from their bodies like a black mist. It seemed like they had the Nether

Ice Mutant! In a flash, they were both transformed into ice sculptures.

"Combination!" the two elders shouted.

As soon as the words fell from their mouths, they merged into one being.

This scene shocked Ricky to the core.


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