Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1160 Negative Result

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"You always say you make progress by luck!" Hearing Ricky's words, the Old Oriental Emperor and the

other spiritual emperors burst into laughter. They admired him because it took only a few years for

Ricky to reach the same level as them.

"Hey! Where are Autelan and Soar? I can't sense their auras in the Oriental College. Did they go out for

training?" Ricky asked curiously.

His innocent question immediately wiped away the smiles on the spiritual emperors' faces. The Old

Oriental Emperor clasped his hands together worriedly as he answered, "Someone from the Dragon

tribe came and took them away!"

"What?! The Dragon tribe did that?" The smile immediately disappeared from Ricky's eyes and was

replaced by worry.

"Don't worry. Autelan said that the powerful warrior from the Dragon tribe who came was a senior fellow

of their bloodline, and I noticed that said warrior was treating them kindly. You don't have to worry," the

Old Oriental Emperor said as he could feel Ricky's worry.

"So that powerful warrior must be from the race of the Killing Metal Dragon. In that case, you don't

need to worry about them. The Killing Metal Dragon will surely train Autelan attentively, and Soar will

also benefit from that," the Dragon Intent Grass said.

"Alas, I can feel relieved now. Since they returned to the Dragon tribe on Dragon Island, I'm sure that

they will have much greater strength when we meet next time. I have to work harder from now on, so I

won't get left behind," Ricky declared with determination.

"I really didn't expect that Soar and Autelan are Great Dragons, and they are from the direct bloodline

of the five kinds of Great Dragons," the Old Oriental Emperor breathlessly sighed, obviously in awe of

Soar and Autelan.

"Sirs, we didn't mean to conceal it from you!" Ricky explained with a little embarrassment.

"Ha-ha! Set your heart at rest, Ricky. We are not so narrow-minded as to feel angry about this. On the

contrary, what you did is right. The Great Dragon's identity is too sensitive in this era," the Old Oriental

Emperor said.

"Since Dragon Island is hidden, Great Dragons are no longer as influential as they used to be. As a

result, many warriors cast their greedy eyes on them. After all, every part of a Great Dragon is


The Old Oriental Emperor and the others left right after that conversation. Meanwhile, Ricky rested for

two more days before he took Tina to Three-hall City.

Ricky had already decided that he would go to the Middle Land, where he would stay for a long time.

He had no plans of coming back so soon. Of course, he couldn't just turn his back on his old friends or

the seniors who helped him out, so he left a ton of treasures to his old acquaintances from the Snow


With these treasures, it would be no trouble for them to break through and become spiritual kings, and

it would be no problem for them to live for hundreds of years.

Scar had also become a demi-spiritual emperor during this time. Ricky left many cultivation resources

for him because he believed that Scar would soon become a powerful demi-spiritual emperor.

Meanwhile, Tina gave Ricky four drops of blood essence.

"Autelan and Soar left these four drops of blood essence. You asked them for them, didn't you? Here.

They each left two drops of blood essence to you before they returned to the Dragon Island," said Tina.

"Ha-ha, great! It seems that they hadn't forgotten me," Ricky happily replied as she took the blood

essence from Tina.

Afterward, he handed them over to the Dragon Intent Grass.

"Ricky, I will only take one drop of each kind, for it will be a waste if I take more. Anyway, I only need to

absorb blood power, not energy," the Dragon Intent Grass said.

"Okay!" Ricky nodded casually, knowing that the Dragon Intent Grass knew what was best for itself.

Then he gave the remaining two drops of blood essence to Tina. He thought that these two drops of

blood essence, which were at the Emperor Level, will be more useful for Tina because she was

currently a spiritual king.

Tina had recently become a first-class middle spiritual king, and she believed that it would be easy to

break through and become an upper spiritual king once she refined the blood essence.

Later on, Ricky left Three-hall City and journeyed towards the Western Land. There, he met with

Mason, Amelia, and others.

Surprisingly, when Amelia learned that he was going to the Middle Land, she insisted on following him.

She seemed to be very determined, which made Ricky a little perplexed. Honestly, he didn't know if he

was happy about it or not.

He was also surprised that Tina allowed Amelia to join them. She said that since Pearl was absent,

Amelia could keep her company.

Ricky knew that Tina didn't want to put him in a difficult position, so she made the decision for him.

Seeing that there were no more conflicts, Ricky accepted Amelia's offer.

He was grateful for Tina's thoughtfulness because he knew that if the decision was left to him, he could

not say no to Amelia. After all, he still couldn't make sense of how he felt about her at all.

As for the Sky-breaking Dome, it was rare for them to show up in public because they couldn't train

another group of geniuses in such a short period. Furthermore, not many forces in the entire Western

Land dared make friends with the Sky-breaking Dome now.

The reason was simple. Ricky would grow fast, and the Sky-breaking Dome had offended the saint

guardian to some extent.

On Ricky's end, he did not intend to do anything against the Sky-breaking Dome either. After all, he did

not want to bother Mason or anybody else. Besides, the Sky-breaking Dome was really powerful, so he

could deal with them after returning from the Middle Land.

Soon, he took Amelia back to the Oriental College.

As soon as they arrived at the Oriental College, Ricky entered seclusion and began to cultivate again.

This time, Ricky chose to cultivate in seclusion, not for himself, but for Tina. Since he had become a

spiritual emperor, he wanted to eliminate the evil spirit mass in Tina's body completely.

"But, Ricky, didn't you already remove the evil spirit from my body? Why are you going to do the same

thing again? I don't feel anything wrong with my body." Tina was confused when she heard what Ricky

wanted to do. As far as she knew, he had gotten rid of the evil spirit already.

However, Ricky couldn't bear to tell her the truth.

He just smiled and lightly insisted, "Let me do it once again now as a spiritual emperor. In this way, I

can be sure that there is no trace of evil spirit left in your body!"

"Okay, then," Tina said obediently.

"Very good. Now, concentrate!" Ricky instructed her. Simultaneously, he spoke to the Dragon Intent

Grass through telepathy.

"Dragon Intent Grass, judging by the expression on Tina's face, she hasn't found the evil spirit mass in

the past year. It means that the mass is hiding very well. It is truly horrible!

If I didn't have the chromatic power and the zones, I'm afraid I would not have discovered it either."

"You are right. The fact that Tina hasn't discovered it even though a whole year has passed indicates

that the mass is an extremely grave threat to her. This time, you have to try your best to remove it," the

Dragon Intent Grass remarked.

"I understand!" Ricky replied telepathically.

The next moment, he activated all his power and directed it to Tina's heart.

Targeting the evil spirit mass with his mind, he tried to remove it with the chromatic energy and the

chaotic power. At first, he was thankful because the mass did not increase in size even though a year

had gone by.

However, something terrible happened. Ricky's worst fears had come true.

His power still could not eliminate the mass at all!

Instead of getting rid of the mass, his power was bounced back. It could be said that his power was not

strong enough.

'Does it mean my strength of Emperor Level is not enough?' Ricky thought to himself.

Unwilling to accept this result, he ignited the two pieces of the mysterious axe and used the Ancestral

Intent Formula to activate the chromatic energy on them. Next, he tried to remove the mass again. This

time, his effort seemed to work a little better, but only slightly.

He used all his power, but his efforts seemed to be in vain.

Even though he gave it his all, the chromatic energy on the mysterious axe and the power on the evil

spirit mass fell into a stalemate.

"Ricky, my heart hurts. Are you pouring too much power into it?" Tina said all of a sudden.


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