Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1151 One Last Resort

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When their momentum increased, the suppression of the entire area had increased further as well. And

when the atmosphere's suppression had reached its peak, Ricky and Scales finally burst out, their eyes

full of the light of confrontation.

In the next breath, they collided against each other. Every cell of their bodies had turned into the

strongest weapon to be used against each other.

Bang! In the blink of an eye, the space around the entire arena suddenly collapsed. In the short time

that elapsed, Ricky and Scales had already exchanged hundreds of moves, and the power in each

round of confrontation surpassed the power of the Three Devil Buckles.

They seemed to have traveled through time and space, colliding at every point. The intensity of their

battle was beyond words. Every move they used pushed them to their limits, which was unavoidable

because they were engaged in a battle of life and death.

Ricky attacked with a stronger move, and Scales answered back with an even stronger one each time.

They were forced to push themselves to the extreme, for any inferiority could lead them to death.

"What fierce confrontations! If it were me facing those fearsome attacks, I'm afraid I would need all of

my strength to resist. And even then, I would probably lose within three rounds," Gage remarked with a

solemn expression as he watched the battle between Ricky and Scales.

"Watching this battle has ignited the fire in my veins! And now, the fighting spirit in my body has erupted

like a volcano. I really want to fight with either of them," Rodger murmured aggressively with a

bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes. The blade on his back was humming loudly, as if it had read its master's


'Damn it! How could Queenie be so lucky as to meet such a genius?' Molly thought to herself with a

barely concealed frown on her face. At that moment, she could not be more jealous of Queenie.

Out of jealousy, she decided that she must draw Ricky to her side as well. It would not only lend her

more strength, but it would also be disadvantageous to Queenie, which would be the icing on the cake.

'Ricky, no matter which clan or force you are from, I will make you my man,' she promised herself


Meanwhile, Queenie was having the same thread of thoughts. She thought to herself,

'I didn't expect Ricky to make such big progress in cultivation. After all, he had just broken through and

become a spiritual emperor not long ago. He truly deserves to be called an incredible demi-spiritual

emperor once. If I can get along well with him, it will be of great help to us, the human devil race, in the


By this time, she had completely given up on the idea of making Ricky surrender to her. Now, she knew

that it was impossible, even though she didn't want to accept it.

In the past days that she spent with Ricky, they had gotten along well, and she was able to see what

kind of person he really was. Ricky seemed utterly immune to both hard and soft tactics, and he

certainly would never surrender to her, even if he were an ordinary warrior.

A creature with such a character could never be anyone's underling. The best that she could hope for

from him was friendship, and the worst was if they became enemies.

Of course, she'd better not make him her enemy. Having such an enemy would be horrifying and too

terrible to imagine. Just the thought gave Queenie a headache.

At this moment, Queenie once again rejoiced that she had brought Ricky here with her. Otherwise, she

wouldn't even be able to get the Glazed Fruit.

"Heavenly Jail Strike, break him into pieces!"

"Ancestral Intent Palm, stop him!"

After many confrontations, Ricky and Scales burst out their Omnipotent Skills, and both of them were

pushed back heavily by the impact. They separated for the first time after they began to fight with

extreme power.

Puff! Silence reigned on the battlefield. No sound could be heard except the heaving breaths from both

competitors. The power that Ricky and Scales absorbed couldn't keep up with the energy they

consumed during the battle. Moreover, their bodies could not keep up with their fighting spirit.

No one moved for a while. Ricky and Scales were frowning deeply, as they took stock of their physical


Their hearts grew heavy at the thought that they could not win, at least not entirely. Neither of them had

the confidence to kill each other, and they had no idea whether or not each other still had any trump


"Dragon Intent Grass, I have to say that up until now, Scales is the strongest opponent of the same

realm I've ever met. Even Oswald, who had the Blue Water Mutant, was a bit weaker than him." Ricky

couldn't help but sigh. He wasn't sure if he was happy to meet such a worthy opponent, or if he was

afraid he would die.

"Ha-ha! Don't worry, Ricky. I think you're also the strongest opponent he has ever met," the Dragon

Intent Grass assured him.

"I've never fought like this before. This is really exciting!" Scales exclaimed happily. "I feel like this is the

first time I have fought so fiercely with anyone. Thank you, Ricky. You made this happen.

Unfortunately, I will have to kill you soon. If you survive, you will certainly be a great obstacle for our

invasion to the four continents."

"That's also what I want to say to you!" Ricky shouted back at Scales.

As soon as their words faded away, two drops of blood essence gushed from between their eyebrows.

It appeared that both of them were finally preparing to end this fearsome battle.

"Heavenly Jail Trial!"

The power around their bodies swelled and pulsated like a living thing. Meanwhile, the ten heavenly

jails behind Scales began shaking and merging, as they began to form a larger heavenly jail. Those

simply observing could feel the terrible power coming from the new jail, and they could tell that it was

much stronger than the previous ten jails.

It was incredibly strong because Scales had merged his two drops of blood essence with it.

Then, the devil power came out from the heavenly jail. Under such power, Ricky suddenly felt that he

had become a criminal who had to kneel to accept the trial of such power.

There were ten more ferocious arms growing on Scales' Heavenly Jail Body. Thus, he had been

transformed into a monster with twelve arms, which skillfully maneuvered the heavenly jail into a long

bloody halberd. This halberd carried endless devilish power, and it dashed toward Ricky at breakneck


At this moment, Ricky activated his Chaos blood power to its extreme. Using this blood power, he could

resist the devilish power coming from the Heavenly Devil Jail blood power.

Simultaneously, the six Ancestral Intent Bodies behind him also merged, and absorbed two drops of his

blood essence.

Chromatic energy gushed out of his real body like a swelling tide, as it poured into the merged

Ancestral Intent Body. At once, the Iron Justice Saber came out, and Ricky swiftly caught it in his


"Ancestral Intent Formula! Kill the devil!"

Ricky roared in a thunderous voice. As he wielded his saber, its radiance shot out and combined with

the chromatic energy and his Ancestral Intent Body. Together, they formed Ricky's strongest strike

towards Scales.

"The result of this battle will be determined in a moment," Rodger muttered shortly, not taking his eyes

off Ricky and Scales. Bang!

Time slowed to a crawl, as the two attacks grew closer and closer to each other. It felt like these two

attacks had lasted for countless years before they finally collided in a frightful explosion. In an instant,

with the point of the collision light as the center, endless airwaves swept and engulfed everything.

Crack! Crack! Crack! The violent collision covered the entire broken space like a hurricane, covering

everything in dust, wreckage, thunder, and lightning.

Such a collision lasted for a long time before it faded away.

When the waves of energy dissipated, Ricky's and Scale's figures were revealed. At this moment, both

of them were on their knees on the battle platform, dying.

"Both sides are badly injured!" Gage exclaimed in a breathy whisper.

But they were not surprised at such a result because the power both parties burst out had already

decided it.

"Scales, you are both suffering. Just admit your defeat. After all, this is our human devils' ancestral

land. You devils are not welcome here," said Rodger.

"Humph! There is no one here who is qualified to make me leave, including Ricky," Scales replied

coldly. "Now that I'm here, you all have to die today!"

"And how are you going to do that in your condition?" Ricky asked with an eyebrow raised, even as he

gasped for breath.

"Of course, I can't kill you in this way. However, I forgot to tell you that I have one last resort," Scales

answered menacingly.


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