Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 254 The Fierce And Bitter Fighting

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The three people collided and produced a deafening noise and intense blast. Immediately, the intense

air blast was turned into waves of air ripples. The ripples swept hard outward buffeting the area all

around them. Meanwhile, the strong momentum of the air blast even forced the three warriors to retreat


Clack! Clack! The sound of retreating footsteps could be heard. Ricky and the two young masters of

the Shen Clan were forced to step back at the same time!

"Wow, you two are pretty good, much stronger than your younger brother. Clearly, you both have

stepped into the fifth grade of Bone Reinforcement! That's something I didn't expect! Unfortunately, you

just reached that grade not long ago and your powers are still unstable, right? You are both doomed to

be defeated by me!" Ricky whispered. In his tone, there was a trace of appreciation of his opponents

and incredible confidence in himself!

"How could that happen?! A warrior at the second grade of Bone Reinforcement is actually showing the

power of a warrior at the fifth grade of Bone Reinforcement!" The two brothers were so startled, while

Rick was smirking in easy confidence.

They were so shocked because the power that Ricky had just used seemed to be more powerful than

their own.

If one of them fought against Ricky alone, it was sure that they would suffer a great loss at his hands.

During the nearly a month of casting Ricky had done recently, he had made a breakthrough and

reached the second grade of Bone Reinforcement. With the help of the ideal realm in his weapon

casting, he completely strengthened his realm at the second grade of Bone Reinforcement. His combat

power was also completely consolidated at the fifth grade of Bone enforcement!

All the gains he made were due to Ricky's new insight about weapon casting!

"My two young masters, it's said that Russell took a pill that could hide a warrior's real power and

momentum. Please don't be deceived by the weakness he is displaying on purpose!" a warrior from the

Panther Gang shouted trying to remind his young masters not to be fooled.

"A pill that can hide a warrior's real power!" the two young brothers repeated. The shocking looks in

their eyes were suddenly replaced by the looks of greed. It was said that the pill that could hide a

warrior's real power and momentum was likely to be pills at the rank of King Level. It was something

extremely hard to find!

'A pill that can hide a warrior's real power and momentum?' Ricky muttered to himself silently. 'Although

I would like to refute you and tell you the truth, perhaps it is better for me if you don't know the truth.

Otherwise, things might get tricky to handle for me!'

Ricky was right. Such a situation that a warrior defeated another warrior three levels higher than him

was just too shocking.

Even when Tyson and Kristen mentioned that Ricky could defeat someone three levels higher than

him, they had also found it hard to believe…

"It turns out that you took that kind of pill. What a sneaky tactic! We almost suffered a great loss due to

our ignorance. Now, we know what you did and you should just prepare to die!" Ashton, the older

brother, said sternly. Of course, the sternness soon disappeared and was replaced by greed. He

wanted to gain all he could from Ricky after defeating him. The reason that two brothers wanted to kill

Ricky so desperately was not simply due to hatred. It was more due to the greed in their hearts!

"Look at the greed in your eyes. The more you try to hide it, the more it is exposed! If you want to steal

everything I have from me, you need to show me your real martial arts skills and defeat me first!" Ricky

said disdainfully as he watched their expressions carefully.

The next moment, a clanging sound rang out! The noise was from Ricky pulling out the Iron Destroyer

from behind his back.

At the same time, the two brothers also took out the silver swords from the sheaths on the belts around

their waists. Their swords shook slightly with the spiritual energy that gathered around them in

response to the roar of Ricky's saber—the Iron Destroyer!

"Three Killing Swords—Horizontal Sword Attack!"

The two young warriors roared furiously as they immediately moved their bodies and flanked Ricky.

Using their strongest spiritual energy force, they horizontally waved their swords towards Ricky! Ricky

felt that they were determined to kill him in one strike using the Horizontal Sword Attack!

The two brothers launched their powerful strikes at the same time so that Ricky was flanked by them

and could not find a way to escape.

"Since I can't escape, I will just fight against you head-on!" Ricky responded fiercely as his eyes lit up

with furious murderous intent. Then, while his wrist flipped the handle of his saber, his whole body

suddenly turned blue. He had released the power of the Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining


'Well, let me try the Nonuple Flame Strike!' Ricky thought.

Although the Nonuple Flame Strike, a cultivation method at the intermediate Yellow Level, was no

longer suitable for the battle they were in at that moment. In the face of such dual attacks, it could still

be very effective in cracking down on them!

'After this battle, I have to find new cultivation methods. I find that I grasp only a few cultivation

methods for sabers!' Ricky thought quickly.

As he was lost in thought, he didn't stop exercising his power. After a few moments, the blue light and

the flaming spiritual energy on Ricky's body burst out furiously. The Iron Destroyer in his hand was

turned into saber shadows and then nine flaming shadow blades appeared in its place. They were

divided into two teams, and collided with the two Horizontal Sword Attacks that were coming at him!

Boom! At once, an air billow burst out, while the sword-light and saber-light were spreading around the

fighting area, making the whole area into a blur.

Ricky could feel how deadly the wildly spreading air billow was at the instant of the collision.

Meanwhile, he also heard the two brothers' roaring voices ring out again, saying, "Three Killing Swords

—Vertical Sword Attack!"

Then, Ricky caught a glimpse of two flashes of sword light. One was from high up in the air while the

other came from the ground. Once again, the two brothers were trying to kill Ricky by sandwiching him.

The murderous intent in their duel attacks was more intense that time around.

'The two brothers' attacking speed is quite fast and impressive. It seems that the Three Killing Swords

they keep using is likely to be a type of joint cultivation method!' Ricky thought silently to himself as he

observed their continuous joint attacks.

However, Ricky's counterattacking speed was by no means slow.

In a flash, Ricky launched the Deer Art Attack from the Five Beast Arts to increase his attacking speed.

He then waved his Iron Destroyer, producing huge spiritual energy. It collided with the Vertical Sword

Attack from the below.

The next moment, he launched the Tiger Art Attack from the Five Beast Arts. As a result, a roaring

flaming punch broke out and dashed toward the other Vertical Sword Attack that was coming at him

from above!

"Huh, you are seeking death since you tried to bite off more than you can chew. How can you continue

to withstand my Vertical Sword Attack with your bare hands?" When Ricky fought back with his bare

hands against the Vertical Sword attack from above, the words full of disdain came abruptly to his ears.

Ricky had no time to retort back, as immediately, the sound of weapons colliding with each other

ferociously replaced that sound.

The whole audience saw that Ricky's blue flaming punches severely collided with the Vertical Swords.

Soon, they saw that the blades of the Vertical Swords only hung there a little while. Their power was

then drained and they dropped to the ground. Yet, there was only a light mark on Ricky's palm after


"No way! How could someone stop those attacks and come out unscathed?" the two young masters of

the Shen Clan exclaimed in disbelief at the scene.

They were not alone. The warriors around the fighting area were also shocked. 'What a strong body

refining cultivation method!' they thought to themselves in surprise.

Among them, those warriors, original from the Axe Gang but later joining Ricky's Manor Gang, all had a

sense of respect for Ricky. As far as they could see, they understood that Ricky was not only a genius

when it came to weapon casting, but he was also powerful when it came to martial arts skills. Under the

leadership of such a powerful new leader, they no longer had any doubts or grudge against the Axe

Gang's incorporation into the Manor Gang!

"Nothing is impossible. The reason you can't believe it is because you are not so powerful yet. If you

two only had this kind of power, it would be so disappointing to me because I have not completely

shown you how much power I have!" Ricky said seriously as he flipped his palm and easily summoned

the Iron Destroyer back into his hand.

"What an arrogant man you are! You are simply relying on your damn body refining cultivation method.

There is nothing for you to be proud of," the two brothers responded sharply, full of disdain. "Wait and

see! We will definitely kill you by our next and final strike."

"What you said is just cliche to me. You know what, all the warriors who said those words to me before

have been killed by my Iron Destroyer!" Ricky said and grinned. The fighting spirit that had been silent

in his body for a month was suddenly aroused again.

"Three Killing Swords—Joint Vertical and Horizontal Attack, one fatal attack!"

the two brothers bellowed furiously, totally ignoring Ricky's arrogant and intimidating words. They were

gathering all their energy and power on their swords for a truly fatal attack!

"Vertical Sword Attack—Break the mountain apart!" Ashton, the older brother, shouted furiously and

summered his attack skill. Meanwhile, he jumped high into the air and chopped downward with his

sword. Immediately, the audience felt a strong momentum exuding from his sword. The virtual shadow

of a huge mountain showed up, setting off the fierce power of his sword attack!

"Horizontal Sword Attack—Sweep away thousands of troops!" Craig, the younger brother, shouted

through gritted teeth. At once, he ran quickly toward Ricky's side, slashing his sword toward Ricky. The

audience then felt a momentum like thousands of troops burst out from the younger brother. As his

momentum burst out, he was swooping towards Ricky fiercely!


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