Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 1. Second Marriage

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Second Marriage

I sat on the couch, listening to the noise outside.

The musical instruments played by the entertainers were mixed with the hearty loud laughter of the soldiers. Contrary to the hustle and bustle outside, only separated by the

military tent, the atmosphere here seemed so deadly silent. Everything inside the tent was quite simple; a couch, a table, a seat, and a lacquer screen at the back, with a full set of shiny body armor standing beside it.

Anyone who sees can tell that the owner is ready to break camp (leave the camp) at any time. It was only due to the wedding, that the bed has a new colorful sheets, a silk carpet is spread on the floor, and the item for hejin is arranged on top of the table. Although this was as simple as possible, it still shows sincerity put into this wedding.

“After hearing the good news, ZhuGong’s numerous subordinates have all shown up to congratulate. Jiangjun is unable to leave.” An old woman with a round face came over and helped me stabilize the pearl hairpin on my temples, and kindly said, “Furen must not be impatient.”

I half-folded the white silk fan in my hand and silently bowed my head.

The old woman seemed to be satisfied, and ordered the maids to prepare some items for xishu so that it would be easier to serve when the general arrived.

This old woman with the surname Zhang, is said to be my new mother-in-law’s close confidant. She had especially rushed over from Yongdu to manage the wedding of their Lord’s eldest son.

There was nothing to be nervous about since this is not my first time. It was the same honey candle, the same wedding dress and even the boxes of dowry were roughly the same as before. It was my second marriage. The first time, I was married over from Chang'an to Laiyang, and this time, my in-laws married me off to another person.

After the death of the Late Emperor, the fight for power spread from the Inner Palace out to the Court, which made the world fall into chaos. Warlords from all over the world competed with each other and after years, Wei Jue from Hexi emerged victorious. Holding onto the Emperor’s seat, he moved the capital to Yongzhou, which boomed his fame and power to the fullest. At the beginning of the year, Wei Jue declared war against Dong Kuang, who controlled seven eastern counties. Dong Kuang repeatedly retreated in defeats, while Wei Jue pursued them victoriously. Last month, Wei Jue surrounded Laiyang, and upon hearing the news, the Governor of Laiyang, Han Tian raised the white flag as a means to surrender without fighting.

When the army troops approached the city wall, panic struck upon the Laiyang City. After Han Tian’s surrender letter was handed out, Wei Jue didn’t respond. However, he sent an “invitation” and set up a banquet in the army camp out of the city, saying that they were both colleagues in the Court in the past and wished to reminisce about the old times.

Han Tian dare not refuse, and tremblingly opened the city gate to attend the banquet. Wei Jue was unexpectedly enthusiastic, with wine and music as company, they engaged in lively conversation. When they were semi-intoxicated, he suddenly laughed and asked Han Tian if it was true that the Late Emperor’s former Chancellor Fu Shi’s daughter is in the resident of Laiyang?

That one question sobered up Han Tian and he repeatedly made sounds of agreement. On the next day, he had immediately sent Fu Shi’s daughter, Fu jin, into the camp.

That’s right, I am Han Tian’s daughter-in-law. Oh no, it should be the ex-daughter-in-law.

Wei Jue wanted me here, to marry me off to his eldest son, Wei Tan.

I was married over to Laiyang when I was fifteen, and now I have reached twenty. For a bride, this age was considered an old age to marry.

That husband, Wei Tan, whom I had never met before and had never heard of him either.

There was nothing one could do about this matter. When I was in Chang'an, Wei Tan’s father, Wei Jue was serving as the Commander of Northern Luoyang. While his Zufu once was the Supreme Commander even though he has now retired to the countryside. In Chang'an where there were numerous numbers of official as many as the hair of the cow, a son of a Commander of Northern Luoyang would be as insignificant as a lice in the cow’s hair no matter how high and noble his family was.

Unfortunately, there are times where lice turned into a big worm, and now, I would be marrying that big worm.

“Furen is so beautiful.” A servant helped with the hairpins on my head and softly said, “More beautiful than before.”

“You have seen me before?” I asked.

She smiled shyly and said, “Have seen before, I am from Chang'an.” Her accent carried the unique Chang'an accent, which felt very familiar.

I nodded, without saying a word.

Zhang shi was leading a few maids to move things around, when the noise outside suddenly became louder and a cool breeze entered, flickered the candlelight.

The tent’s curtain was lifted, and I saw a figure standing in front of the door. Shadows intertwined amidst the cool night breeze, as if wanting to seize the candlelight away from the room.

“Jiangjun is here.” Zhang Shi smiled happily, and the servant beside me quickly straightened the fan in my hand, to cover my face properly.

My vision was limited to the clean white fan in front of me that had a hummingbird fluttering among clouds at its back, thus one only saw golden light passing through.

I heard footsteps approaching on the silk carpet, it was not loud, but I could feel it coming closer towards me.

The candlelight seemed to be blocked by something, and only shadows remained on the embroidered fan’s white screen. I smelled an unfamiliar scent, like the smell of alcohol and sweat mixed with grass, and in a flash, the hand in my hand was pressed down.

I looked up.

With his back against the light, that was a very unfamiliar face.

Hmm… the lips were quite pretty, neither wide nor thick, just a little thin. The face shape was also not bad. The ears were plump, the fine outline of his nose signified his boldness of characters, looking like those refined and exquisite types that were the pride of Chang'an. However, one unfortunate thing was that his complexion was somewhat dark, his eyebrows were too straight and thick and his eyes were so black and deep, especially when looking at another person, there seemed to be a sharp gaze hidden underneath it….

After looking for a short while, I quickly lowered my eyes. I was once taught by my wet nurse that women should always have a bashful and timid appearance when facing men.

It was so quiet that I could hear the soldiers outside laughing and guffawing, and I could feel a gaze from above swept through every inch of my face.

One didn’t know if he had drunk too much or if the red and white powder on my face had made me look like a monster, but he looked at me for a very long time, until I lowered my head and felt anxious in my heart.

I remembered it wasn’t like this when I was married previously. That husband was not good at drinking and when he was carried in, he had become like a puddle of mud, and the hejin wine was only exchanged the next day.

“Jiangjun, it is time to hejin.” Fortunately, Zhang Shi spoke, and I heard the man in front of me respond with a hum.

The voice was low, as if it was indifferent.

An attending servant came over to help me up. I kept my gaze forward and as I slowly walked over, the jade and pearl ornaments on my body jingled as they came in contact with each other.

We were led by the matchmaker to face each other. After the xishu, the matchmaker sang a congratulatory speech. The meat was divided into two and each drank the wine from their half of the gourd bottle. The bitter taste and the smell of alcohol filled my mouth, as I swallowed it hard without wrinkling my eyebrows.

“Firm together like hejin, joy and sorrow cannot be avoided.” The matchmaker said with a smile.

Throughout the entire process, I maintained the grace that a noble woman in Chang'an should have, sitting impeccably with my eyes lowered.

Just like what my Second Brother once said previously, putting on an act was my innate nature.

After everybody had withdrawn, I sat on the bed and was all alone with Wei Tan in the room.

The boisterous soldiers and onlookers outside had all been chased away, it was all silent now. The jewellery and clothes were removed and the make up on my face was washed off. I was wearing only a light and thin set of nightwear. I saw Wei Tan’s feet walking towards me and under the shadows, my chin was gently lifted by a hand.

Under the weak candlelight, the beauty behind his face seemed to converge. Wei Tan looked at me and that pair of eyes was as deep as the night, like a beast quietly looking at the prey that it had just captured.

“Fu Jin.” He spoke with a low and slow voice. “The daughter of the Chancellor (SiTu) Fu Shi. One heard that when your father and older brothers were escorted to the execution ground, you wore mourning clothes and sang the mourning song all the way. The people viewed it as filial petty.”

It was like he was reciting a book and the corner of his lips hooked up. “Have I remembered wrongly?”

My eyes were fixed on his lips.

“Not wrong.” I replied calmly with a smile.

Where in fact, my heart was somewhat dampened and I even felt annoyed. Over the years, I had not experienced many joyous events and had the mind of being satisfied with everything to just get through things. I didn’t even bother about marrying a second time, so why did he bring this up?

The hand on my chin was released, and Wei Tan sat down beside me. I heard him take a long breath before laying down on the bed.

I couldn’t help but to turn my head and look back. Our eyes met and suddenly, he stretched his arms and I was pressed under him.

“Jiangjun….” That body was firm and heavy. I felt uncomfortable being pressed down and wanted to push him off.

“Should call Fujun.” His arms were strong and his warm breath reeked of alcohol.

Those dark eyes drew so close that I could almost see my face in them and without any warning, my heart started to thump.

His face and body pressed me down heavily and I could not help but close my eyes tightly.

My mind was as taut as a string. I had heard that it would be painful and that one would not be able to get out of bed the next day if it was severe….

As I let my imagination run wild, I waited for a while only to realize that the surroundings had turned deathly still.


Stunned, I opened my eyes.

Wei Tan was still pressed onto my body, but his face was tilted to the side, his even breath suffused with the smell of alcohol.

This person was already sleeping, soundly.

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