Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1201 Would Ricky Lose

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"Each use of an Omnipotent Skill has a price that one has to pay. How can I not pay the price for the

skill of the Resurrection?" Ricky declared gruffly and shrugged. He further continued,

"And the cost of that is my lifespan. It will consume at least a hundred years of my life if I raise myself

from death once. If I am injured heavily, it will consume about a thousand years. That is to say—I

borrowed my future lifespan."

"I see! But you will become immortal once you become a holy being. That would make this move worth

the risk.

What a brilliant plan!" the Dragon Intent Grass said lightly.

"I still have a long way to go before I can become a holy being," sighed Ricky in response.

However, the Dragon Intent Grass didn't say anything more.

"So what if you skill is amazing? It would just protect you from being harmed in the end. It can't make

you defeat me," snorted Lundy cruelly.

"But it worked well, didn't it?" Ricky murmured in reply.

"You are right. Now, let's see how you can resist my most powerful attack when you are at the peak

state!" Lundy uttered coldly.

The next moment, he looked up to the heavens and let out a long cry, and then his whole body

enlarged and transformed.

Lundy turned into his beast form—the Red Potentate Roc.

However, the roc was not reddish-gold, as was the usual color. It was tinted dark red because of the

Scorching Mutant, and its feathers resembled sharp blades formed with hardened lava.

"You have finally shown me your beast form! That was the only thing I can do to force your beast form

out. I was at the end of my rope!" Ricky confessed begrudgingly.


Afterward, Lundy launched his attack to the tune of a bird chirping. His vast body spun around, while

the lava feathers on his body turned into sharp swords, stabbing toward Ricky's direction.

In the next breath, the entire Blood Zone resembled a brutal downpour.

"Array, start!" Without any hesitation, Ricky started the second killing array—the Wail of Ghosts and the

Howl of Wolves. It rose instantly, and a constant gloomy wind immediately came and blew all over the

bloody battle ring.

Ricky's body merged with the array in the blink of an eye.

"That's an array! He is an array deployer!" Seeing this shocked the onlookers outside all over again.

They fell into a trance, numb and speechless in the face of Ricky's incredible genius.

"Son of a bitch! He is awesome in martial arts, and he is also an array deployer. With such a talent like

him, we are surely going to die if fighting him!" some warriors even blurted out.

All the onlookers were all astonished.

"Damn it!" Of course, Lundy was the most aggravated.

However, he just roared in his mind and put all his anger into the battle. He was caught off-guard by

Ricky's incredible means of recovery, and worse, he didn't know if Ricky had more cards up his sleeve.

Therefore, he had to concentrate on killing Ricky in one strike.

If he failed to kill Ricky in the next blow, he would be the one in danger. And Ricky would undoubtedly

kill him if he recovered again.

Howl! Howl! Consequently, killing power charged Ricky's array, and it collided with those sharp blades

with a catastrophic crash.

Boom! The next moment, the whole battle ring plunged into chaos once again.

"Come! The heavenly meteorite!"

That was Lundy's greatest move. He pushed his Scorching Mutant to its limit, and an infinite heavenly

power entered his body.

At this point, Lundy's momentum and strength were at the same level as a three-star lower spiritual


Four drops of blood essence spurted out between his eyebrows and absorbed by the invisible heavenly


He flapped his gargantuan wings, and a dark crack immediately appeared. A massive meteorite came

from this fracture, and it took on a dark color as if all the hot lava in the world had been condensed.

In the air, the purest heavenly power and Lundy's blood power spread quickly.


At Lundy's order, the powerful heavenly meteorite flew directly toward Ricky and locked him with a

strong force. Meanwhile, Ricky felt like he had no escape. It was like no matter where he hid into the

space, the heavenly meteorite would locate him and crush him to death.

"The Scorching Mutant can summon powerful meteorites!" Ricky muttered under his breath in wonder.

That was, undoubtedly, Lundy's last card. He had consumed four drops of blood essence to summon

the ultimate power of his Scorching Mutant.

'If that is the case, then I must give my all to fight now. If my next attack succeeds, then I will win this

time. But if my next attack fails, I will lose. If Lundy still has another trump card, I hope I have enough

time to escape to a different space. Otherwise, I will surely die,' Ricky thought to himself.


In the blink of an eye, Ricky had completely fused with his array. He released the Intent Apperception

from his body, and his Iron Justice Saber also came out and its kill intent spread in the air.

The onlookers watching outside felt a strong pressure when Ricky wielded the saber. To them, it felt

like the energies in their bodies were going to break through their skin to be absorbed by Ricky.

At that point, they felt nothing but admiration and worship in their hearts.

"How—How is this possible? It's impossible for a lower spiritual emperor to comprehend fifty percent of

the Intent Apperception!" The crowd could only shake their heads in disbelief when they felt Ricky's

strong Intent Apperception.

Typically, only the truly gifted among the middle spiritual emperors had the ability to comprehend fifty

percent of the Intent Apperception.

"Edie, is it because of the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb in his body?" Winifred asked inquisitively.

"Perhaps, the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb did work a little bit. But I think the primary reason why he

could comprehend fifty percent of the Intent Apperception is that he is gifted," answered Edie.

"If a Chaotic Sword Intent Herb can help a lower spiritual emperor comprehend fifty percent of the

Intent Apperception, our Wind-Mountain Alliance will not put it up for auction anymore," he added


After refining the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb, Ricky could reach fifty percent of the Intent Apperception.

In addition to the Dragon Intent Grass' function, he, himself, was the critical factor. He was now

controlling six spaces, the Chaos Manual, and the Ancestral Intent Formula, all of which make him



The combined power of the blade intent combined with the power of the Wail of Ghosts and the Howl of

Wolves array, plus Ricky's power and momentum, was also rapidly increasing.

But it was still slightly weaker than Lundy's current strength.

This fact was also quickly noticed by the onlookers outside.

"Although Ricky did amazingly before, and even though he just released fifty percent blade intent, there

is still a big gap in strength between him and Lundy. Perhaps, this is because the latter's power is

nearly equal to that of a three-star lower spiritual emperor."

"That's right. In a word, it still comes down to the difference between the realms!"

"Ricky is doomed. What a pity! His talent should still be superior to Lundy, but he has only cultivated for

a little time.

If his realm were on the same level as Lundy, nobody could compete with him!"

"Ricky, you are really powerful! I have to say that up until now, I admire you, and you are the first

person who has won my admiration. Unfortunately, you will lose eventually!" Lundy declared firmly.


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