Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1130 The Glazed Fruit

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Queenie's mood soured even more after hearing Ricky's words because she knew that he was right.

The fact that the devils could enter the ancestral land of the human devils only meant that this place

had already been exposed to the devils.

That was the worst thing that could happen for human devils like her.

If devils occupied their ancestral land, their fortune would also run out quickly. And if the devils

destroyed their ancestral land, their race would also most likely be in danger of destruction.

"Those damn devils!" Queenie hissed in an icy whisper, as fierce murderous intent filled her eyes to the


Compared with the creatures from the continent, the human devils hated the devils more. That was

because many continent creatures could tolerate the existence of human devils. In contrast, the devils

only thought of the human devils as a lowly race which corrupted their supreme bloodline.

"Ha-ha, this human devil chick looks great. Her blood power originates from the Black Devil blood

power, one of our eight main blood powers!" A devil stared at Queenie with greed, almost salivating. He

growled, "If we devour the Black Devil blood power, our blood power will reach a higher level!"

On the other hand, the devils were mostly ignoring Ricky. After all, he was just a demi-spiritual emperor

in their eyes, so they didn't see him as a threat.

"Hey, before we devour her blood power, we can play with her for a while. Although the human devils

are very simple, the women of this race combine the characteristics of the devils and the continent

creatures. It must be interesting to play with such a woman!" another devil echoed with a perverted


"Ha-ha! That sounds great!" The other two devils also laughed lewdly upon hearing this suggestion as

if just the thought delighted them already.

The next moment, they surrounded Queenie in the blink of an eye.

"You are looking for death!" Queenie hissed at them in an arrogant tone, and her blood boiled higher

when she saw their disgusting expressions.

Soon after, she launched an attack and fought with them furiously. "Aren't you going to help her?" the

Dragon Intent Grass asked through telepathy.

"Those three devils have just become spiritual emperors, so I'm sure they can't stand up to Queenie for

long. If I am assuming correctly, she is almost a one-star lower spiritual emperor at peak state right

now," Ricky replied.

And just as he had expected, Queenie had the upper hand in only a few rounds.

The three obscene devils' attitudes were a far cry from when they had started. In sharp contrast to their

arrogance earlier, they were now ashen-faced and trembling with fear.

"This woman is too strong. We'd better retreat now and let our young master take care of her!" Soon,

they agreed and prepared to run away.

However, Queenie figured out what they were about to do. "It is too late to escape now!"

All of a sudden, her beautiful eyes turned bloody red, and she activated her Black Devil blood power.

The shadow of the Black Devil appeared behind her and condensed three large hands, which moved to

grab the three devils.

Compared with the three large hands that Queenie had summoned, the three devils' attacks were

pathetically weak. Queenie's attack smashed them like little ants.

The devils were gravely injured, so they hurried to escape without care for each other.

As such, they fled to three different directions!

And even though Queenie could defeat them, she could not kill them all now, unless she figured out

how to go to three directions at once.

Left with no choice, she called out to Ricky through their telepathic link, while she went to chase after

one of the devils. "Ricky, help me kill one of these devils!"

"Do you want to kill all of them?" Ricky asked back.

"Of course, if you can do that," she answered. Her tone was sickly sweet as if she could seduce Ricky

into doing things for her. For now, Ricky let it go and focused on the three devils.

Swish! In the next breath, a shadow emerged out of Ricky's body. It was his shadowy replica, which

chased one of the three devils, while Ricky himself ran towards the last one.

It did not take long before the three devils were all dead, and their ferocious original bodies were


Blood, so much of it, littered the ground. It also covered these devils' bodies, which were previously

black, but now had a distinct crimson color.

"I didn't expect that you have mastered your Shadowy Replication so well. You have a much deeper

understanding of it than the geniuses in the headquarters of the Endless Shadow. People will think that

you are from the Endless Shadow if they don't know you," Queenie uttered with admiration.

"It's just because of my frequent cultivation!" Ricky responded with a smile.

Then he peered closer at the dead devils and asked, "Do you know which bloodline these devils belong


"The Crimson Devil blood power, which is also one of eight main blood powers of the devil race,"

Queenie explained briefly.

"I see." Ricky looked thoughtful for a second, and then he suggested in a flat tone, "Since your blood

power is beneficial to them, theirs is also helpful to you, isn't it?"

"Exactly! That's why I need their bodies. Even though they don't have strong blood power, it is already

a good opportunity for me as a human devil," Queenie told him, "However, I'm afraid I need you to help

extract their blood power with your Devouring Mutant!"

"It seems that you know a lot about my Devouring Mutant," Ricky said in amusement.


While they were talking, streams of pure power shot up from somewhere not far ahead. Ricky had felt

such power before. That was the power of the magical thing in the world—the Glazed Fruit.

Moreover, colorful light pervaded above the pure power, which indicated that this Glazed Fruit was in

the fifth grade.

The fifth grade Glazed Fruit corresponded to the Emperor Level as to the cultivation level of the being.

"It's...It's the Glazed Fruit!" Ricky exclaimed in surprise.

It suddenly came to him in a flash—his future as a spiritual emperor. If he refined this fruit, he might be

able to become a spiritual emperor!

Queenie was also greatly shocked. After all, the fifth grade Glazed Fruit was an irresistible temptation

to any creature at the Emperor Level.

In the next moment, Ricky put away the three devils' bodies and walked quickly towards the place

where the Glazed Fruit was releasing its power. Queenie also followed him closely.

They reached the place in just a short while.

They found a dazzling basin where all the pure power around had gathered. It was a place with the

essence of the ancestral land of human devils.

In the void, the evil spirit and the continent spirit merged and formed the shape of the Eight Diagrams.

'What a wonderful place! If I cultivate here, I can achieve in one day what would take me months to

achieve outside!' Ricky thought to himself.

At that moment, their gazes focused on a pond in the center of the basin. There, a small colorful tree

floated in the middle with a colorful fruit.

"Wow, it's truly the fifth grade Glazed Fruit!" Ricky and Queenie both exclaimed with excitement.

"Those three useless idiots! They failed to kill you, and they even failed to stop you from coming here!"

Queenie and Ricky jumped when a voice suddenly rang in the air. Meanwhile, a black, bloody figure

rushed out and picked the Glazed Fruit before they could react.

Ricky and Queenie tracked the movement of this stranger, immediately wary as this person seemed to

be those devils' boss.

It was a young man dressed in a black and bloody robe. He had a pale, ashen complexion as if he was

suffering from a deadly disease, or perhaps, he had not seen the sun in ages.

But despite his sickly appearance, it would be a mistake to underestimate this young man, as he was

definitely not weak.

The mood in the clearing became somber, as Ricky and Queenie cautiously eyed the young man.

"This devil has put a lot of pressure on me!" Ricky told Queenie by telepathy.

"Of course. He is a genius of the Crimson Devil tribe's direct descendants. If I can absorb his blood

power, mine will increase by about thirty percent," Queenie replied seriously. Although she still looked

apprehensive and cautious, greed flashed across her face as she spoke.

The moment that the young man showed up, she sensed the strength of his blood power. It was

something that she wanted, but at the same time, she could not help but feel terrified of



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