Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 232 Blood Eyes In Black Flame

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"Ha-ha, you don't have to worry. I can handle these beasts. You go ahead and defeat that shifty-looking

guy." Tyson laughed.

The next moment, Ricky felt that Tyson was stronger than before. He was at his peak and could defeat

all these remaining beasts.

"Russell, you help Tyson while I take care of this guy!" Kristen refused his suggestion.

"Well, you take care of yourself. He may be seriously injured, but he is still at the sixth grade of Bone

Reinforcement," Ricky reminded her. Then he and Tyson fought bravely to defeat all the remaining


"Go to hell! It's like you want to be killed!" Rattus roared. His face growing more ferocious.

"Do you think that I would depend everything on my followers? Today, I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

"Growl!" Rattus roared again.

"Did...did he summon the poisonous beasts again?" Ricky murmured in disbelief.

But just as he expected, a large number of beasts around the Black Marsh rushed out all at once. They

were definitely more than last time.

Seeing this, both Tyson and Ricky were stunned because now they were too weak to keep fighting.

Maybe Ricky could continue to fight, because he was able to maintain his own peak state with the

Devourer Zone. But it was still not enough. Even if he could stay at the peak all the time, he still

wouldn't be able to defeat all these beasts. Most of them were at the fifth or even the sixth grade of

Bone Reinforcement!

'Even if I wanted to show them the Heaven Melting Pagoda, I wouldn't be able to. Because Alva's

sleeping and that means the Heaven Melting Pagoda's sleeping too, ' Ricky thought to himself.

As for the Chaotic Fire Zone and the Devourer Zone, Ricky didn't want to reveal them yet.

"Ha-ha, you will learn that whoever dares to oppose me shall face their death. Aren't you supposed to

be strong? I'd like to see you kill all the beasts under the seventh grade of Bone Reinforcement in the

Black Marsh with your own strength." Rattus laughed upon seeing their surprised faces.

"You are the one who will die first!" Kristen said coldly.

She ignored those beasts that rushed out, and pointed her whip towards Rattus.

Seeing this, Ricky and Tyson responded by yelling at Kristen, "Kristen, stay back. It's too dangerous!"

Next thing they knew, Kristen was submerged, unable to give Ricky any time to think further about

revealing his true strength. Then he felt a surge of guilt in his heart. Maybe he should've exposed the

two zones earlier...

Both of them knew Kristen's plan; it was to capture the ringleader first in order to capture all his


She was right. The only way to defeat these beasts would be to kill Rattus first. Otherwise, just as

Rattus said, they wouldn't be able to defeat all the beasts under the seventh grade of Bone

Reinforcement in the Black Marsh. There was only three of them and that was far from enough.

There were about hundreds of beasts in front of Rattus, all of them at the intermediate stage of Bone

Reinforcement. Moreover, the effects of the Recovery Pill given by Ricky was about to wear off!

Therefore, Kristen was on a suicide mission. She could have got herself killed before she could even

lay a finger on Rattus!

But everything seemed a little late. Just when Kristen was closing in on Rattus, hundreds of beasts

smothered Kristen from all directions.

With such ferocious bites, even warriors at the seventh grade of Bone Reinforcement wouldn't survive,

let alone Kristen who was just at the sixth grade of Bone Reinforcement.

"Kristen!' Tyson howled, with grief on his face and tears streaming down from his eyes.

Ricky couldn't help but cry out of despair as well.

Although Ricky only spent half a day with Tyson and Kristen, he knew they really wanted to be friends

with him not just because he agreed to join the Royal Sky Guard.

And Ricky also felt a genuine connection with them.

But before they could even get the chance, Kristen was...

Even if men shouldn't shed tears easily, Ricky couldn't hold his own...

He cried because he was blaming himself. He thought maybe he shouldn't have hesitated in using the

power of his two zones.

"I'll kill you!" In that moment, Tyson completely forgot about his limits and didn't care for his own life

anymore. His blue eyes turned red, burning with the intent to kill.

'Kristen! It's all my fault. Now, I'll kill all of them with my body and the resilience of the Devourer Zone!'

Ricky thought in his heart.

His hesitation was completely gone. The power of the Chaotic Fire Zone had already surrounded

Tyson. Once Tyson was in grave danger, Ricky could just drag him back into the Chaotic Fire Zone to

protect him.

Having made a mistake, Ricky refused to make another one. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to forgive

himself for the rest of his life.

"Go to hell!" Ricky shouted, killing Rattus was the only thing in his mind. The Heaven Slaughtering Fire

that carried endless killing intent flowed through his veins.

"You think you can beat me? You are too proud of yourself! Join that bitch in hell!" Rattus sneered, with

a ferocious smile slicing across his face.

As soon as he said this, all the beasts roared and rushed to Ricky and Tyson.


At this moment, the Chaotic Fire Zone in Ricky's body caused an enormous tremble. The Heaven

Melting Fire and the Heaven Slaughtering Fire did the same.

'How is it possible that the sacred fire or the peculiar fire exist in this area?!' Ricky thought in shock.

Then Ricky followed his sense, trying to detect where the strange feeling came from. To his great

surprise, he felt that strange fire was coming from where Kristen was smothered by the filthy beasts.

He also recalled that Kristen also affected his Chaotic Fire Zone, and then he thought with disbelief,

'Dose Kristen have the sacred fire or the peculiar fire, just like Autelan?'

'Does that mean Kristen might have survived?'

Then in an instant…

The beasts on top of Kristen burst into black flames. And in the black flames mixed with red was the

taste of blood.

It attracted the attention of all eyes, including the beasts'.

Suddenly, a black figure came out of the black flame. It was Kristen.

However, Kristen had become more grim. Her eyes had turned into blood red and her body was

burning. And the blood seeped out from the corners of her eyes.


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