Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 121. Besieged City

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Besieged City

Compared to the grim scene outside, just a dozen or so yards ahead, everything changed. White walls adorned with red flowers, green shade resonating with bird songs; the palace still held the most beautiful scenery of the season. However, from the hurried steps of the guards, the lowered heads of palace attendants, and the eunuchs' hurried movements, one could still discern the fear they had experienced the previous night.

The Emperor, dressed in his usual attire, sat in the hall. After I finished recounting the passing of Liang Hui, he remained silent for a long while.

"Qie is deeply ashamed, as Zhangsao, One failed to protect Gongzhu thoroughly," I kowtowed to the Emperor.

The Emperor let out a long, deep sigh.

"Furen, please rise," he murmured softly.

I performed another bow before lifting my head. The Emperor gazed at me, his countenance bearing a mixture of weariness and sorrow, the emotions intertwined yet indistinct in their union.

"Your Majesty, please restrain one's grief," I whispered softly.

The Emperor nodded ever so slightly, but he looked at me and said, "If Zhen recalls correctly, in Chengxiang residence, currently there is only Furen."

"Indeed," I replied, "Now, with Jiugu, Fujun, and Shushu all absent, there is only Qie left in the residence."

"Zhen has also heard that Da Sima is in Taizhou, is that correct?"

I didn't raise my eyes, but I could sense his gaze fixed on me.

"Indeed," I replied.

After the calamity of last night, Cheng Mao spread the news of Wei Tan's survival to stabilize the people's emotions. It didn't take long for the entire city to know. According to Yan Jun, most of the servants of the Wei residence who had returned had also heard this news before rushing back.

Now, it's not surprising that this matter has reached the Emperor's ears.

"Liang Wen," the Emperor slowly pronounced the name, a hint of an unusual smile crossing his face. "Da Sima has played a chess game spanning a thousand miles, setting up such a grand scheme. It is quite intriguing."

I chuckled inwardly. That's right, even I was kept in the dark. If Wei Tan were to appear before me now, I wouldn't know whether to be pleased or annoyed.

"Qie only wishes for everyone to be safe," I said.

The Emperor looked at me, his voice gentle. "Regarding my younger sister's matters, Furen, please handle it with great care. If there are any difficulties, do not hesitate to report, it's of no hindrance."

I accepted and bowed to the Emperor once more.

As I left the palace, there was a peculiar feeling lingering in the depths of my heart.

Recalling the conversation with the Emperor just now, I quickly understood the source of this strangeness. He and I once shared hardships and treated each other sincerely. Now, we seemed somewhat like actors, wearing masks of tears or smiles. The true thoughts beneath, I feared, only we ourselves knew.

There's no shortage of sentiments. But in the current situation, neither of us has a way out. One can't avoid what's inevitable, so One might just face it.

After leaving the Imperial Palace, I wandered to other parts of Yongdu.

While last night's chaos was incited by Wei Kang, the most severe damage to Yongdu wasn't caused by him at all. Wei Zhao's intention to take the Emperor hostage and attack the Imperial Palace goes without saying. When the Liaodong troops withdrew, in order to stop Wei Kang, they set numerous houses ablaze in the north and west of the city. After the Xiliu Camp reclaimed the entire city last night, the focus shifted from eliminating the bandits to extinguishing the raging fires all around.

On certain relatively clean stretches of road, exhausted soldiers, too worn out to care about their disheveled appearance, collapsed by the wayside, lying sprawled in all directions. As for the civilians left homeless due to the destruction of their houses, most were accommodated in temples and palaces.

Fortunately, Li Shang wasn't among them. Ah Yuan told me that when we were at the Nianxiang Pavilion, Li Huan had visited once to confirm his safety.

The Magistrate of Yongzhou, Ban Fei, was appointed by Wei Jue and was already fifty years old. He handled matters quite prudently. He ordered the granaries of the prefecture to be opened, cooking porridge with the stored grain to distribute among the people. Additionally, he erected makeshift shelters and tents in the open spaces of temples and palaces, providing temporary dwellings for these displaced citizens.

"Da Sima once issued an order, stating that in case of natural disasters or military calamities leading to the destruction of homes in Yongdu, the imperial court would provide funds for reconstruction," Ban Fei informed me as we walked among the makeshift shelters. "Both in the north and south of the city, there are households with less than ten gold pieces. Therefore, when the Xiliu Camp took control of Yongdu, the citizens did not panic."

Upon hearing this, I was momentarily taken aback and couldn't help but find it amusing. Wei Zhao, a man who muddles through major affairs, yet shows shrewdness in minor matters. Even in the midst of fleeing, he doesn't forget to discern who should not be offended.

Before returning to the residence, I went to Li Shang's house.

Both he and Li Huan were here. They were greatly surprised to see me.

After settling down in the main hall, I exchanged pleasantries with Li Shang about the events of last night. Near his residence, there were also a few places set ablaze by the soldiers under Guo Cheng's command. However, their locations were relatively remote, and they were not directly affected.

"Ma Kui and the others will arrive tomorrow, but with the current situation, entering or leaving the city may be quite difficult," Li Shang said.

I nodded. If he hadn't mentioned it, I might have forgotten about this matter altogether. But it's good that they're coming. As long as Wei Tan doesn't return to Yongdu, this place can't be considered truly stable.

"The reason I came this time is to discuss a matter with Li Zhangshi," I said to him. "How many medicines are still left in the pharmacy at Yannian Hall?"

Li Shang looked surprised and immediately instructed Li Huan to bring out the account books.

"Furen, please take a look," he opened the account book and presented it to me, saying, "After Da Gongzi left for the expedition, Yannian Hall continued to procure and process medicines. The current inventory is all documented here."

I took a look, and many of the medicines listed were urgently needed at present. The quantity was also considerable.

"One wonders where the goods are currently stored?" I asked.

"They are all in Yannian Hall," Li Shang replied.

"Li Zhangshi," I pondered for a moment, "last night's turmoil in the city resulted in heavy casualties among the soldiers. The Imperial Medical Office has run out of medicine, and it's now a pressing matter."

Li Shang immediately responded, "Furen's intention, Mou understands it. Earlier today, emissaries from the Imperial Medical Office inquired about it. However, the medicines are currently rare commodities, and I fear that disclosing their availability might lead to forcible requisition by the court."

This concern is indeed valid. The court has always favored agriculture over commerce, and during times of unrest, they employ drastic measures. Essential items like grain and cloth in the market are regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, and they can be requisitioned at any time. If handled reasonably, with fair purchasing prices, merchants may not suffer significant losses. However, if faced with unreasonable demands and forced requisitions, merchants would have no grounds for complaint.

Wanting to help is one thing, but figuring out how to help is another. The Imperial Medical Office is responsible for sourcing medicines for treatment, but when it comes to procurement, it goes through the Ministry of Agriculture. The current Minister of Agriculture, Liu Yu, is the son of the late Minister of Agriculture, Liu Liao, who passed away not long ago. He has average capabilities, and Wei Tan originally didn't want him to succeed the position. Perhaps I think Wei Tan always has his reasons for assessing people. I also have my doubts about this person. To put it simply, if he truly refuses to provide funds, what can be done?

Li Shang seemed to understand my thoughts and said, "Furen, it's not impossible to do a charitable deed for the soldiers. The cost of these goods is only a few thousand coins. If one donates them to gain a good reputation, it would be worthwhile."

"Donate?" I smiled, shaking my head. "We are talking about business. Why should we donate?"

Li Shang looked puzzled. "What does Furen mean…"

I smiled and said, "The Prime Minister's residence will purchase these medicines."

The greatest advantage of controlling the Wei residence is having control over the treasury.

Yan Jun was very meticulous when he served as the treasurer. After returning to the residence, I immediately requested to inspect the accounts. He brought them to me, and I could see that everything was neatly recorded. I randomly selected a few entries to cross-check the amounts, and found no discrepancies whatsoever.

Wei Jue's power was immense, and if we talk about his personal wealth, it could practically be considered as part of the national treasury. However, his personal wealth wasn't all that substantial. When I saw the amounts of gold and silver in the account book, I was astonished. I asked Yan Jun, and he explained that the income of the residence came from salaries, rewards from the court, and territorial holdings. Wei Jue was known for his generosity, often spending lavish sums to win people's hearts.

However, providing the money for Li Shang's medicines was a minor matter. After the medicines were delivered, I had Yan Jun record the expenses and then send the payment to the Imperial Medical Office.

After attending to these matters, the sky gradually darkened.

The ancestral hall in the Wei residence, which had not been dismantled, now served a new purpose. However, though there were several empty coffins set up before, now there was only one, and Liang Hui lay inside it for real.

The servants once again donned their mourning attire.

The sound of ceremonial (ritual) music and percussion echoed through the hall. Apart from this, the Wei residence was eerily quiet.

From last night to today, I've been through a whirlwind of events. Though tired, I still didn't feel like sleeping. Just as I was about to try to put Ah Mi to sleep, I heard hurried footsteps outside.

"Furen!" A servant reported from outside, "A soldier has come to report that Guo Cheng's forces are at the city gates!"

Guo Cheng that cunning old fox. Last night when Wei Kang made his move, Guo Cheng saw the situation wasn't in his favor. He didn't engage with Wei Kang, instead he feigned an attack and fled north. After Wei Kang was shot dead by the Xiliu Camp, Guo Cheng regathered the remnants of the fleeing Liangzhou troops and made a comeback.

This news spread through the city like a gust of wind, and soon everyone knew about it. When I ventured out in a carriage, the streets were teeming with people, fear reflected in every face illuminated by the candlelight.

"What is Er Tangxiong trying to accomplish?" Mao Shi asked in tears, "Must brothers turn against each other, resorting to such extreme measures?"

Zhou Shi comforted her, her own face filled with fear.

When I arrived at the city walls of Yongdu, before me, I saw a torrent of flames below, countless in number and impossible to count.

"Outside every gate of Yongdu, enemy soldiers have us surrounded," a commanding officer told me. "Cheng Dudu has already sealed off all the gates and lit signal fires."

I looked at the raging inferno on the distant walls, my heart pounding.

The calamity of last night had not yet entirely subsided, and now Guo Cheng was launching another attack. Currently, there were less than thirty thousand defenders in Yongdu, and yet there were so many people amassed outside the walls…

"Furen!" a voice called out. I looked and saw that it was Cheng Mao.

He was drenched in sweat, and the heavy armor on him clanged with each step. He came before us and bowed, "Please, all Furens, return to the residence!"

"Where is Da Sima? Where are our husbands?" Mao Shi covered her mouth with her sleeve, her voice trembling.

"Da Sima is already on his way," Pei Qian's voice came. I looked over and saw him and Gongyang Gui approaching, swords at their waists, clad in iron armor, their blades gleaming coldly in the firelight.

Pei Qian's expression was solemn. He looked at me, then at Zhou Shi and Mao Shi. "The city walls are dangerous. Please Furens, return to the residence for the time being!"

I looked at him, wasting no words, and asked in a low voice, "How many soldiers does Guo Cheng have with him?"

A moment of hesitation passed over Pei Qian's face. He exchanged glances with Cheng Mao and Gongyang Gui. After a brief pause, Cheng Mao answered, "Replying to Furen, there are 80,000."

Surrounding us was a profound silence.

Zhou Shi and Mao Shi's faces turned pale.

The night wind blew in from beyond the city walls, sending shivers down my spine.

"How could there be so many?" My voice trembled.

"Our spies have confirmed that Guo Cheng has incorporated the remnants of Wei Kang's fleeing troops," Gongyang Gui said.

"How could the Liangzhou troops obey him?"

"Presumably, he promised them the same rewards as Wei Kang," Pei Qian looked at me, his expression calm.

Besides being able to see the standoff between the two sides, it wasn't suitable for us women to stay on the city walls for long. As I descended from the wall, my legs felt slightly weak. My heart still thudded, rising and falling. I closed my eyes, and suddenly, the flames from the city wall flashed across my mind.

A sense of despair seemed to take root in the depths of my heart, growing slowly.

Wei Tan, why haven't you returned yet…

"What's wrong?" Perhaps sensing that something was amiss, Ah Yuan asked me with a puzzled expression.

I glanced at her, about to shake my head, when suddenly, I heard a commotion. I looked over and saw soldiers clearing a path, torches ablaze. A group of courtiers was approaching from the other side of the city wall, their voices loud and clamorous.

The person leading the way seemed quite discontented: "Guo Cheng commands soldiers from Liaodong and Liangzhou, outnumbering us by several times! If we don't surrender the city now, do you plan to wait until it falls, subjecting us all to slaughter?!"

"This statement is absurd!" someone retorted. "Abandoning the city and surrendering is an act of cowardice!"

"Da Sima will surely come to save Yongdu!"

"Da Sima?" a person sneered, "Where is this Da Sima? Last time, they claimed Da Sima was dead, and I even went to the Chengxiang residence to pay my respects! Now, which Da Sima are you hoping for? Who would believe that Da Sima will return?"

The words were spoken loudly, drawing the attention of many soldiers gathered below the city walls. They all turned to look.

That person glanced around, sneering, "You dare to face 80,000 with just 30,000? You must be dreaming!"

A silence settled, as if a breeze had swept through the surroundings.

"Da Sima will surely return," I couldn't help but turn around and declare, gazing at the person.

The courtiers looked over, displaying expressions of surprise, and for a moment, there was silence.

"Isn't this Fu Furen?" someone sneered. "Courtiers are discussing politics, what business does a woman have in this matter?"

"Disrespectful!" Ah Yuan exclaimed angrily, about to reprimand them, but I held her hand, stopping her.

The people who were speaking seemed somewhat familiar to me. After observing for a while, I recalled that during the last gathering at Shuyu Spring, they were the ones who sat together with Wei Zhao.

"Qie have heard that since you gentlemen (诸公- zhūgōng) have mentioned Qie's husband, there is something One would like to discuss," I said, ignoring the provocations and addressing the group. "Under Guo Cheng's command, there are not only soldiers from Liaodong but also troops from Liangzhou. You are all aware of the events from last night. Guo Cheng's aim in taking the city is to hold the Emperor hostage; the soldiers from Liangzhou coming in are here to plunder and pillage. Last night, Yongdu already suffered greatly. Can we afford to endure such a calamity again?"

"Furen fears nothing, of course!" another person sneered. "Er Gongzi is Furen's Er Shu, after all. If it weren't for the efforts of the Wei family, would we be in this situation in Yongdu today?"

I stared at that person with a solemn expression: "For benevolence, one should stand up; for treachery, one should be punished. Qie's husband acts with the hope for national peace and the well-being of the people. Anyone who comes to attack, regardless of kinship, will face consequences. Now that Qie has come to the city wall, there's no turning back. As long as the city stands, Qie stands. If the city falls, Qie falls!"

Those few individuals had uncertain expressions, and one of them opened their mouth to speak again, but suddenly, a loud shout came from the city wall: "In the face of a great enemy, how dare you confuse the morale of the army!"

Looking over, I saw it was Colonel Wen Fang.

Their expressions changed.

Wen Fang, clad in military attire, strode towards them, glaring at those individuals. "You, as court officials, instead of devising plans to face the enemy, display nothing but cowardice and baseness. Do you think the court will not dare to hold you accountable?! Guards, escort these Gongtai back to their residences!"

The soldiers responded with an acknowledgment and surrounded them. Clearly intimidated by this reprimand, the individuals left in a sullen manner, tossing their sleeves.

"Look no more! Hurry, hurry! The enemy is attacking the city!" The soldiers below began to disperse the onlookers. I glanced in that direction, then turned to Wen Fang. Waves of anxiety washed over me, and my heart raced.

"Thank you, Jiangjun." I bowed to him.

Wen Fang suppressed the killing intent on his face, walked up to me, and gave me a bow, saying, "Mou arrived too late, allowing these insolent rascals to be disrespectful to Furen."

“Qie merely exchanged a few words.” I smiled, “One wonders who those officials were just now?”

Wen Fang gave a bitter smile and said, “They are officials who were recently promoted to the court thanks to Er Gongzi.”

I understood.

Wen Fang continued, “One heard that today, Furen visited the Yulin soldiers and later sent them medicinal supplies?”

I nodded, “Today, when One was entering the palace, Qie saw how hardworking the soldiers were, so Qie took a moment to visit them.”

Wen Fang gave me a deep bow, saying, “Thank you very much, Furen.”

“Jiangjun has exaggerated.” I quickly returned the courtesy.

“Zhangsao…” After Wen Fang left, Zhou Shi looked at me with a hint of doubt.

“You should all head back.” After the confrontation just now, I felt much more settled. I looked at them and said to Ah Yuan, “You go back to the mansion and take care of Ah Mi. Don't forget our prior arrangement.”

Ah Yuan's eyes sparkled, and she nodded.

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