Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 214 The Gu Clan From The Heaven Wood Land

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"Ha-ha, my pleasure to help such beautiful ladies like you!" Ricky replied jokingly. But kidding aside,

even if they had not been pretty young women, Ricky would have still given them a hand. One of his

distinct attributes was being kind, after all.

Both of the two young women flushed upon hearing Ricky's words. They were rarely complimented on

their appearance so blatantly and felt quite bashful.

They did not fear Ricky or find him annoying, even if he was making rather flirtatious remarks. They

could tell that he had no malice behind his words. Everyone appreciated beautiful things or faces in the

world after all, and Ricky was no exception.

Somehow, they had a gut feeling that the man in front of them was a decent, righteous, and great man.

"Ha-ha! All right. My name is Russell. May I know yours?" Ricky asked with a kind smile, looking them

in their eyes.

He had to come up with a false identity in order to escape the assassins from the Realm of Wildness.

The mask Zenith had given him came in handy, and he needed a new fake name to go with it.

"My name is Tracy Gu. This is Alicia Gu, my sister. Nice to meet you, Russell!"

the older girl said.

But all of a sudden, the moment she finished speaking, her face turned deathly pale. The black toxin

had already spread all over her body. She screamed in pain and then blacked out.

"Tracy!" Alicia paled at once upon seeing her elder sister faint. She hurriedly reached out and pulled

Tracy against her body.

"Damn it! She is in an extremely dangerous state now. The toxin is killing her!" Ricky concluded, his

brows furrowed. He knelt down to feel Tracy's pulse.

"What should we do? Russell, help her, please! I beg you!" Alicia grew panicked, tears welling up in her

eyes. Now, she was all alone without her elder sister to guide her. This man was the only person she

could turn to. He had helped them defeat that beast earlier. She could tell he was powerful and wished

that he could bring Tracy back.

"Let me try!" Ricky nodded.

"Put her on the ground!" he said, already thinking of a way to save Tracy. "Yes!" Alicia sobbed as she

carefully did what Ricky had ordered.

Then, Ricky squatted down, put his hand above the wound on Tracy's arm, and activated the

Devouring Skill. He was trying to suck the venom out of her body by using its power.

Alicia stood aside and stared at Ricky. 'Please, please. Wake up, Tracy!' she prayed in her heart,

crossing her fingers. A worried expression had come over her delicate face. The Devouring Skill was

indeed a powerful cultivation method and worked quite well. Before long, Tracy's face returned to its

normal complexion. A rosy flush came onto her cheeks, indicating that blood circulation had returned.

However, she did not wake up. What was worse was that her breathing was beginning to falter.

"Why? Russell, I don't understand! The venom was already sucked out! Why didn't she wake up? She's

dying!" Alicia choked back sobs.

"The venom has circulated her body for a while. What's more, the toxin is from a Black Marsh Python.

It's very powerful and strong. Now it has already seeped into the bones. Even though part of the venom

was sucked out, there is still a certain part that remains there," Ricky said quietly.

"Then... What should we do? How can we save her?" Alicia became more panicked at Ricky's

explanation. Tears began running down her cheeks.

"Don't worry! I have a Recovery Pill! It can remove the venom from a beast of Bone Reinforcement!"

Ricky comforted her in a calm tone.

He took out a Recovery Pill and passed it to Alicia. "Make her swallow the pill now!" he urged. Alicia

took the pill and nodded. She forced herself to calm down so that her hand would not tremble, and put

the pill into her sister's mouth. Gradually, Tracy's breathing returned to normal.

'Another Recovery Pill is gone now!' Ricky thought begrudgingly. His pill was incredibly precious to

himself. However, seeing Tracy recover, he was relieved. At least, this pill worked and successfully

saved an innocent woman. He was not the kind who could bear to see people in mortal danger without

lifting a finger to save them. Ricky did not have the stomach to leave this beautiful woman to die.

"Thank you so much, Russell!" Alicia said sincerely, her eyes brimming. She was so grateful for what

Ricky had done to save her and her sister.

"It will probably take about two hours for her to wake up. Let's move to a safe place and wait for her to

regain consciousness!" Ricky suggested.

"Yes, you are right. That's a very smart proposal!" Alicia agreed. Then, they took Tracy to a relatively

remote and unnoticeable small hill.

After they had laid Tracy down, they sat down and began to talk.

"So, where are we now?" Ricky asked, having no idea where he exactly was. He had been busying

running away, after all. "You don't know where you are?" Alicia was surprised. 'What a strange man!

But he was so kind to help us, ' thought she to herself.

She was an honest girl. Ricky had saved her and her sister's life, so she would tell him whatever he

wanted to know. Through their conversation, Ricky got to know that this small mountain was in the

junction area between the Heaven Wood Land and the Snow Land. Once they went across this hill,

they would enter the territory of the Heaven Wood Land. There was a city called Water Fire City near

this place. That was where the sisters came from.

'I've already reached the Heaven Wood Land!' Ricky thought in surprise.

Alicia then told him that their father had been bitten by a Double-tailed Scorpion. In order to heal him,

the doctors told them that the cure must be made from a Black Poison Flower which was stronger than

the toxin. Fighting fire with fire was a primary method in the field of medicine. That was why they risked

their lives and came to this place to search for a Black Poison Flower.

Fortunately, they managed to find the Black Poison Flower. But their luck turned as they encountered

the Black Marsh Python right after.

"How bold and reckless you were! Neither of you is a warrior of Bone Reinforcement. How dare you

come to this place where beasts of Bone Reinforcement roam!?" Ricky admonished her.

Deep inside his heart, he admired them very much because they were willing to put their lives in

danger in order to find the cure for their father. Once again thinking about the Recovery Pill he had

used on Tracy, he did not regret his decision at all. He knew he did not waste the pill by saving a

selfless and courageous lady.

"Yes, we were reckless, I admit. But, Russell, if we can't bring the Black Poison Flower back, my father

will..." Alicia could not help sobbing again whenever she thought of her father lying on his bed, lifeless.

Seeing how Alicia was about to cry again, Ricky stammered. He had no clue how to deal with a crying


"Don't cry, Alicia. I promise that I will go with you to take the Black Poison Flower to your home after

your sister wakes up. Okay? Everything will be fine," Ricky comforted her. That was the only thing he

could think of doing.

"Yes, I trust you. Thank you!" Alicia replied and clutched the Black Poison Flower in her hands more

firmly, as if it might disappear the next second.

Two hours later, Tracy finally opened her eyes. She was nearly fully recovered. After she found out that

Ricky saved her by contributing a Recovery Pill, a precious pill, she thanked him over and over again.

In order to repay him, she invited him to come with them to the Water Fire City and visit their home.

Ricky was glad to accept this offer.

He had not been in the Heaven Wood Land for long and was unfamiliar with this place. It was ideal if

he was provided a shelter by the Gu Clan. Those who were chasing after him would not be able to find

him easily. Meanwhile, he would also have the opportunity to know what was like in the Heaven Wood


He had no plans to go back to the Snow Land before he reached the level of demi-immortal, which

meant that he would stay in the Heaven Wood Land for quite a long time.


They headed for the Water Fire City at full speed. About eight hours later, they finally approached the


Along the way, Ricky asked the sisters about what kind of organizations there were in the city.

Among the many families or organizations, the Gu Clan and other one, the Zhen Clan, were the most


For the last two hundred years, the Gu Clan and the Zhen Clan had been fighting against each other to

win the control over the Water Fire City. They kept feuding all the time. Now, the Gu Clan was at a

disadvantage as their population decreased. So far, there were less than thirty people in total in the Gu


However, it still remained one of the most powerful families in the city. This good reputation was all

thanks to their father, a warrior at the fourth grade of Bone Reinforcement.

Now, their father was hurt badly by the Double-tailed Scorpion, a beast at the advanced stage of Bone

Reinforcement. Even if the flower they brought back could cure him, he would not be as powerful as he

had been in the past. It was foreseeable that their enemy, the Zhen Clan, would do whatever they could

to strike the Gu Clan while it was weak.

Everyone from the Gu Clan were well aware of their dangerous situation. So Alicia and Tracy offered to

go to the jungle in search for the antidote, the Black Poison Flower.

'It seems that I'm going to live a rather chaotic life in the Gu Clan!' Ricky thought to himself after he

learned about this.

However, now that he had already promised to visit the Gu Clan, he could not go back on his word.

'Chaotic life? Hmm, so what? I've never lived a peaceful life, anyway!' Ricky teased himself quietly.

Once they entered the territory of the Water Fire City, Tracy and Alicia attracted some attention. They

were quite famous thanks to their family as well as their beauty.

People in the city also noticed Ricky. They stared at him with envious eyes.

Of course, a man accompanied by two pretty and well-known ladies would be enough to make other

men envious.

Soon, Ricky noticed that many warriors whispered as they stared at Tracy and Alicia. Something bad

seemed to have happened.

The sisters were observant and also noticed the murmurs. They exchanged anxious looks, their faces

growing taut.

"Russell, I'm afraid something might have happened to my family. Can we speed up?" Tracy turned to

Ricky and asked in a worried tone, worry growing in her heart. She felt extremely uneasy.

"Yes, sure. I'm going with you! Let's move!" Ricky replied with a nod. He understood their concern.

What could have happened while they were gone?


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