Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 61. Herbal Soup

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Herbal Soup

I have always known that I am someone skilled at pretending. When I lifted the carriage curtain and met Wei Tan's clear eyes, I surprisingly restrained my embarrassment, didn't turn around and ran away. I couldn't help but admire myself.

"Furen's carriage is indeed comfortable. Weifu fell asleep and lost track of time." Wei Tan rested his head on a pillow with one arm, stretching lazily, his smile ambiguous.

I feel like I could act coquettishly and pretend to be angry by saying, "What brings Fujun here?" and lightly brushing over the matter. However, I simply can't do it; holding back my facial twitching has already stretched my abilities to the limit.

At this moment, Ah Yuan and others rushed over and, upon seeing Wei Tan and Wei An, all showed expressions of surprise.

I had no desire to explain, while Wei Tan calmly stepped out of the carriage, instructing the coachman to bring the horses and harness the carriage before returning to the residence.

In the carriage, I listened to the steady sound of wheels and horses, constantly recalling the conversation I had just had with Qiao Ti. The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt.

I'm a bit annoyed that Wei Tan stayed silent in the carriage and overheard my conversation with Qiao Ti. But logically, I can't blame him. He was already in the carriage sleeping, and if I woke him up and accused him of eavesdropping, it would seem unjustified.

Upon further reflection, the conversation I had with Qiao Ti wasn't really significant. Most of the discussion about her entering the Wei residence was initiated by Qiao Ti, and I didn't express my stance on the matter. However, she later mentioned Pei Qian, and although I didn't say much, who knows where Wei Tan's thoughts might have wandered?

Upon returning to the residence, the servants said that Wei Jue had drunk heavily and went to rest. Guo Furen was feeling unwell and also resting in her room.

Feeling a bit uneasy, Wei Tan and I returned to the room without changing clothes. I pretended to be busy, tidying up here and there, instructing the servants to boil water, and asking Ah Yuan to fetch the stove for tea brewing.

Wei Tan remained calm and unhurried, casually hanging his outer robe on the chair in front of him.

After rearranging the books on the table, I turned around only to find that there were no outsiders in the room anymore. Wei Tan was reclining on the couch, propped up by a hidden pillow, flipping through the chess strategies book in his hand.

"Done being busy?" He seemed to notice my gaze, lowering the book and glancing at me.

"Fujun has been busy today. It's time to take a bath," I acted as if I didn't hear him and went to tidy up the clothes on the chair.

"Wanna rest for a moment before going," Wei Tan said.

"Very well, then Qie will go and bathe first," I immediately replied, and I was about to leave after saying that.

Wei Tan's voice came slowly, "Won't Furen explain today's matter with a few words?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned my head, only to see him with his legs crossed, the book discarded on the side of the table.

I knew I couldn't escape, so I reluctantly walked towards him.

"Fujun, explain about what?" I pretended to be innocent with a smile.

Wei Tan didn't follow my lead, "Sit down."

I sat down.

"Lean closer," he patted the space next to the pillow.

I was suspicious but moved to the spot he indicated.

He got up, adjusted himself, and rested his head on my lap.

Me: "..."

"Furen, please massage my forehead," Wei Tan closed his eyes, "I had too much to drink today, so the head is pounding."

Acting cute, huh, I thought to myself, as I used my fingers to gently massage his forehead.

Wei Tan let out a sigh of relief, and the corners of his straight lips curved into a smile.

"Since Furen doesn't want Qiao Nǚjun to enter our residence, why not follow her wish and send her to Huaiyang?" His voice was low and lazy.

My hand paused for a moment. Wei Tan is exactly irritating in this regard - either he doesn't say anything or suddenly opens up everything all at once.

Admitting along with his words is impossible; I need to maintain the demeanor of a virtuous wife.

"It's not that Qie is unwilling. Moreover, Biǎomèi's entry into our residence was Jiumu's idea," I said casually, "Biaomei is young and impulsive; how could Qie assist her in running away from home?"

"Oh?" Wei Tan's eyebrows playfully raised with curiosity.

"Since Fujun heard everything, why doesn't make any sound?" I didn't want to be led by him, so I changed the topic.

Wei Tan looked unperturbed and blinked his eyes. "I did intend to speak, but Ah An interrupted first," he touched his chin, "Women's thoughts are truly peculiar. How could Jiu Furen and Qiao Nǚjun be so sure they can enter the residence? They should know that Furen can't even tolerate them putting off the light..."

"Fujun is the one who sent them away," my face flushed, as I corrected him.

"Oh?" Wei Tan's smile grew deeper, "So, Furen doesn't mind?" He seemed to be pondering something, "Then let those few people come back. According to Weifu's view, we already have someone to brew tea and to put off the light, so what does Qiao Nǚjun need to do if she come? Well, let her hold that yellow silk… Ss!"

I pinched his shoulder firmly in response.

"Qie will go take a bath." He teased me again with an indecent remark. Feeling both embarrassed and annoyed, I pushed his head away and was about to get up. But before I could stand up, Wei Tan grabbed my waist and gently pulled me down onto the couch.

"Daring to beat your husband, en?" His body pressed against mine, and his warm breath grazed my cheek.

My limbs were immobilized by his hold, and just as I wanted to speak, his lips sealed mine. His breath was hot and lingering, carrying a hint of roughness and the remnants of alcohol.

"Mmm... Uh..." His grip was strong, and my breathing felt like being stuck in quicksand, almost unable to catch up. After a while, Wei Tan finally let go, and I gasped for breath, feeling my whole body weak and soft.

Wei Tan lowered his head and looked at me, his lips displaying a moist and rosy hue.

After a while, he turned over and laid on his back, pulling my waistband into his embrace. I had no more desire for struggles; I rested my head on his shoulder and leaned against his side.

The room was quiet, as I listened to Wei Tan's heartbeat, steady and strong, beating one after another. He gently twirled a strand of my hair, winding it between his fingers, letting it go then twirling it again. I was already exhausted, but his gentle touch made me feel incredibly comfortable, and I half-closed my eyes.

It's not surprising that Jiumu had such thoughts. After being married to Han Guang for five years and to Wei Tan for one year, I haven't given birth to any. The reason behind it is only known to Wei Tan and me. Even if we were to tell others, who would believe it? Besides, now that Wei Tan and I have been husband and wife for half a year, the matter of having children between us has become increasingly delicate and subtle.

I can feel that Wei Tan treats me sincerely, and he seems completely unconcerned about all the playful teasing and jokes we share. It was the same the last time, and this time…

"Assistant Minister Cen Wei, of the Cen family from Nanyang, has both appearance and family background comparable to the Qiao family. He would be a suitable match for Qiao Nǚjun," I heard Wei Tan speaking.

I was taken aback and looked up.

Wei Tan glanced at me from the corner of his eye, "What do you think?"

I didn't know what to say, gazing at that face so close to mine, the candlelight casting an orange hue on his nose. Beneath his long lashes, his dark eyes shone brightly.

My heart secretly raced, and I tried my best to act nonchalant, but I couldn't hide the slight upward curve of my lips.

"Let's do as Fujun wishes," I whispered softly.

Wei Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly reached out, booping my nose with his finger.

I widened my eyes, but my head was held down by Wei Tan, and he brought me back into his embrace.

"Was the Bì Tái enjoyable today?" he asked.

"It was enjoyable," I obediently replied, while my mind was still pondering Wei Tan's words. With Wei Tan intervening and marrying Qiao Ti to that guy surnamed Cen, Jiumu's thoughts were probably put to rest. Moreover, more importantly, Wei Tan didn't want to take concubines...

"Oh? What was enjoyable about it?" he asked again, out of the blue.

My thoughts were interrupted, and I quickly shifted my gaze, trying to please him as I said, "Fujun was very imposing today, with just a few words, managed to suppress the situation."

"En?" He looked at me for a moment, then his lips curled slightly.

"There will be more of these things in the future," he looked at the canopy above, murmuring softly, "Father is too hasty."

I was taken aback and about to say something when suddenly there was a "thud thud" knocking sound from outside the door.

"Da Gongzi!" a servant called from outside, "Chengxiang's headache has flared up again. Furen requests Da Gongzi to come over!"


Wei Jue's physique is robust, but his only ailment is a recurring headache caused by the stress and worries of military campaigns, and it has persisted for a long time.

After the great victory over Tan last year, Wei Jue enjoyed several months without a relapse, but this time, the headache has returned more severe than ever before.

For several consecutive days, Wei Jue's head was wrapped in a silk scarf as he rested in bed. The pain must be excruciating, as he has become irritable, and the slightest carelessness from his attendants would provoke him to angrily scold and curse, even Guo Furen suffered several times from his outbursts.

The only person whom Wei Jue has not offended is the Imperial Physician, Ni Rong. He was in his fifties, and he has been the one treating Wei Jue's illness all along, and he is treated with great respect by everyone in the residence.

"It's early morning, and Chengxiang hasn't had breakfast yet. What should we do?"Guo Furen's face was filled with worry, and tears welled up as she spoke.

"Chengxiang's recent illness was caused by excessive drinking. Furen, rest assured, let's start with a light porridge to help nourish him slowly," Ni Rong comforted.

Guo Furen said, "Chengxiang's temper is irritable now. When One tries to persuade him to eat, he ends up scolding fiercely. The only person who can approach him without being scolded is Taiyi."

Ni Rong nodded, "So it is like that. Furen can entrust the meals to Mou, and One will present them to ChengXiang."

With Ni Rong's help, the situation improved, and Wei Jue finally agreed to eat and take his medicine. His headache gradually subsided.

Since Wei Jue fell ill, most of his duties fell on Wei Tan's shoulders, keeping him busy and rarely seen. Meanwhile, I took care of Guo Furen's affairs from morning till night without interruption.

At the same time, I discussed with Li Shang the possibility of establishing a herbal medicine garden.

A herbal medicine garden, as the name suggests, is a place dedicated to cultivating medicinal herbs. In the past, many herbal merchants in Chang'an established their own gardens to grow readily available herbs. Not only did this save costs for procurement and transportation, but it also ensured a stable supply. However, after the turmoil and war, many of these gardens were abandoned due to the lack of people tending to the fields.

Recently, I overheard Wei Tan and his generals discussing herbal medicine matters, which inspired me to consider setting up a herbal medicine garden.

As far as I knew, last year during the great battle between Wei Jue and Tan Xi, there was a severe shortage of medicines used for emergency cases like stopping bleeding and treating diarrhea. After years of continuous warfare, both the government and the common people had an increasing demand for medicinal herbs. However, the wild herbs in the countryside were getting scarce, and even common herbs like Plantago and Imperata, which used to be worthless, were now being sold at higher prices, costing two to three coins per jin.

After sharing the idea with Li Shang, he wholeheartedly agreed.

In the past, there were several herbal medicine gardens outside the capital city, and it wouldn't be difficult to find skilled herbalists for cultivation. However, with the current difficult times, most of the herbal merchants in the city are conservative and reluctant to invest. While the business is viable, no one dares to try.

My determination came from two reasons: first, the 30% of profits I gave to Li Shang last year. He refused to accept it and thought it would be better to invest it rather than let it sit idle. Second, I'm not optimistic about the prospects of Yannian Hall. With various warlords controlling different regions, the safety of cargo transportation is uncertain. If the route to the south is blocked, Yannian Hall will lose its supply source, and profits will be affected. Therefore, establishing a separate herbal medicine garden seems to be a more reliable option.

Li Shang acted swiftly as always, and not long after, he sent a letter informing me that he had found an abandoned herbal medicine garden outside the city. He also found skilled herbalists, and once the buildings were repaired, they could start cultivating medicinal seedlings.

"Furen, since Chengxiang is currently ill, why not have Cai Rang offer some tonics to him? Maybe Chengxiang will be pleased and reward us generously," even Ah Yuan has become quite resourceful now, suggesting with a smile.

I pondered for a moment and shook my head, "Medical matters are unpredictable, and this business involves too much risk. We should be cautious."

Ah Yuan agreed with my reasoning and nodded.

Unexpectedly, this conversation seemed like a prophecy. Within a few days, Wei Jue suddenly had Ni Rong arrested on charges related to medicine – he was accused of poisoning Wei Jue's medicine, intending to harm him.

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