Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 126. Immortal Mountain

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Immortal Mountain

The mountains and rocks are rugged, and when the wind blows, there is an indescribable scent, cool and damp.

The carriage rumbled forward on the road, rolling over the fine sand on the surface, making a soft, muffled sound.

"Ah Mi, look." I lifted the curtain and pulled Ah Mi close to me, excitedly pointing outside, "What is that?"

Ah Mi gazed at the vast expanse of water beside the road. The wind blew in gusts, causing her delicate hair to dance in the air.

"Sea..." She uttered the word with difficulty, her voice tender and unsteady.

I smiled and leaned down to give her a kiss.

"Xiao Nujun," Ah Yuan said with a smile from the side, "What is in the sea?"

Ah Mi blinked her eyes, then after a moment, she puckered her lips and said, "Fish..."

Laughter carried by the wind, scattered along with the sound of waves crashing against the shore.

I leaned against the carriage wall, gazing outside.

This is the sea. It's just as Father’s subordinate described it to me—a boundless expanse of water.

Some places are sandy beaches, while others are cliffs. The waves here are larger than any river I've ever seen. When they crash onto the beach, they leave behind mirror-like gleaming watermarks. But when they collide with the rocks, they are fierce and unforgiving, smashing the waves into countless pieces.

I looked out with curiosity. At first glance, the surface of the sea seemed much like that of a great river, especially when veiled in mist, they appeared almost indistinguishable. However, upon closer observation, the distinctions became apparent. The most obvious difference was the frequent sight of towering island mountains, one after another, standing tall amid the waves.

"These mountains are actually growing from the water," Ah Yuan exclaimed in astonishment when she first saw them.

What came to my mind, however, were the Immortal Mountain. I couldn't help but imagine if there were similar islands in the even more distant and deeper parts of the sea? Those immortal mountains shrouded in precious mists and radiant light, I wondered how magnificent they might be…

In the midst of my reverie, the carriage came to a halt.

"Furen, we have arrived," the coachman said from the front of the carriage.

At this moment, a glossy black horse appeared outside the carriage window, its face turned towards the interior, and it let out a hearty snort.

Ah Mi giggled softly.

Before long, the curtain was lifted, and a pair of hands reached in. Ah Mi immediately pounced on them.

"Be careful," I cautioned while getting out of the carriage. Outside, Wei Tan was riding on the black horse, with Ah Mi placed in front of him. The sunlight poured down, and he looked towards me, his lips curving into a handsome arc.

"Ride, ride..." Ah Mi's face was full of excitement. "Ride..."

"Ride!" Wei Tan commanded with a shout, and he squeezed the horse's sides with his legs. The black horse immediately galloped towards the beach.

Amidst the sea breeze, a string of clear and bright laughter lingered.

"When Zhugong gets close to Xiao Nujun, he becomes like a child," Ah Yuan remarked beside me, chuckling helplessly.

I also laughed, and together with her, we followed the hoof prints on the beach.

The sandy ground was soft and yielding. In some places, when you stepped down, the sand would cover the arch of your foot. The grains were extremely fine, and I could feel them inside my silk shoes, yet it was not uncomfortable at all.

This peculiar sensation was akin to when I was a child, sneaking onto Mother's large couch and playing on her thick silk and cotton mattress.

"Furen, look over there," Ah Yuan suddenly said.

I looked over and saw a pier extending from the beach. At its end, a large ship was moored, standing tall and majestic at about fifteen to eighteen metres high, with a brand-new appearance. People were bustling on the pier, seemingly loading goods onto the ship.

"Mu...qin..." Ah Mi's loud but somewhat unclear voice reached me. From a distance, I saw Wei Tan holding Ah Mi beside the black horse, seemingly engaged in conversation with someone.

I smiled and walked towards them.

"Zhangsao" Wei An greeted me with a quick bow as he saw me.

"Si Shu," I returned the greeting. Shortly after, I looked towards the person beside him.

Cui Ting sat in the pushcart, looking at me. His handsome face broke into a smile, and he bowed slightly from the cart, saying, "Furen."

"Cui Gongzi." I returned his greeting.

"Have you tested the waters?" Wei Tan asked Wei An.

"It's been tested," Wei An replied.

"And the boatmen?"

"Rest assured, Da Sima. The boatmen are all locals, familiar with the waters," Cui Ting said.

Wei Tan glanced at him, nodded, and said nothing.

Last year, Wei An said he wanted to build a sea-faring ship, so he left the capital and came to Jiaodong. At the beginning of this year, he sent a letter saying the ship was finished and it could set sail in the Third Month.

With nothing pressing in the court, in the Second Month, Wei Tan took me and Ah Mi to Jiaodong under the pretext of an eastern tour and land reclamation and left Yongdu.

They say the ship that Wei An built is quite large, with a considerable number of passengers. It requires a crew of ten boatmen. As for the owners of the ship, aside from Wei An and Cui Ting, there's also Pei Qian.

When Wei An first mentioned that the ship would be completed in the Second Month and they would set sail in March, the first person that came to my mind was Pei Qian.

Such a coincidence. If he were to say that it was a coincidence, I'm afraid no one would believe him.

"Where is Jiyuan?" Wei Tan inquired.

Wei An looked up for a moment and then pointed towards the pier. "Over there."

I followed the direction of his gaze. Among the busy laborers, there was a figure in a long robe, a familiar silhouette. After observing for a while, I withdrew my gaze, only to find Wei Tan looking at me.

"Qie will go and bid farewell to Jiyuan," I said to Wei Tan.

Wei Tan glanced in that direction and nodded, "Go ahead."

I smiled at him and walked towards the pier.

The pier wasn't wide, and I often had to step aside for passing laborers. It took me quite some time to finally reach the side of the large ship.

Pei Qian was directing the laborers in arranging goods. When he saw me, he paused for a moment, then quickly broke into a smile.

"When did you arrive?" He came down from the ship and asked.

"Just now," I replied.

Pei Qian smiled again. Perhaps due to the exposure to the sun and wind by the seaside, his face had become noticeably tanned, though still fairer than Wei Tan. It wasn't just his complexion, he seemed to have changed quite a bit from before. In his youth, he had a spirited air, in his early adulthood, there was often a hint of melancholy between his brows. Now, he remained elegant, yet seemed carefree, his smile as bright as the sunlight above.

"When are you planning to leave?" I asked.

"It won't be long," Pei Qian said. "The provisions on the ship are only enough for ten people for a month."

I was surprised.

Pei Qian looked at me and sarcastically remarked, "Did you think that a small boat would be enough to set sail and find the Immortal Island?"

I blushed. I realized how unrealistic my thoughts were, and in front of him, it was rare for my true intentions to be revealed.

"I never expected that when I was the loudest advocate, it would be you who actually accomplished it," I sighed.

Pei Qian smiled, "If there are profitable ventures overseas, I will inform you."

He was teasing me again. I gave him a glare, but couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Ship... ship..." At this moment, a childish voice reached my ears. I turned around and saw Wei Tan carrying Ah Mi as he approached.

"Mu…qin..." She saw me and immediately reached out to be held.

I stepped forward and took Ah Mi from Wei Tan's arms.

"Are you setting sail?" Wei Tan glanced at the large ship and then at Pei Qian.

"Indeed," Pei Qian replied.

They looked at each other, both with calm expressions.

"And after you return?" Wei Tan asked.

"We'll see how it goes," Pei Qian said. "If it's not satisfying enough, I'll set out a few more times."

Wei Tan smiled, somewhat resigned.

"If you ever grow weary, you can return to the court," Wei Tan said, his expression earnest. "I want some asistance."

Pei Qian's lips curved into a slight smile.

"It’s not necessarily an assistance," he said. "Back in Chang'an, we made a pact to spar, but it's been many years and we've never truly had a match."

Wei Tan's eyes brightened, and he said with a smile, "If Jiyuan challenges, even if it means coming all the way to Jiaojun, I will have that match."

"It's a promise," Pei Qian said, looking at him.

"A promise," Wei Tan nodded. The boatmen shouted loudly, and the ship slowly left the water's surface.

"Take care!" Wei Tan bowed on the boardwalk.

The people on the ship looked towards this side, returning the gesture one by one.

I watched as the large ship sailed further and further away. It felt as though the dreams in my heart had been placed on that ship, and now they were gradually being carried away by them.

"It's quite unexpected that someone like Cui Gongzi, who was once a mortal enemy, is now setting sail with Si Shu," I said, looking in their direction, sighing softly.

"Who's a mortal enemy?" Wei Tan said nonchalantly. "Each serves their own master. He's more open-minded than many." With that, he changed the subject, "Want to see even further?"

"Even further?" I pondered for a moment, then looked at the large ship and nodded with a smile.

The wind blew in from the sea, causing my clothes to flutter in the breeze. The sun hung high in the sky, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The sea undulated in shades of blue, merging seamlessly with the horizon.

Wei Tan carried Ah Mi and led me to a small hill not far from the pier. The hill had a unique appearance, with towering rocks and ancient pine trees covering it like a canopy. It extended from the forest behind, displaying a certain rugged charm.

Wei Tan walked up the slope of the hill. The incline was not steep, and we followed the path step by step. Before long, we could already see the mountaintop.

At the end, there was a rocky outcrop jutting out into the sea, shaped like a fist.

Wei Tan carried Ah Mi onto the rocky outcrop, and the wind made his headscarf flutter in the breeze.

"Come over," he turned and said to me.

I walked over, and the pine trees that had been shading the area receded, instantly opening up my view.

Beneath the rocky outcrop, there was a heart-pounding emptiness. The sea breeze brushed against the waves crashing onto the rocks, producing a drum-like sound. Looking ahead, the deep blue sky stretched endlessly, the sea was a vibrant cerulean, the beach gleaming gold, and in the distance, faintly discernible, were the mountains and islands. The colours were exceedingly simple, yet they composed a breathtaking picture.

"Does Fujun often come here?" I gazed at the magnificent scenery before me, feeling that no amount of looking was ever enough.

"It's also my first time. Ah An told me about this place," Wei Tan said. "Within a radius of several dozen li, this spot has the best terrain."

I nodded, about to take another step forward, when Wei Tan held me back. "Be careful," he said.

I smiled and gently grasped his hand in return.

The sunlight was dazzling, casting a honeyed glow on Wei Tan's face. For some reason, I felt that his expression at this moment carried a different kind of aura compared to before. The gleam in his eyes was sharp and intense, yet also calm and broad. I recalled the last time we stood together on a snow-covered Bi Tai, gazing at Chang'an. His expression was similar then, like someone studying a complex chessboard, yet also like someone admiring a beautiful and graceful lover.

"What is Fujun thinking about?" I seized the fleeting flutter in my heart and asked.

"En?" Wei Tan glanced at me, smiling gently. He spoke slowly, "I think about many things. When I ascend and gaze into the distance, I can contemplate many matters. Such as, at my feet, why do I stand here, and what do I look out at?"

I looked at him, my heart beating faintly.

"In that case, what is Fujun standing here for? And what is Fujun looking out at?" I asked.

Wei Tan gazed at me, the sunlight casting a gentle and distinct glow in his eyes.

"At this moment?" he murmured softly. Then, suddenly, he lowered his head and gave me a light peck on the lips.

Tenderness and sweetness, like the sea breeze under this sun, enveloped me in warmth.

I looked into his deep eyes, stood on my tiptoes, and returned the gesture, pressing my lips to his.

"Wu..." Ah Mi looked at us with a curious expression.

Wei Tan also gave Ah Mi a kiss on the cheek, then he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked out at the sea once more.

"Can they really find the Immortal Mountain?" he asked after a while.

I smiled, holding Wei Tan's hand in mine, and said softly, "The Immortal Mountain, I have already found it."

"En?" He looked at me in surprise.

But my smile grew even deeper as I leaned into his embrace, taking in a deep breath.

In the sky, a few bird cries sounded. I looked up and saw two seagulls.

They were soaring high, their wings clean and slender, overlapping in the vast expanse of the sky, as if they were soulmates in flight…

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