Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1165 The Endless Mountain

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As soon as the Evil Mandragora finished speaking, she directed her suppression toward the sea area,

where Arthur had fallen, with the Mandragora flower on her head. Airwaves swept over the water, and

gigantic waves surged and drowned everything.

A few moments later, the massive Mandragora flower emerged from the seawater and shrank in an


An inside view of the huge Mandragora would show the pained Arthur, as multiple black petals stuck

his body. Each of these petals carried away Arthur's power, gradually weakening him.

Meanwhile, from outside, all they could see was the gigantic Mandragora, but they could all hear

Arthur's hysterical screams that were getting louder and louder by the minute.

Evidently, the Evil Mandragora was refining his power.

And even though Arthur kept struggling, he couldn't escape from the clutches of the Evil Mandragora.

Her suppression was just too strong.

"I will never give up! I will not admit defeat!" he yelled in anger. He might be furious at that moment, but

he was also secretly terrified because it was already evident what would happen to him next.

"So what? We don't care if you accept it or not. Your Sky-breaking Dome has broken your vows and

failed your guard!" Ricky yelled back at Arthur.

"But you can rest assured that the Sky-breaking Dome will not be eradicated. We will leave some of

your followers alive, but we will make sure that the Sky-breaking Dome will never be able to rise again."

Just as Ricky finished speaking, Arthur's struggling slowed down to a stip. The Evil Mandragora had

finally devoured all of his power and destroyed his soul.

In this way, Arthur, who had dominated the Western Land, died. "After Arthur's death, the Sky-breaking

Dome will no longer be a threat," remarked Ricky.

"It means that I have solved some problems for the two Dominant Top Elders before I leave." "Are you

upset because you didn't kill him by yourself?" the Evil Mandragora asked in a soft voice after she had

restrained her momentum.

She had a gentle smile on her face that told Ricky she was sincerely asking but not teasing him.

Ricky suddenly fell silent, as he was slightly shocked by the feminine fragrance coming from her. As an

energetic man in the green, how could Ricky stay calm in front of such a woman?

The Evil Mandragora had a perfect figure and a gorgeous face. She looked frightening when Ricky first

met her only because she fed on blood at that time. Now that the Evil Mandragora no longer devoured

blood, her beauty and elegance had finally shone through.

Seeing Ricky's reaction, the Evil Mandragora's face flushed red slightly.

Ricky soon came to his senses, looking flushed and embarrassed as well. He shook his head and

replied in a low voice,

"Although he was strong, I have never regarded him as a real opponent.

In my eyes, he is not as challenging to deal with as Carney and Gerald once were. That's why I'm not

upset at all.

If I perceive someone as a real opponent, I would be burdened if I were not the one to kill him. As for

others, I really don't care." "I'm glad to hear that. If Arthur's death left a load on your mind, it would be

my fault," the Evil Mandragora said in relief.

After that conversation, Ricky, Tina, and Amelia continued on their journey once more.

Despite the presence of the Evil Mandragora, they didn't ask her to lead the way. After all, her identity

was too sensitive.

After more than a month, they had passed through the sea area and reached the endless mountain,

but the mountain's top and end were not within sight.

The mountain was so grand and enormous that it seemed to swallow up the whole world.

No matter how powerful a creature was, it would look like an ant compared to this mountain. And if

there were someone that could trample this mountain underfoot, then he could undoubtedly grind the

whole Misty South to dust with a single foot.

This mountain formed a ridge over the Misty South, where the Misty South's dragon meridian was


It was also the largest mountain in the entire Misty South and frequently referred to as the endless


Anyone who wanted to reach the Middle Land, a famous gathering place of numerous powerful

warriors, would need to travel through the endless mountain first.

"So, this is the endless mountain. Look! I can't even see the end. No other mountain can indeed

compare with it," sighed Ricky in awe.

"That's right. No one knows how vast the endless mountain is. If I have to describe its enormity, I can

only compare it to the entire Misty South," Tina commented, sounding amazed as well.

"Many Sage Level forces lurk within this endless mountain, and many of them are not inferior to the top

Sage Level forces in the Middle Land. So we must be careful when we pass through it.

There are highly dangerous places inside it, but there is not much information about them because only

a few people have survived to tell the tale. Those places appear seemingly out of nowhere, and they

look quite ordinary at first glance. However, when you fall into them, you will face endless danger.

Of course, we all know that the more dangerous a place is, the bigger opportunity there will be," added

Tina further.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go through the endless mountain. I'm more and more looking

forward to going to the endless mountain and the Middle Land," Ricky urged them excitedly.

As he stepped foot on the endless mountain, he had another feeling, and that was about the most

primitive form.

As the gathering place of the dragon meridian in the Misty South, the endless mountain almost circled

the whole Misty South. There was invisible power in it, which allowed the endless mountain to keep the

Misty South's initial aura.

After traveling for half a month, Ricky and the two girls entered the endless mountain. From time to

time, they met some creatures who were experiencing and toughening. However, they didn't make

trouble for Ricky, perhaps because they sensed that Ricky was not easy to deal with.

Or maybe they were actually gentle creatures who didn't like making trouble at all.

"If I remember correctly, not far ahead is the Fortune River of the Misty South," Tina suddenly said.

"What exactly is the Fortune River?" Ricky asked Tina.

"Since the dragon meridian is in the endless mountain, it is also considered the Misty South's land of

fortune. Therefore, a river filled with fortune has come into being across the endless mountain," she


"Cultivating in the Fortune River will make any creature's fortune reach its saturation point at the

current stage.

You both know that luck or fortune is something that can't be seen or touched, but it does exist. And it

is also the most important thing on the path of martial arts of any creature."

"Well, then, the Fortune River seems really great," Ricky said.

The three of them soon saw a vast land covered by pale white fog, and sounds of impact seemed to be

coming from within. On a closer look, it appeared to be an enormous river filled with white fog.

Every part of the river was a land of fortune in that area.

"Is this the Fortune River? Even though I'm just standing here, I can already feel the fortune in my body

involuntarily resonating with it," Amelia sighed with wonder.

"Exactly! It deserves to be the dragon meridian's dwelling place," Ricky said in agreement as well.

Then the three of them leaped into the river and began to cultivate by absorbing and refining the


Besides them, countless creatures were cultivating in the Fortune River But even though Ricky and the

other two dived in, they didn't cause any commotion in the river.

Ricky's white hair, which ordinarily was an attention magnet, didn't draw much attention here. After all,

a variety of hair colors were present in this place because of the creatures' different bloodlines. And

although the two girls both looked exceedingly beautiful, they were not very special here either. It was

because every female genius that came here was gorgeous too.

But a coincidence could occur at any time too, and there were eyesores in every place. This place was

no different.

Not long after Ricky and the two girls began their cultivation, three young men with red hair approached

them. All of them were strong demi-spiritual emperors. In fact, most of the creatures cultivating here

were strong demi-spiritual emperors.

Thanks to his six zones, Ricky had hidden his real strength well, so no other creature could recognize

that he was a spiritual emperor.

Among the three young men, the leading one had a red mark between his eyebrows, which was the

mark of a mutant.


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