Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 45. Escorting Caravan

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Escorting Caravan*

镖(biāo)-goods sent under the protection of an armed escort; dart, spear, harpoon; escort

Passing through the city gates of Yongdu again, it has been exactly three months since the last time.

When the carriage stopped in front of the mansion, Wei Xian's wife, Zhu Shi, Wei Ping's wife, Zhou Shi, and Wei Gang's Shi, Mao Shi, all came out from the house. When they saw me, they greeted me with warm smiles.

Zhou Shi hailed from the region of Hexi, and her maternal family belonged to a small gentry in the county. It was said that her father passed away early, so Zhou Shi had been following her mother and managing the household since she was young, even interacting with tenant farmers. Perhaps due to this background, Zhou Shi occasionally spoke boldly and exhibited some coarseness typical of rural folks. However, she had a knack for winning people's favor, being diligent in running the household, and sometimes charmingly playful, which endeared her to the elders.

Upon meeting, she took the initiative to come forward, grabbed my hand, and glanced at Wei Tan before saying with a smile, "Da Tangxiong has finally returned! We heard that Da Tangxiong went all the way to Huainan to pick up TangSao. I must admit, I'm truly envious!"

Wei Xian's wife, Zhu Shi, and Wei Gang's wife, Mao Shi, were more reserved. They stood behind Zhou Shi, watching us, and couldn't help but smile, covering their mouths with their sleeves.

I felt embarrassed and quickly said, "You three Zhoulis may not know, but at that time, Liang Chong was attacking Huaiyang, and Fujun had to go for the war. It just so happened that Qie and Si Shu were in the same place, so One took the opportunity to accompany him back."

Wei Tan didn't join me in explaining and instead looked at Zhou Shi, his lips curved into a smile. "If DiFu had gone to Huaiyang with Ah Jin back then, I would have made Zhong Mao follow me as well."

Zhou Shi blushed and scolded, "Da Tangxiong is talking nonsense again. Qie was talking about Tangsao."

After another round of laughter, everyone finished their greetings, and then they headed towards the house.

Guo Furen was in the main hall, accompanied by Wei Rong. As we entered, Wei Rong came forward to pay her respects. Wu Furen was seated on a couch, wearing a smile on her face as well.

After each of us paid our respects, Guo Furen asked Wei An to step forward and examined him. She sighed and said, "You left home without a word, do you know how worried the family was? We searched almost every corner of Yongzhou to find you. If it weren't for your Zhangsao sending word, Lao Fu would have sent someone to inform ChengXiang. Your father and brothers are fighting on the battlefield, and the tranquility of the family is crucial for them to focus on their duties. If anything happened to you, how could Lao Fu face ChengXiang? In the future, when Lao Fu passes into the afterlife, One won't have the face to meet your birth mother..." Her voice trembled, and she lowered her head, wiping away tears.

Wei An's face turned red, he looked up at Wei Tan.

Wei Tan gave him a meaningful glance. Wei An stepped forward and bowed to Guo Furen, saying, "ErZi has been willful and unfilial. This matter won't happen again. One is begging Muqin for forgiveness." After a moment's pause, he added, "An is willing to accept any punishment."

This apology is brief and lacks emotional richness. However, coming from Wei An's mouth, it already shows some sincerity.

Guo Furen looked at him, then lowered her head, wiping her eyes, holding back her tears.

"What punishment?" she sighed, "even if One were to hit you, the pain inflicted would not compare to the ache in a mother's heart."

Zhou Shi stood by, and after observing the situation, she persuaded, "Furen has been worried sick about Si Shu for how many days, unable to rest or eat in peace. Now that Si Shu has returned safely, why dwell on these sorrowful matters? Da Tangxiong, Tangsao, and Si Shu have been through hardships on their journey and haven't even had a proper meal or rest."

Guo Furen glanced at me and Wei Tan, her expression softening slightly, "It was my negligence. You have all endured hardships on the journey, and yet, this Lao Fu have been complaining."

Wei Tab smiled gently, "Muqin, there's no need for such words."

Guo Furen looked at me again and said, "During Shao Furen's journey, unexpected events occurred, and we heard about them in the capital. We were also extremely worried."

I replied, "Gushi's concern, Er Fu deeply appreciated it. Thanks to the protection of the soldiers, and the arrival of Fujun to escort us, despite the dangers, everything turned out well, and there was no need to worry."

Guo Furen nodded and sighed, "That's good to hear, and we must also attribute it to the blessings of the divine. Now that Shao Furen has returned, you should make offerings and express gratitude at the temple too."

I respectfully replied, "One will do so."

Guo Furen ordered the servants to bring the meal, and as we sat down at the table, she turned to Wei Tan and inquired about Wei Jue.

Wei Tan briefly explained the battle with Tan Xi and said to Guo Furen, "Five days ago, I received a battle report from Shangzhou. Tan Xi's four sons have been defeated, and now only his second son, Tan Yao, remains in control of Liaodong. Father is currently reorganizing the troops in Youzhou and plans to wipe out the remaining forces of the Tan Clan before winter sets in."

Guo Furen nodded, while the women continued to discuss without end.

"Qie heard that Liaodong is an extremely cold place. Even before winter arrives, the water there is already freezing." There were mixed feelings in Mao Shi's expression.

Zhou Shi said, "Now it's already September, if all goes well, the army will be able to return triumphantly soon."

"May the heavens protect us," Zhu Shi murmured in prayer.

After the meal, Wei Tan and I took our leave and returned to our courtyard.

Everyday, the servants cleaned diligently. Even after three months of absence, the place remained tidy. However, they had added one-foot-high bamboo fences to the corridors and corners.

"Planted flowers?" Wei Tan also noticed and raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly," I smiled, "They were sent from the palace."

Wei Tan walked to the wall and examined the flowers inside the bamboo fence. It was already autumn, and there were no blossoms, only green leaves and stems.

"Are these Yumeiren?" Wei Tan looked at them for a moment and asked me.

"Exactly," I replied, "Does Fujun recognize them?"

Wei Tan didn't reply immediately. After a moment, he turned back and said, "My mother used to plant them in the past."

I nodded.

"Let's go inside," Wei Tan said, walking towards the house.


Now that we are back at home, I resumed my daily duties of serving my husband and taking care of household matters, just as I did before.

Guo Furen treated me just as before, and household matters remained the same as before. Apart from tasks related to controlling accounts and personnel, she entrusted me with all other miscellaneous matters. I understood the reasons behind this, and I never declined the tasks she assigned. Even though I found some of the household chores dull after returning from a trip outside, I knew it was my duty, and I continued to wholeheartedly carry them out.

After returning to the capital city, Wei Tan became very busy. He either attended court every day or went out on inspections. When he was at home, there were frequent visitors coming to see him. Compared to his presence outside, he spent less time with me. We only had a chance to be together late at night when the day had already grown dark.

However, this didn't prevent him from getting fresh. If he was too tired, he would spend some intimate moments with me before falling asleep. If he wasn't tired, then things like "put off the light" were inevitable.

Even though I sometimes felt sore and in pain being tossed by him, I realized that I had slowly discovered some pleasure in them.

For example, when his hands roam across my body, I find it very enjoyable. When they linger on sensitive spots, I even place my hands over them to prevent him from moving away. And there's also that strange, big creature-like monster. When I can't resist biting into Wei Tan's arm, and when I am engulfed in that peculiar excitement, I begin to understand the ambiguous smiles on the faces of Zhou Shi and others.

After things settled down at home, I observed for a few days and then reported to Guo Furen, suggesting that I should go to the temple to make offerings to the gods.

Guo Furen naturally agreed, and when I mentioned it to Wei Tan, he thought for a moment and said, "Should Weifu follow along?"

I was taken aback for a moment and smiled, "Isn't Fujun planning to go to the Xiliu Camp?"

Wei Tan also smiled, "I almost forgot. In that case, please trouble Furen to make offerings on my behalf."

I breathed a sigh of relief and gently replied, "As you command."


Li Shang's family residence is not far from the temple palace I am heading to.

After the worship, I took a carriage directly to his residence.

Gongyang Gui was not there, and I only saw Li Shang and his son Li Huan. It had been three months since we last met, and Li Shang's face had grown darker, and he seemed slightly thinner. However, his spirit was vibrant, and he appeared even healthier than before.

Without waiting for me to ask how he was, Li Shang anxiously spoke, "Ah Yuan said in the letter that Furen encountered danger in Huainan?"

I scolded Ah Yuan with a glance, and she flinched slightly.

"It wasn't a significant danger," I smiled, "fortunately, someone came to rescue, and it turned out to be a false alarm."

I didn't mention who came to rescue me, but Li Shang seemed to be aware of it. He looked at me with a meaningful expression.

"So it is like that" he nodded, "if Furen is safe, it is a great virtue." After saying that, he had Li Huan bring several wooden boxes and opened them in front of me.

So far, these wooden boxes looked like cosmetic cases. But when opened, they revealed compartments and layers stacked with various medicinal herbs.

"So many?" I exclaimed, both surprised and delighted.

Li Shang smiled, "During my recent trip to Yuzhang, which is close to Lingnan and Jingxiang, I had access to a wide range of goods. There, I found a medicinal merchant from the past who assured me that he could offer the best quality and prices for any medicinal herb we need."

I pondered for a moment and said, "That sounds excellent. However, Yuzhang is quite far from the capital. I wonder if there are any smooth routes for the goods to be transported here?"

Li Shang replied, "Rest assured, Furen. This time, we took a water route on our journey. During the conflicts between Liang Chong, the court, and Wu Zhang, we encountered a blockade by the navy. Fortunately, Gongyang Gongzi showed quick wit and led us into hiding. With the help of a friend, we managed to escape. After that, the journey went smoothly. Yuzhang is now under the control of Zeng Yao. The three powers of Wei, Wu, and Liang are in a standoff, and Yuzhang relies on its natural defenses, making it relatively stable. However, the surrounding routes are blocked, making transportation of goods difficult, and medicinal merchants are also facing hardships."

I said, "That's exactly what I'm concerned about. The world is in turmoil now, and the situation is unpredictable. Even if the transportation is safe for now, things could change rapidly, and the circumstances might be entirely different before long."

"Furen, there's no need to worry. The people Gongyang Gongzi has acquainted with are seasoned navigators with more than a decade of experience on waterways. Even if there are official forces, they won't be able to hinder us on our journey."

To be direct, they are river pirates. How can we trust such people?

I tactfully replied, "With such capabilities, it's possible that we may need to rely on Gongyang GongZi for assistance in the future, and we wouldn't want to strain that relationship. As for the medicinal herbs, even if they are of good quality, if they are too expensive, the wealthy and noble may not be willing to buy them."

Li Shang nodded, "Mou has indeed considered this matter, which is why One convinced Gongyang Gongzi and the others to operate as a caravan while on the road."

"Operate as a caravan?" I was taken aback.

"Exactly," Li Shang said earnestly, "Gongyang Gongzi is unwilling to serve as an official, and he's far away from home without a stable livelihood. Those river pirates may have bravado, but their current path is unsustainable, and they can only resort to banditry, which won't last. So, I proposed that they operate as a caravan on the waterways, charge escort fees, which is a legitimate way to make a living and support their families. Why wouldn't they be willing?" He continued with a smile, "But don't worry, Furen. They assured us that if they act as escorts, they will only take a 20% commission on the goods we transport."

Feeling speechless, I took a sip of tea to suppress the astonishment that had arisen within me.

Although Gongyang Gui may seem unconventional, I had always believed that, like other noble sons, he would not be interested in business. It's surprising to learn that he accepted Li Shang's proposal.

In the past, I didn't understand the dangers of traveling through dangerous regions with armed conflicts. However, after this journey to Huainan and then circling back through Luoyang, I have gained a deep understanding. I dislike unpredictable situations and feel that it's worth taking action only when I have a high level of certainty.

But Li Shang and his companions are different. They seem enthusiastic about thrilling experiences. Am I too timid in comparison?

"Furen, there's no need to be surprised," Li Shang chuckled, "During our journey, Gongyang Gongzi mentioned that in the past, Furen used to take old items from the mansion and sell them in the market. He even encountered Furen a few times while wandering in the streets."

What do you mean by "encountered"? Gongyang Gui went with me to sell the items; he was determined not to lose face and insisted on being there with me.

I blushed, "Guanshi already knows about it?"

Li Shang shook his head and laughed, "Back then, the Late Furen (FuJin's mother) mentioned that many old items from the house had gone missing, suspecting that someone had stolen them. Mou was about to investigate, but Zhugong (FuJin's father) told me there was no need. He jokingly said those old items had all ended up in the belly of a fox."

Ah Yuan and Li Huan both smiled.

My ears felt a bit warm, and looking at Li Shang's smile, I suddenly felt at ease.

This is the most heartfelt smile Li Shang has shown since we reunited after the hardships. In my heart, I can't help but feel that if Father were still alive, he wouldn't stop Li Shang from being so determined to do something, right?

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