Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 41. Turn the Light Off

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Turn the Light Off

Since Jiumu has invited me, and it's a birthday banquet, of course I will go. However, she informed me in such a hurry that I didn't have time to prepare a congratulatory gift.

Ah Yuan said to me in private, "Furen, I have inquired about Jiu Furen's current family situation , and it seems not very good. I asked the person who delivered the invitation, and they said that Jiu Furen hasn't held a birthday banquet for several years, and it's only this year that she suddenly mentioned wanting to hold one."

I was surprised but after thinking for a moment, I nodded. With Jiufu's passing, times had been tough. Like many prominent families, the Qiao family primarily relied on their ancestral land. However, since the chaos erupted, people fled and the land yielded no harvest. Jiumu's family managed to sustain themselves with the remaining wealth left by Jiufu. However, it was not uncommon for fortunes to be lost and scattered during such troubled times, resulting in insufficient income to cover expenses.

The greatest hope that Jiumu could possibly place is likely on my Biaoxiong, Qiao Ke.

I suddenly understood her purpose for hosting this birthday banquet.

To my surprise, when I asked Wei Tan if he would accompany me, he agreed readily.

"Do you have a birthday gift prepared?" he asked.

"Haven't prepared one," I said while rummaging through my clothes in the suitcase. "I will go to the market with Ah Yuan later and choose some fabrics." Practical items like fabrics are always appreciated as gifts for elders. Since I don't have any familiar fabric merchants in Luoyang who can deliver the goods for me to choose from, and time is limited, I considered it and decided to go out myself for a quicker selection.

"We have some fabrics at home that were left from last year's Dong Kuang rebellion. Would Furen like to take a look?" Wei Tan suggested.

Upon hearing his words, I couldn't help but feel delighted, and I immediately went to the Manor's storage to take a look.

Dong Kuang was known for his love of amassing wealth, so the items that caught the attention of Wei Jue and were left behind would certainly not be ordinary. As expected, I found many beautiful fabrics and brocades in the Manor's storage, which were rare items in the current market. I carefully selected some and had them wrapped up by someone.

As the sun started to tilt towards the west, I followed Wei Tan in boarding the carriage. He didn't ride a horse but instead wore a bamboo hat and dressed in formal attire from head to toe. He sat in the carriage with me, appearing as if we were going to pay a visit to a distinguished scholar.

"Is the attire inappropriate?" Wei Tan asked as he noticed me staring at him.

I shook my head and smiled, saying, "It's very appropriate."


Jiumu's house was also located in the northern part of the city. When the carriage arrived at the front gate, we saw lanterns hanging high, and there were already people waiting to greet us.

As the carriage came to a halt, before Ah Yuan could alight, Wei Tan walked over and personally held my hand to help me down from the carriage.

"Shengnǚ," Jiumu greeted me with a beaming smile as she approached.

"May Jiumu has many prosperous years ahead," I smiled and offered her a respectful greeting. Then, I turned to Wei Tan and said, "Fujun, this is Qie's Jiumu."

Wei Tan smiled warmly and bowed politely to Aunt-in-law, saying, "Jiu Furen's longevity is as enduring as the Southern Mountain."

Jiumu looked at him with a smile, her eyes full of warmth, and replied with courtesy, "Lao Fu has long heard of Jiangjun's illustrious reputation. Today, Jiangjun grace One's humble abode, and it shines with added brilliance."

Wei Tan humbly said, "Jiu Furen's praise is too kind. Mou and Furen are married, and today is the first time One has the honor to meet Jiu Furen. One feels truly ashamed."

JiuMu's smile deepened, and she stepped back to make way for Qiao Ke and Qiao Ti behind her, saying, "Hurry and pay your respects to Ah Jin and Jiangjun."

The two of them responded promptly and came forward to pay their respects to us.

Qiao Ke is older than me, and I have not seen him for many years. His face now bore some resemblance to our late Jiufu's dignified appearance, and he had grown a beard on his chin. He looked at me with a gentle smile, and his eyes seemed a bit teary. When he paid his respects to Wei Tan, he did so with grace and composure, showing neither arrogance nor subservience.

Qiao Ti was dressed in a very beautiful outfit, wearing a rosy-colored silk skirt, and she moved gracefully like a lotus. She looked even more stunning than the last time I saw her. When she bowed to Wei Tan with lowered eyes, I noticed a faint blush on her cheeks, as if she was shy and bashful.

JiuMu looked very pleased and took my hand, personally leading us into the house.

The hall was brightly lit, and not long after we took our seats, my San Yimu and Yifu also arrived. I introduced Wei Tan to them and after the greetings, I presented the congratulatory gift I had brought to Jiumu.

Jiumu smiled and accepted the gift. After we were all seated again, she expressed her emotions, "Since your Jiufu passed away, Jiumu has lost interest in various gatherings and banquets. It was thoughtful of Ah Ti to bring up this matter. If it weren't for her reminder, and also considering that you are in Luoyang and it has been a long time since I saw your Yimu, I would not have hastily arranged this banquet." After speaking, she glanced at Qiao Ti, who was sitting beside her.

Qiao Ti remained silent, with her gaze slightly lowered.

"Biaomei is virtuous and well-mannered, a testament to Jiu,u's excellent upbringing," I said with a smile. As I looked at Qiao Ti again, I noticed her eyes were wandering elsewhere. Following her gaze, I saw that across the room, Wei Tan was engaged in a conversation with Qiao Ke and my San Yifu, Tao Zhu.

"I heard that Jiangjun returned a few days ago?" San Yimu asked me.

"Indeed." I replied.

San Yimu nodded and praised, "They say that ChengXiang Da Gongzi has a majestic and impressive appearance, and indeed, his reputation is well-deserved."

Isn't it just a Wufu. I thought to myself with a smile, "San Yimu has overpraised."

What is there to be modest about?" Jiumu laughed, "I see him as a man of outstanding character, a talent among the elites of this era."

I smiled but remained silent, glancing at Qiao Ti from the corner of my eye. She was looking elsewhere, seemingly not paying attention to the conversation on this side.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, JiuMu instructed the servants to bring in the meal.

At the banquet, there was food and wine. After toasting and wishing Jiumu well, I took a moment to look around. The number of servants attending to us, from the entrance to the banquet, seemed limited. There were no entertainers or musicians present, indicating that the household no longer kept such luxuries. Looking at the furnishings in the hall, the tables, couches, and screens were all old and dimly colored. All of these signs pointed to the financial difficulties the family was facing.

After the meal, the servants brought some light snacks, and Jiùmu instructed them to refill the drinks on the tables.

Qiao Ke sat next to Wei Tan, while on the other side of Wei Tan was my third JiuFu. Wei Tan seemed to understand the arrangement and engaged in a friendly conversation with Qiao Ke. He asked about Qiao Ke's studies and who his teachers were, and Qiao Ke answered each question. Wei Tan also discussed recent events in Luoyang, such as the uprisings of the displaced people and the high prices of goods.

As I listened to their conversation from this side, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Why was Wei Tan asking such questions? Although Qiao Ke lived in Luoyang, he was from a prominent family behind high walls. How could he possibly know much about the livelihood of common people? Yet, to my surprise, Qiao Ke responded confidently. While his answers were a bit bookish, he displayed some unique insights that were surprisingly perceptive.

While Wei Tan listened to Qiao Ke's words, his expression remained inscrutable, but he seemed deeply engaged in the conversation. Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something and glanced in my direction.

I quickly turned my head and pretended to be fully engrossed in the conversation between San Yimu and Jiùmu.


San Yifu, Tao Zhu, was nearing fifty years old and had a portly figure. His family was also a prominent one in Luoyang. He had once gone to Jiangzhou for a visit, but later returned to Luoyang due to illness and became a Chief Scribe. When Wei Jue attacked, Tao Zhu followed the provincial governor and surrendered together. Now he still held the position of a chief scribe, establishing a subordinate relationship with Wei Tan.

I don't particularly like this Yifu. When our Fu family faced difficulties in the past, I didn't blame him for being unable to help. However, later when Jiufu got involved in trouble in Luoyang, even though he was there too, he forbade San Yimu from having any contact with her maternal family. It's natural for everyone to have a sense of self-preservation, but his cowardice during challenging times still left a cold feeling in my heart.

He was in high spirits at the banquet, constantly toasting Wei Tan with well-practiced toasts, revealing himself as someone well-versed in the art of feasting and drinking. Wei Tan also held his own, drinking up all the wine offered by my third maternal uncle. Later on, surprisingly, it was my third maternal uncle who started showing signs of being drunk. He began telling some lowbrow jokes and even jokingly referred to Wei Tan as "my ShengXu" with hearty laughter.

Jiumu glanced at that side with an expressionless face, but I could sense some displeasure from her. Although Jiumu was eager to befriend Wei Tan, she was cautious in her approach. Even after meeting Wei Tan, she still addressed him as "Jiangjun". This was a prudent move, as she didn't want to presume a seniority that might lead Wei Tan to feel uncomfortable. However, now, with San Yifu's drunken state, Jiumu found herself in a somewhat awkward situation.

Wei Tan showed no signs of displeasure and had the servants assist San Yifu. Seeing this, Jiumu quickly instructed others to bring some tea for him.

It was still the San Yimu who was thoughtful, and smiled at the Jiumu, and said, "It's the delicious wine in Zhangsao's house that got Zhangfu drunk with continuous toasting. The night is getting late, so we should take our leave now."

Jiumu glanced at San Yifu and then turned to San Yimu, showing a gentle expression. "That's fine. It's just that the food and drink are simple, causing San Gu and GuXu to be treated poorly."

San YiMu said, "We're all family, there's no need to say such things." After that, she instructed the servants to prepare the carriage and had someone assist San Yifu.

As the banquet was coming to an end, Wei Tan and I didn't stay long either. We got up from the table and thanked JiuMu again before taking our leave.

"The hospitality may not have been perfect, Jiangjun and ShengNǚ, please don't take offense," Jiumu said as she held my hand.

"Where is Jiumu talking about? Today's banquet is very delightful," I replied politely.

Jiu,u sighed and said, "Who knows when we'll meet again after today."

"Please rest assured, Jiu Furen," Wei Tan said, "Furen and I still need to stay in Luoyang for a few more days. If Jiu Furen misses us, can come visit more often."

JiuMu smiled with delight, "In that case, I will be at ease." After saying that, she instructed Qiao Ke and Qiao Ti to bid farewell.

Despite having had some wine, Qiao Ke remained meticulous in his manners while bidding farewell.

Wei Tan looked at him and smiled, saying, "The court highly values talented scholars, and the world recognizes those who are capable. If Bo Gong has ambitions, he can go to Yongdu (the Capital)."

Upon hearing these words, everyone's faces lit up with joy, and Qiao Ke expressed his gratitude with another bow, thanking Wei Tan.

"Jiangjun," Qiao Ti stepped forward, breaking her previous silence, and looked at Wei Tan with a bright smile. "Jiangjun is Biaozi's husband. May One address Jiangjun as Biao Zifu?"

Wei Tan looked slightly surprised but quickly smiled and said, "Of course."

Qiao Ti's smile appeared coy and bashful as she gracefully bowed to Wei Tan, her eyes filled with a tender gleam. Then, she glanced at me before stepping back.

I smiled as well, but inside, a surge of anger rose within me. This Biaomei of mine, I knew her gaze all too well. Whenever she set her sights on something of mine, it was this exact look in her eyes.


Upon returning to the residence, the first thing I did was to take a bath.

I realistically think about the future. With Wei Tan's status, there would be many concubines sent from various sources, far more than the few I had seen in the past two months. As I had previously mentioned to Ah Yuan, refusing them would be foolish. Wei Tan was no fool, so I never expected him not to take concubines.

However, this didn't mean I was willing to let my Biaomei become one of them.

She actually set her sights on Wei Tan? Was it her idea, or Jiumu's idea? I found it laughable. Despite Wei Jue's strength, he was not the Emperor, and the Qiao family in Luoyang was a prestigious one with ancestral temples and prominent family members. For the daughter of a major lineage to be sent as a concubine, wouldn't it risk disgracing the family's reputation?

Oh, no. Since it's about taking something away, Qiao Ti's goal should be to drive me away, right?

Drive me away? I leaned against the edge of the bath, gazing at the rafters. In this world, both now and in the future, I'm afraid many people would want to drive me away, wouldn't they?


When I returned to my room, Wei Tan was not there. Ah Yuan said he had also gone to take a bath.

Sitting in front of the mirror, I looked at my reflection. The light cast a hazy glow, and the woman in the mirror still had lustrous black hair and fair skin. Her eyes were bright and expressive, seemingly asking me, "Are you afraid?"

Afraid? Perhaps. But there's a characteristic of someone like me, who loves to pretend and put on a show. The more I'm coveted by others, the bolder I become. If I feel disadvantaged, I'll even muster up great courage.

Before, those five beauties were like this, and now Qiao Ti is the same.

When Wei Tan came in, I was still sitting at the table, combing my hair. He was dressed in a single garment, and he paused behind me. In the mirror, I caught a glimpse of his lingering gaze. Shortly after, he approached and lifted me up in his arms.

Having grown accustomed to him carrying me up and down when I injured my foot before, I was neither surprised nor afraid this time. Even as he held me in the air, I continued combing my hair as if it was a normal occurrence.

"We still have some unfinished business from earlier in the day, shall we take care of it now?" His lips were close to my ear, his voice low and hoarse.

What a lecher. I silently cursed in my heart, smiling at him and asking, "What unfinished business does Fujun have with Qie?"

Wei Tan didn't respond, he simply placed me on the couch and came closer, kissing and caressing me. He nibbled on my neck, making me giggle softly. When he tried to undo my clothes, I held his face in my hands.

"Fujun hasn't turned off the lamp yet," I said.

"Turn off the lamp?" Wei Tan's eyes still held a hint of desire, and a smirk played on his lips. "Why should we turn it off?" he said, then leaned in again.

I pushed against him firmly, holding my ground. "How can we not turn the lamp off at night?" I insisted.

"What night?" Wei Tan chuckled mischievously. "The unfinished business from the daytime should naturally be completed during the daytime." With that, he pulled my hand away and proceeded to undress me.

I refused to comply, twisting my body and evading his advances from left to right. I was determined not to let him have his way.

Wei Tan sighed in helplessness, placing his arms on either side to prop himself up. "Furen has seen my naked body many times before. What's wrong with me taking a look for once?" he said, trying to persuade me.

I blushed with embarrassment and said, "When has Qie ever seen Fujun's naked body?!"

"I saw it when I was changing clothes," Wei Tan answered confidently. "Isn't Furen always staring at me?" His words left me speechless, and my ears turned hot with embarrassment.

"Alright then," Wei Tan gazed at me with deep eyes, his expression serious as he pondered for a moment. Then he said softly, "If Furen truly can't remember, Weifu will show it to Furen again, and then Furen can show me too. That's fair, isn't it?"

He was shameless, worse than the rogues in the streets. Fuming with anger, I retorted with a forced smile, "How about Fujun turn off the lamp first, and then we can both be honest with each other. Wouldn't that be even fairer?"

Wei Tan laughed and didn't push the matter further. Instead, he embraced me and lay down beside me.

"Do you really don't wanna see it?" he nibbled on my ear.

"Don't want to," I replied firmly.

"Am I not good-looking?"

Here he goes again, suddenly throwing such an unpredictable question. I must admit my ability to read his expressions is not weak. Sometimes, some of my words might seem offensive, but Wei Tan never gets angry. For example, right now, I am not behaving like I usually do, selflessly considering everything; instead, I am even being a bit stubborn, and Wei Tan seems to like it.

"Not good-looking," I answered without much thought.

"En?" Wei Tan turned my face towards him. "Where am I not good-looking?"

I looked at him and said, "Your face is dark."

Wei Tan: "......"

"Who among the soldiers who trained in the field isn't tanned?" he furrowed his brow.

I extended a finger and gently brushed his eyebrows, saying, "They are too thick here."

Wei Tan didn't seem to agree, "It's natural."

I blinked my eyes, "And these eyes too, always staring at people."

Wei Tan was momentarily stunned, then chuckled, "Is that also considered not good-looking?" As he spoke, his finger gently traced my chin, and his gaze fixed on my lips, "Is Furen afraid?"

"What does Fujun think?" I replied with a smile, my voice soft, as I watched his face getting closer.

Just before his lips touched mine, he asked with a low and alluring voice, "According to Furen's perspective, where can Weifu enter your eyes?"

I smiled and remained silent, gazing at him. My hand slowly slid downward, caressing his chest, following the contours of his muscles, inch by inch…

My actions seemed to ignite a fire within him, and the rationality in his eyes gradually faded away. When my fingers brushed over his lower abdomen, he tensed up, and his lips pressed against mine once more.

His powerful and dominant kiss intertwined our bodies, causing my breath to become erratic, and I gasped heavily. When his hand started wandering under my clothes, I immediately stopped him, saying, "Fujun seems to have forgotten something…"

Wei Tan held my hand in response and continued without looking up, his voice muffled: "Don't turn off the lamp."

"It's not about extinguishing the lamp..." I gasped, holding onto his shoulders and smiling, "Didn't Fujun want Qie to look at something just now? Have you forgotten?"

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