Novel Name : The legendary warrior

The legendary warrior Chapter 1084 Men In Black Appeared Again

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Meanwhile, as soon as the ball grew bigger, it crashed directly with the massive claw transformed by

the Chaotic Double Punishment.

Soon after, violent waves swept through everything, drowning them quickly.

Just when the huge claw was about to tear the whole place apart and suppress the ball, the latter was

already beginning to condense, aiming to destroy everything in its way instantly.

In fact, the whole area had been collapsed after the collision created by the huge impact. The damage

could have been expanded further if it were not for the presence of the rich ruling power in this area.

It took a long time before the air waves finally vanished, clearing the air out, and the fighters could

finally be seen.

Meanwhile, Soar and Autelan's fusion had been taken apart. Kneeling on the ground, the two Great

Dragons caught their breaths. Their combined power might have been great, but they had given so

much of their power out in a short period of time, leading to a very strong side effect.

At this moment, both Soar and Autelan were drained of their energy and could no longer fight.

On the other hands, the three elders from the Sky-breaking Dome seemed to have it worse than them.

Without any more energy to fight, all they did was stare at Soar and Autelan malevolently. In fact, these

elders were so sure that they would emerge victorious in this battle, but unfortunately, the tables had

been turned this time.

"Kill!" At that moment, the three old men's hearts were full of resentment and anger towards the two

Great Dragons who they never thought could beat them.

"Whoa, I can't believe this! Both sides are severely hurt! I don't think they can't fight anymore."

Witnessing this, the warriors around were eager to do something and walked toward the center.

But before they reached the center, the disciples of the Sky-breaking Dome already released their

powers to stop those guys and protect the elders.

Meanwhile, the warriors sensed that the power of the disciples from the Sky-breaking Dome were

threatening. As a result, they decided to stop in their tracks.

On the other hand, the three elders ignored the cultivators who were walking towards them and trying

to hurt them. Moreover, they thought that these warriors were weak and would not dare oppose them

even though they didn't have enough power to fight at this moment.

"Kill them both! Do not spare their lives!" Zayn ordered two disciples from the Sky-breaking Dome.

"Understood!" Soon after, the two disciples immediately jumped to Soar and Autelan's side, with the

intention of killing them with one single blow.


However, two black lights blasted out from the void, piercing through the heads and as well as the

souls of the two poor guys.

Without warning, the two disciples fell on the ground lifeless before they even knew what had


This gruesome scene, on the other hand, attracted the attention of every warrior in the area.

Soon after, ten figures wearing black clothing all over their bodies with only their nostrils exposed

appeared from the void.

At that moment, everyone present was surprised to see these men in black. All of they were informed

by a man in black dressed like these men in black of this spot where the Emperor Light was at.

Seeing such ten men in black was definitely a big shock to the crowd as they were confused as well.

However, just when the three elders were about to inquire about who these men were, these men

moved hastily, targeting the disciples of the Sky-breaking Dome. As a matter of fact, each of these men

was at the peak of a strong demi-spiritual emperor, which meant that they could kill a dozen Sky-

breaking Dome disciples in a split second.

Just as expected, in the blink of an eye, a dozen corpses lay on the ground as they were murdered with

one devastating blow.

Soon after, fear filled the souls of everyone who witnessed such a vile act.

To be honesty, the elders didn't think that these men in black were a threat to them. As a result, they

became complacent and a little arrogant and thought that these men would not do them any harm.

Plus, they had a lot of men by their side, ready to fight for them, which made the three old men treat

these men in black more lightly.

But unfortunately for them, they were wrong to think they were safe.

Instead of just one, ten men, with each of them being a strong demi-spiritual emperor at peak state,

threatened and killed the Sky-breaking Dome disciples without even explaining any reason for this

cruel act.

"What are you here for? What do you want from us?" the three elders yelled hysterically as they stared

at the corpses of their disciples who were supposed to be the future backbones of the Sky-breaking


In fact, it was Carney and Gerald's deaths that led to this situation wherein no genius could lead the

warriors of the Sky-breaking Dome in this generation. That was why they valued every disciple ever

since then.

Now seeing so many of their young generations killed in the blink of an eye, they could not feel more

furious and desperate because without the young generations, the Sky-breaking Dome's downfall in

the next century would be inevitable.

"You..." The three elders' rage made them unable to complete what they wanted to say.

Meanwhile, all the frightened warriors nearby also had the same question in mind.

"There are so many men in black! What are they doing here?" Ricky also said seriously upon seeing

the overwhelming presence of the men in black.

But at that moment, he was not worried about what could happen to him and his companions because

his real body had already woken up from cultivation.

"Old men, we are here to end your lives because you are useless," one of the men in black said. "I

thought you could defeat Kenney and his companions, but it turns out to be the opposite.

To choose from the weak and the strong is easy. Of course, we choose the strong as our ally."

"What? How dare you claim us to be weak!" Upon hearing those words, the elders from the Sky-

breaking Dome raged as they could not hold back their anger.

"It's obvious, isn't it? Although you and the two Great Dragons from the Spirit Sect all suffered heavy

losses, you have to know that Kenney has not joined the fight yet," that man in black stated.

"But, he's just a..."

But before the three old men could finish their words, their jaws suddenly fell agape out of

astonishment. At that moment, they saw that Ricky's arms had recovered, with his power no longer like

that of his Shadowy Replication. Instead, his strength appeared to be more profound and controlled.

Without a shadow of a doubt, what they were actually seeing was Ricky's real body.

"But how could it be possible?" "What is happening?" "How could your real body appear here out of

nowhere?" The three elders exclaimed their puzzle one after the other in disbelief.

At that moment, it was not just the three elders who were shocked, but also the warriors who saw this

unfold in front of them as well.

From the very beginning, they had fixed their eyes on those men in black ever since they appeared.

So, none of them had noticed Ricky's transformation. Now seeing Ricky's real body suddenly appear

here, no wonder they were shocked to the extreme.

"My real body has always been here!" Ricky said coldly as he ignored the three elders. At the same

time, he walked over to Soar and Autelan and healed them with the Life and Death Fire.

"You have disappointed my master so much.

That's why you have to die!" the man in black said once again. Soon after, with lightning speed, he

directly murdered the three elders from the Sky-breaking Dome.

Meanwhile, as soon as the three bodies echoed a loud thud on the ground, all the other warriors

became more frightened than ever.

At this point, they didn't care about where the men in black came from. All they had in mind was that

these men were audacious and daring enough to kill the three elders from the Sky-breaking Dome.

In fact, even Ricky had to think deeply about considering to commit such heinous crime.

"The rest of you, you can leave now!"

the man in black ordered the other warriors as soon as he and his companions murdered the elders.

"Otherwise, we have to send you to hell with them. Do you want that? You can't stay here anymore

because the Emperor Light does not belong to you.

All of you should know it."

Hearing his words, all the warriors around knew that he meant it. If they did not retreat immediately,

then it was most likely that they would suffer the same fate as the elders.

Therefore, without thinking twice, all the warriors left the area as quickly as possible as they thought

that their lives were more important than acquiring the Emperor Light.

After they left, the ten men did not do anything but wait silently as Ricky healed Soar's and Autelan's



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