Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 130: Side Story 3 – Wei Tan (Part 2)

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Chapter 130: Side Story 3 – Wei Tan (Part 2)

Wei Tan (Part 2)

Wei Tan has always kept his promises. The next day, he requested leave and went early to the Longyin Temple in the eastern part of the city, as mentioned by Pei Qian.

Noblewomen from wealthy families, riding various carriages, were continuously arriving for their incense offerings. Wei Tan went straight to a side gate of the temple. After waiting for less than half an hour, he heard the gate gently open. Wei Tan hid behind a large tree and saw a slender figure swiftly emerge from inside.

Wearing plain clothes and a headscarf, the woman seemed no different from the ordinary youths seen everywhere in the marketplace. However, Wei Tan vividly remembered that face. When he bought the plum blossom bottle, and when she peeked out from behind the brocade curtain to gaze at him, it was those eyes and brows.

Fu Jin had no horse and didn't ride in a carriage. She carried a bundle on her shoulder, and its contents seemed not particularly heavy. Her steps were light and agile, but initially, she appeared somewhat cautious, glancing left and right.

However, such tactics posed little hindrance to Wei Tan. He alternated between hiding and strolling, occasionally pretending to be a casual passerby, and Fu Jin remained unaware.

Following her all the way, Fu Jin eventually stopped at the same place where Wei Tan had initially bought the plum bottle from her, the southern market. After looking around a few times, it seemed like Fu Jin had finally eased her guard. She took out her goods from the bundle.

Wei Tan glanced over; it was a wooden box that, from a distance, appeared finely crafted.

Fu Jin chose a spot under the shade of a willow, spread the cloth from the bundle on the ground, and placed the wooden box on it. Then, she sat down, her eyes observing the pedestrians passing by.

Wei Tan stood behind a donkey cart piled with goods. With nothing else to do at the moment, he could only watch Fu Jin from across the road.

Amidst the bustling crowd, Fu Jin remained unrushed. Occasionally, she would glance at the pedestrians on the road, and then turn her head to observe nearby vendors and buyers engaging in lively price negotiations, seemingly finding it interesting.

Wei Tan looked at that face and suddenly remembered her appearance when he first saw her in front of the palace gates. Despite the stark contrast in attire, Wei Tan found it intriguing. Compared to the arrogance of that noble lady, the woman before him, with curious eyes, appeared more vibrant and lively.

Though Fu Jin's goods were old, their quality was excellent. Before long, quite a few people stopped to take a look. When they inquired about the prices, Wei Tan could faintly hear her voice, which, amid the bustling marketplace, sounded remarkably clear. When she spoke with others, she completely adopted the appearance of a common market vendor, without shyness and devoid of the awkwardness that high-born ladies sometimes displayed. Watching her during the negotiations, Wei Tan noticed that when she calculated, her eyes would involuntarily glance to the side, and she would lightly bite her lip, looking very serious.

The wooden box was eventually bought by someone. Wei Tan watched as Fu Jin carefully wrapped several heavy strings of coins in a cloth, tied a knot, and slung it over her shoulder.

She seemed quite content and satisfied, showing no hurry to return. Instead, she strolled through the marketplace with enthusiasm. Wei Tan followed behind, observing her wander around, now looking at miscellaneous items, then at those people buying fabrics, and occasionally being drawn towards groups of people haggling over prices.

The marketplace was crowded, often mingling with some unsavory characters. Wei Tan dared not let his guard down and stayed closely behind Fu Jin. After wandering for a while, Wei Tan began to feel a bit impatient, but Fu Jin seemed tireless. When she finally walked out of the southern market, Wei Tan felt a sense of relief.

However, Fu Jin had not yet returned. She crossed streets and walked for quite a while, turning towards the Emerald Lake between the south and east parts of the city.

The Emerald Lake was not particularly large, and being in a remote location, especially in the afternoon, there weren't many visitors. Wei Tan was puzzled about why Fu Jin came to this place when he saw her walk straight to a large rock by the lake. After looking around to ensure no one was nearby, she took off her shoes and socks, sitting on the rock to wash her feet.

Wei Tan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. For a respectable young lady to expose her bare feet alone by the lake, it would generally be considered improper. Why wasn't Fu Jin concerned about the possibility of someone inadvertently witnessing her?

When that thought crossed his mind, he chuckled. Others, others… wasn't he the only "other" nearby?

Thinking about this, he stole another glance at Fu Jin by the lakeside. Unaware of his presence, she was humming an unfamiliar tune, enjoying the refreshing lake water. Her feet stirred up sparkling water droplets, creating a lovely reflection in the clear lake.

Wei Tan averted his gaze, listening only to the sound of the water, feeling an unexpected warmth on his face.

The next day, Pei Qian personally came to express his gratitude.

Upon seeing him, Wei Tan surprisingly felt a slight sense of guilt.

"In the marketplace, there are inevitably various people. It might be better for Jiyuan to give more advice to Fu Nǚ jun," he sincerely suggested.

Pei Qian sighed, "I've told her many times, but she's not one to heed advice. Well, she was never one to enjoy a quiet life."

Wei Tan looked at Pei Qian, and although there was a sense of helplessness on his face, there was no hint of disgust.

Pei Qian was outstanding in both appearance and talent, and numerous women in Chang'an secretly and openly admired him. However, unlike other young dandies, Pei Qian never considered himself a romantic figure. When it came to women approaching him, he never crossed any boundaries. Some people joked that Pei Qian feared his future father-in-law so much that he turned into a model son-in-law, but Wei Tan didn't see it that way. Whenever Fu Jin was mentioned, the expression in Pei Qian's eyes would always soften, and a faint smile would play on his lips.

Perhaps because he knew Fu Jin's secrets, Pei Qian shared quite a few things about her with Wei Tan.

For instance, she doesn’t like reading.

For instance, she loved doing calculations since childhood.

For instance, she disliked others touching her nose.

For instance, she always fantasized about traveling overseas to seek the immortal mountains.

"She even insisted that I take her," Pei Qian chuckled.

Wei Tan smiled in response.

Seeking the immortal mountains just because of a Daoist's words is indeed foolish, a voice in his heart remarked. However, when he glanced out the window, beyond the green shadows in the courtyard, it seemed like a glimmering patch of water. Over there, a woman was humming a song while washing her feet…

In the days that followed, Pei Qian never asked Wei Tan to look after Fu Jin when she went out alone again. However, Wei Tan's home was in the south of the city, and during his leisure days, he would purposely go to the southern Market. Finding a seat at a roadside eatery, he would watch the comings and goings of people.

"Is this Xiao Langjun looking for someone?" the woman at the eatery, being quite friendly, asked him with a smile after several attempts.

Wei Tan withdrew his gaze. "No."

The woman looked him up and down, saying, "Xiao Langjun, looking at your appearance, are you one of the Yulin Guards?" Lowering her voice, she added, "Many young ladies around here have secretly asked me about you."

Wei Tan was surprised.

"Aiya, why meddle in other people's affairs?" The shop owner walked over and said to the woman, "Hurry up and serve the soup! Those few over there have been waiting for quite a while!"

The two of them continued their bickering and left, leaving Wei Tan with a bemused expression. He looked around, and in the two nearby small shops, the young women tending to the entrances were glancing frequently in his direction.

Looking for someone... The woman's words echoed in Wei Tan's ears, and suddenly, he felt that his actions were indeed suspicious and ridiculous. He lifted his gaze to the bustling marketplace, where figures moved about. Whom was he searching for? His thoughts became jumbled for a moment. He picked up the bowl, finished the soup, took out a copper coin from his pouch, gave it to the shop owner, and stood up to leave.


The mourning period for his Zufu has finally passed, and Xu Ping is also not young anymore. Wei Tan's father personally went to the Xu residence to propose marriage, and Xu Shaofu agreed. The wedding date for Wei Tan and Xu Ping has been set for the coming year.

Wei Tan no longer goes to the Southern Market. However, every fifteenth of the month, the Empress Dowager summons the noble families to the palace. As Wei Tan stands in front of the palace gate, watching the splendid and luxurious carriages rushing in, he knows that Fu Jin is inside.

He feels somewhat ridiculous. Even if Fu Jin had once made his heart flutter, so what? Just like the precious brocade curtains on that luxurious carriage, although thin, they are an insurmountable barrier for him, and the person inside wouldn't even know what he is thinking.

Her fiancé is Pei Qian.

Wei Tan watched the departing carriage and horses, his heart now calm.

The father of Xu Ping, Xu Shaofu, was not pleased with their marriage. This was something Wei Tan had heard his father and stepmother discuss privately.

Wei Tan didn't take it too much to heart, as the marriage had already been settled, and moreover, Xu Ping treated him well.

She would often take advantage of opportunities to visit him when she went in and out the palace. Every time they met, it would attract envy from those around them.

"Mixing honey and adding oil like this, don't blame the brothers for showing no mercy on the day of the wedding." Someone said, slapping Wei Tan's shoulder with a malicious tone.

Wei Tan smiled dismissively, "You all can come at me anytime."

As he spoke, Wei Tan was already a junior military officer, and his father, it was said, would soon be transferred back to their hometown Hexi to serve as a governor.

Leaving Chang'an, many people were unwilling, but Wei Tan knew his father's ambitions. Compared to being idle in Chang'an, being a regional governor would allow him more opportunities to showcase his abilities.

"Do you also want to go to Hexi?" Xu Ping asked him.

"I don't want to," Wei Tan replied. "Next year, His Majesty will promote officials, and I want to stay here."

Xu Ping smiled knowingly, as if deep in thought.

Just when Wei Tan thought he wouldn't have to go to the Southern Market again, Pei Qian came to ask for a favor.

"Tomorrow, I need to meet the scholar at the Imperial College, and her brother is also busy. One has to trouble Meng Jing again," he said.

Wei Tan initially wanted to refuse, but seeing Pei Qian in a difficult situation, he agreed.

Once again, he went to the Southern Market. As he watched Pei Qian's relieved figure depart, he took a deep breath.

Wei Tan wasn't someone who dwelled on things. He thought he might feel a bit heavy-hearted that day, but the reality was different.

It had been a while since he last saw her, and Fu Jin had become even more refined than before. Even when disguised as a vendor, she didn't resemble her old self as much. Fortunately, the down-to-earth manner in which she spoke carried a stronger market flavor than before, preventing anyone from doubting that she was a genuine businessperson.

Wei Tan watched her from not far away, leaning against the base of the wall, thoroughly intrigued. He felt that every expression on her face exuded cleverness when she harbored thoughts.

Pei Qian was also an interesting person. So when these two were together, they truly seemed well-matched, he thought.

As for Wei Tan, he had his own path to follow.

Chang'an was bustling, and everyone living there wanted a share of the prosperity, including Wei Tan. He came from a military family and, like his ancestors, rose through the ranks, was his long-cherished wish.

However, Xu Ping did not want him to go down that path. This led to a dispute between them. Shortly afterward, Wei Tan's father's worries become true. Xu Shaofu visited them and called off his engagement with Xu Ping.

Several months passed before Wei Tan learned of this matter. He was both puzzled and indignant. However, what ultimately calmed him down were the words Xu Ping spoke when he confronted her.

"Meng Jing," she said, "if it weren't for our Zufus arranging this marriage, would you have married me?"

Wei Tan was taken aback.

On that day, he didn't know how he made his way back home, but the dream of that night remained vivid for many years. He dreamt of navigating through the bustling streets, people coming and going, yet only the slender figure at the end was clear in his sight.

He smiled bitterly. Xu Ping was right. If it wasn't what he desired, why not give up (on their engagement)?

Time passed swiftly, and some things that people thought were inevitable never happened. Meanwhile, some seemingly impossible things, like sprouts in warm soil, broke through the surface one day, changing the world entirely.

Fu Jin did not marry Pei Qian.

Her family had fallen suddenly before their marriage, and Pei Qian's father took the initiative to call off the wedding ahead of time.

When Wei Tan heard this news, he was serving as a military commander in Longxi. Upon learning of the situation, he hurried back to Chang'an. Pei Qian had already married, but he stayed confined at home, and Fu's residence was sealed. Wei Tan inquired from various sources and found out that Fu Jin had been protected by Empress Dowager Liu and stayed in the palace.

A year later, Empress Dowager Liu passed away, and Fu Jin was married off to Laiyang.

That was the last time Wei Tan saw her in Chang'an. To be precise, he didn't see her. The new bride sat in a carriage, adorned less splendidly than any she had ridden in before. Onlookers crowded the streets, gossiping.

"She has gone." Wei Tan and Pei Qian stood side by side on the railing of the Wanggui Tower outside the city, watching the carriage depart into the distance.

Pei Qian's thin face showed no emotion. "Meng Jing," he gazed into the distance and spoke slowly, "if I manage to find her in the future, can we go back to the way things were?"

Wei Tan looked at him. "Find her? How would you find her?"

Pei Qian remained silent. After a moment, he gestured with the wine cup in his hand, lifted it, and drank.

That’s all. With a throw, the cup smashed to the ground with a "bang."

After Fu Jin left, Wei Tan never received any news about her. He didn't have much time to inquire because after Fu Jin's departure, trouble erupted in the palace, and the situation in Chang'an changed abruptly.

Under the chaotic rule of He Kui, everyone condemned him. As a result, the court and the people were in turmoil, and those who held military power in their hands quickly became the rulers of the world.

Wei Tan's father, Wei Jue, raised an army of 50,000 in Hexi.

"The way of heaven is no longer present; only the strong survive!" At that time, he handed a weighty suit of armor to Wei Tan, his expression solemn. "I'm giving you five thousand troops. If you can't take down Fufeng, don't bother coming back!"

Wei Tan was both nervous and excited. It was his first military campaign, and within three months, he successfully captured Fufeng. After that, he accompanied his father in campaigns across the north and south, becoming one of the most capable generals under his command.

The honing of the winds and sands, tampered by iron and blood, had transformed him. He no longer bore the greenness of the young Yulin Lang from before.

He displayed martial skills and strategic acumen, conquering cities and territories, gaining attention. When he rode back to Chang'an, he overheard people on the roadside saying, "That's the eldest son(Da gongzi) of Wei Jue, the one who now commands wind and rain."

“You've changed." This was the first thing Pei Qian said to Wei Tan during their negotiations in Huaiyang.

Wei Tan smiled and glanced at Pei Qian. "So have you."

Pei Qian chuckled, seemingly laughing at himself.

Since the chaos in Chang'an, Pei Qian and his family had moved to Yangzhou. Four years had passed since they last saw each other. The two sat down for a long talk, discussing current affairs as freely as they used to.

However, when it came to their personal lives, both men could only share bitter smiles. Pei Qian's wife had been frail and passed away on the way to Yangzhou, and he hadn't remarried since. Wei Tan, busy with military campaigns, hadn't had the time to consider settling down.

"She's still in Laiyang," Pei Qian suddenly mentioned. Wei Tan was taken aback.

"En," he nodded. During the previous conquest of Luoyang, among the surrendered generals was a nephew of the Governor of Laiyang, Han Kui. Wei Tan had personally inquired about Fu Jin at that time.

"The road from Yangzhou to Shandong is in your hands," Pei Qian said. "After the spring, I plan to go to Laiyang and bring her back."

"Is Han Kui willing?" Wei Tan asked.

Pei Qian pondered, "I've inquired. She hasn't borne any children, and Han Kui and his wife aren't fond of her. With careful planning, everything should be fine."

"You're in Yangzhou, and traveling to Laiyang may pose difficulties," Wei Tan looked at him and said, "I can take care of this matter for you."

Pei Qian was surprised, but as he listened to Wei Tan's detailed plan, his expression deepened.

"What if she is unwilling to come (to him)?" he asked. Wei Tan met his gaze without hesitation.

"If that's the case, she will be my wife," he replied softly. "I will take care of her."

"... able to be a teacher, then able to be a leader. Um... able to be a leader, then able to be a ruler. Thus, about a teacher, Um... so, learning is for becoming a ruler. Therefore, choosing a teacher must be done with utmost care. Recording the days... um... recording says..." Ah Mi recited, seemingly unable to recall what came next, her brows almost knitted together.

The Emperor recovered from his memory, took a moment and said, "Recording says, 'The three kings and four dynasties solely had their teachers.'"

"Oh, right," Ah Mi hurriedly responded, "that's what it means." After saying this, she flashed a sparkling and pleasing smile at the Emperor, whispering, "Fuqin, I've finished reciting."

The Emperor patted her head, "Do you still want to play?" Ah Mi blinked, shook her head, and then nodded. "Ah Mi wants to go to Muqin's palace to see Didi," she said.

The Emperor smiled, stood up from his seat, and lifted her up, "Let's go together then."

The weather was nice as they passed the Palace wall. with trees reflecting the beautiful sunny blue sky, creating a refreshing atmosphere. Under the shade of the trees in front of the Central Palace, several palace maids gathered, playing with a two-year-old child, creating a lively scene. Upon seeing the imperial carriage approaching, they quickly bowed in respect.

"Fu... Fuqin..." The little child spotted the Emperor, opened his arms to approach, almost stumbling, but a palace maid quickly steadied him.

"Chen," the Emperor looked at his chubby-faced eldest son and spoke gently, "What have you been up to today?"

Chen looked at him and then glanced at Ah Mi, speaking in a childish tone, "Catch... sparrows..."

"Huanghou is taking care of San Huangzi inside, while Er Huangzi is playing in the courtyard," a palace maid responded on the side.

The Emperor smiled and was about to step forward to pick up the child, but Ah Mi tightly grabbed his shoulder, glaring at him discontentedly.

The Emperor sighed in helplessness.

Ever since the youngest son, Huan, was born, Ah Mi had been like a protective cat, always wary of sharing affection.

"This is your Didi," he said, both amused and a little exasperated, pinching Ah Mi's nose. "Can't Fuqin hold Didi too?"

Ah Mi pouted in silence.

Although he said that, the Emperor didn't put her down. Instead, he lifted Chen with his other hand and walked towards the palace chambers.

The room was very quiet. The attending palace maids were about to bow as they saw the Emperor approaching, but he shook his head.

As he turned around the folding screen, he saw a woman leaning on the couch, flipping through a book.

"Muqin!" Ah Mi had just stepped down and immediately rushed towards her.

"Hush!" The nursemaid on the side quickly stopped her.

"Don't disturb your Didi." Fu Jin smiled as she hugged Ah Mi, running her hand over Ah Mi's collar. "Have you been playing?"

"Went to eavesdrop on the court discussions and skipped lessons," the Emperor said as he walked over, handing Huan to the nursemaid.

"Who told Muqin to accompany Didi, not me," Ah Mi said, clinging to her mother with a hint of grievance.

"Silly girl," Fu Jin touched her head, smiling. "When your Didi grows up, won't you have two people to play with?"

Ah Mi glanced at the baby sleeping soundly on the small couch nearby. "How long will it take for him to grow up?"

"Soon," the Emperor said. "When you were as big as Chen, Fuqin took you to see the sea, but your Didi hadn't seen anything yet."

Ah Mi thought for a moment, seeming to find the reasoning acceptable. A smile finally appeared on her little face.

At this moment, a palace maid came in to report that the Wangzi and Wengzhu from Xiangling Wang's residence had arrived at the palace gardens.

"Your Biaoxiongs are here, go and join them," Wei Tan said to Ah Mi. "Weren't you planning to see the deer? Take Chen along."

Ah Mi agreed with a joyful response and ran outside. As the children left, the room immediately quieted. Fu Jin looked at the Emperor and smiled, "Why come back so early today?"

The Emperor looked at her and smiled, sitting down with her on the couch. Half-teasing and half-sincere, he said, "Cause one misses Furen." After saying this, he glanced at the book in her hand, surprised, "Biographies of Exemplary Women?"

"That's right," Fu Jin said.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow, his gaze filled with amusement.

Fu Jin knew what he was about to say, sighed, and said, "Ah Mi has grown up. Qie always feels that we should choose some classics to cultivate her character."

"Oh?" the Emperor asked, "Has Furen chosen any?"

Fu Jin sighed and shook her head.

As expected, the Emperor chuckled, took the book from her hand, and said, "There are Nǔshi to teach the Book of Rites, that should be enough to cultivate character. Biographies of Exemplary Women and Lessons for Women are not something you found appealing in the first place. How could you bear to bring them for Ah Mi to read?"

Fu Jin felt he made a valid point and was about to nod when she sensed something amiss.

"Qie received education from a young age, and Biographies of Exemplary Women and Lessons for Women are must-reads," she corrected.

The Emperor pretended not to hear and held her close, saying, "There's something that you have to be told to."

"What is it?" Fu Jin asked.

"The construction of the Imperial Palaces and buildings in Chang'an will be delayed," the Emperor.

"Why?" Fu Jin asked.

"I plan to temporarily divert the funds allocated for the construction in Chang'an to carry out water conservation projects in Jiangdong and provide relief to the famine-stricken people," he explained. Feeling that his explanation might not be clear enough, he was about to elaborate when Fu Jin nodded and said, "Alright."

The Emperor was surprised.

Fu Jin smiled, "Qie also has heard about the incident involving Gongyang Gui. Developing water resources in Jiangdong is a long-term goal. Handling the famine with manpower now could save a considerable amount of funds compared to undertaking the project during a prosperous year. Why not make the most of the situation? The construction project in Chang'an is massive anyway. It can’t be completed in two years, so why not put it aside for a while?”

"The Imperial City is more urgent; as for the Palace City... we can move there once the Central Palace, the Eastern Palace, and the Imperial Garden are completed," he said, caressing Fu Jin's hair, speaking slowly.

"Why the rush?" Fu Jin asked. "The Palace City is so vast; there's no harm in completing it before moving."

"Yeah, why the rush?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow, looking serious as he pondered. "Once the concubines' Palaces are built, we can recruit beauties to fill the palace chambers. Five women for each palace, accompanied by the yellow silk... Ss!"

Fu Jin playfully and teasingly tickled him under the ribs. The Emperor burst into laughter, but in the midst of it, they both toppled over together.

"Speaking of which, there is indeed a portrayal of me in Biographies of Exemplary Women." After the playful moment, the two snuggled together, and Fu Jin suddenly said, "One recited it word for word for Fujun when we first got married."

"En? Very well," the Emperor said. "Zhen has a virtuous empress."

Ignoring his digression, Fu Jin looked at him and asked, "How come Fujun went to memorize Biographies of Exemplary Women?"

"Weifu admired Furen, but was unable to get her for a long time. Reciting the book was the only way to ease the yearning," the Emperor said, smiling as he stroked her hair.

Fu Jin was taken aback, looking into those deep eyes. Unreasonably, a wave of warmth surged in her heart, stirring emotions she thought were long subdued.

"Always teasing people," she chided, but this time she didn't use her hands to pinch him. Instead, she leaned her head back on his shoulder.

Both remained silent, savoring the rare leisure time amidst their busy lives.

"Ah Jin," after a while, the Emperor suddenly spoke.


"Do you still remember the time I bought the plum bottle from you?"

"I remember." Fu Jin looked at the beams above, smiling. "Without a hundred coins, one can't leave Chang'an."

The Emperor also smiled, his thoughts returning to the past.

Outside the gate city of Huaiyang, Pei Qian glanced at Fu jin's carriage and then back at him, his gaze calm and determined. "If she's not happy, I'll take her away at any time."

"As long as I'm alive, there's no need to trouble Jiyuan," he replied, each words were said slowly and clearly—

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