Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 59. Bi Tai

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Bì Tái

璧(bì)-round flat piece of jade with a hole in its centre (a ceremonial object)

台(tái)-deck; platform; stage; terrace

When I was young, I loved braised pork. Every time the kitchen prepared it, I would salivate just from catching a whiff of its aroma through the courtyard walls. One day, unable to resist the temptation of the fragrance, I sneaked into the kitchen when the cook was away, hoping to have a taste for myself. But to my surprise, the steam from the pot was too hot, and I burned my hand as soon as I lifted the lid.

Mother treated my burnt hand with a mix of irritation and amusement, scolding me, "You would have eventually gotten to eat it anyway, so why be so impatient? Impatience leads to no good."

Impatience leads to no good… those words from Mother, though spoken long ago, now seemed to hold a profound truth.

When Wei Tan saw that piece of yellow silk, I knew everything was over. Although it reached the same goal by different routes, my previous expectations were not like this. I should have not shown the mountain and not revealed the water, learning things on my own, so that I can appear intelligent and virtuous…

Of course, it's too late to say anything now.

Wei Tan seemed composed and smiled, "Furen, the drawings on this scroll are indeed fascinating, but they all depict couples. If Furen wishes to learn the subtleties, Furen may need Weifu's assistance."

Afterward... afterward, we really became like the ones depicted in the drawings.

I originally thought the exaggeration in that drawing was the painter's gimmick and random drawing. But Wei Tan showed me through his actions that it was definitely not fabricated. He curled me up, from behind, and then from the top position. His strength was formidable, and I could only let him take control, like an inexperienced youth first time tasting human affair. Maybe because it was new, or maybe I was indulging in my own fantasy, but apart from being more tiring than usual, those techniques were surprisingly thrilling. Wei Tan refused to turn off the light, and I could see my naked body exposed under his excited gaze. His face flushed with desire, and his eyes were burning with passion, captivating and alluring…

Afterwards, I slept until the afternoon of the next day, and the soreness in my body was stronger than ever before. However, Wei Tan was still holding me, his warm breath brushing against my ear, seemingly not having enough: "Unfortunately, it's chilly today and we're at home. In the future, when Weifu has One's own residence, Weifu will choose one with a garden pavilion for Furen."

I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to hide under the bed and burn that cursed yellow silk. However, when I went to see Guo Furen and she made remarks using phrases like "devotion day and night without fail," to stab me for sleeping too much, I suddenly realized that I preferred being with Wei Tan instead.


After the tenth day of Lunar New Year, the affairs in the mansion gradually reduced. Although there were occasional guests visiting, I was often able to have leisure time most of the day.

I don't know if it's words Zhou Shi mentioned to Wei Jue on New Year's Eve, or perhaps there were already fewer matters to attend to, and Wei Jue had not been assigning important tasks to Wei Tan in recent days. This resulted in a rare situation - when I woke up early in the morning, I could still see Wei Tan lying beside me.

Amidst the severe winter outside and a warm hearth inside, with two idle individuals, everything felt ambiguous. However, Wei Tan appeared genuinely innocent, casually taking out a chessboard and a chess manual, asking if I wanted to play a game.

Playing chess is certainly better than staring at that piece of yellow silk. I gladly agreed.

Wei Tan brought back the chess manual from the previous visit to Yunshi Xiansheng, but I glanced at it and felt completely uninterested. However, Wei Tan treated it like a precious treasure, flipping through it during leisure time and now setting up the chess pieces according to the positions in the manual.

Playing chess with Wei Tan wasn't challenging since my chess skills were poor, and I would inevitably lose without suspense after a short while. Later, I felt embarrassed and said to Wei Tan, "Fujun should go play with Er Shu or Tangshus instead."

Wei Tan looked at me and didn't mind, saying, "Furen, why not be Weifu's partner and face the opponents together?"

I was surprised and asked, "Be partners in facing the opponents?"

Wei Tan didn't explain further. It was only when he extended his hand that I understood the meaning. "Being partners in facing the opponents" meant he didn't want to bother playing with me anymore and decided to play against himself instead.

Even though I was kicked out of the game, Wei Tan didn't let me leave. He embraced me in his arms while playing, explaining the intricacies of both positions. His explanations were detailed, and although I only half understood, strangely I didn't feel impatient at all. His arms were strong, his chest solid and warm, and his deep voice was steady, emanating a comforting presence. As I raised my eyes slightly, I noticed his focused expression on the chessboard, and the line of his lips was straight.

My heart inexplicably skipped a beat, and as I looked at the chessboard, I suddenly felt that sitting like this was also a very nice thing to do.


The Bì Terrace (Bì Tái) by The Yong Lake was built very quickly, and by the time the second month arrived, news of its completion had already spread throughout the court.

The purpose of this terrace was originally for the peace and blessings of the people, and the Emperor intended to appoint the Ministry of Rites (Tàicháng) to perform the ceremonial rites upon its completion. However, Wei Jue submitted a petition to the Emperor, expressing his desire to personally conduct the ritual. The Emperor approved his request and allowed the Court of Music (yuèfǔ) to be under Wei Jue's command as well.

Upon hearing this news, although I was surprised, I didn't feel particularly unusual about it.

Since Wei Jue's victorious campaign against Tan, he had been full of confidence. Both the entertainments and banquets at his mansion became more extravagant. It was rumored that the grain harvest was good last year, and Wei Jue intended to take advantage of this momentum to advance southward. He had a fondness for music and poetry, and with the completion of the Bì Tái, he saw an opportunity to host grand feasts, not only as a delightful event but also to boost the morale of courtiers and generals after the severe winter.

On the day of the ritual at the Bì Tái, Wei Tan had to arrange the garrison affairs and was planning to leave early in the morning.

"Qie saw Jiushi trying on a magnificent brocade cloak today, it looked truly impressive." In the morning, while Wei Tan was getting ready to leave, I tidied his clothes and mentioned.

"Is that so?" Wei Tan replied with a casual tone, fastening his leather belt.

I looked up, and he glanced at me, smiling gently, "Wear more layers today, the wind is strong." After saying that, he attached the sword to his waist and left the house.

Wei Jue chose a good day. It was nearly March, and the weather was sunny and warm, so there was no need to wear heavy clothes, and it wouldn't be cold.

The rehearsal of performances of the Court of Music lasted for almost a month, and Wei Jue even planned to build palaces and gardens around the Bì Tái, where entertainment could be frequently held. Everyone knew how much he valued the Bì Tái, and when I arrived, the place was bustling with people, like a festive occasion.

The Bì Tái was ten zhang high, with several tiers and balustrades on each level. In the center, there was a spacious terrace with incense burners, used for conducting rituals, divination, and dances. The highest building was said to provide a panoramic view of The Yong Lake and also allowed a full view of the guests and their entertainment on the various tiers.

Since the Emperor and Empress did not attend, Wei Jue appeared to be the host of the Bì Tái. He arrived in a grand procession of five carriages, adorned with fragrant incense and precious jade on the carriage cover, and silver and gold embellishments on the body of the carriage. As he stepped down from the carriage, the courtiers and ministers all paid their respects to him, as if they were paying homage to a sovereign.

I followed behind Guo Furen, with Wei An and Wei Rong following closely. Wei Jue was dressed splendidly today, so we, the family members, couldn't afford to look shabby either. Guo Furen, who usually preferred simple attire, had a touch of elegance in her dressing today. She wore a dark red crane-pattern brocade robe that I had gifted her during the New Year. Her head was adorned with a headdress with swaying tassels, golden leaves, and red jade, accentuating her exquisite features. As for me, I adhered to the proper style of a daughter-in-law, with my hair in a neat high bun adorned with golden and flower hairpins. I wore a light lotus-colored Sichuan (a place name) brocade robe with a crimson collar and cuffs, complemented by precious jade ornaments, which also showcased the dignity of a Wei family daughter-in-law.

Today, there were many female family members who came, and unlike before, there were many young women who dressed up elegantly and beautifully. I saw Yuying among them, also dressed in fine clothing, holding a delicate folding fan. When she saw me, she walked over gracefully and greeted me with familiarity.

"Ah Jin, I met a young lady just now who came from Luoyang, and we share the same surname. She mentioned that she is your Biaomei?" Yuying smiled as she asked.

There's no need for Yuying to say much; I already know who she is referring to. Today, with the ceremony at the Bì Tái, officials of all ranks are present, and Qiao Ke, who passed the Imperial Examinations last month, has become an official in the palace.

"Ah Ti?" I replied, "She is the daughter of my Jiufu. Recently, she came to Yongdu together with my Jiumu and Biaoxiong."

"Is it true?" Yuying's face brightened with joy, and she glanced around. "I wanted to come together with her, but I got distracted while talking to others, and then I couldn't find her." Afterward, she leaned closer and whispered, "Ah Jin, Guo Furen is here today, but did she come to look for her daughter-in-law?"

"Daughter-in-law?" I was surprised.

"Don't pretend not to know, Ah Jin." Yuying gave me a playful glance. "The news is already spreading. Chengxiang and Guo Furen are arranging a marriage for Er Gongzi. Many noble families have brought their daughters here today."

Upon hearing this, I realized the reason why there were so many female family members here today. Since the end of last year, Guo Furen had mentioned Wei Zhao's marriage to Wei Jue several times. Wei Jue also felt that it was time for Wei Zhao to get married and even spread the news at the beginning of the year. Many prominent families in Yongdu sent matchmakers, and though Guo Furen didn't make any explicit statements, she kept the birthdates of those women.

"Ah Jin, if Guo Furen has set her eyes on someone, you mustn't keep it from me," Yuying said playfully with a light laugh.

I smiled and replied, "Of course, I will do so."

Having said that, I couldn't help but think about myself. Wei Tan was the eldest son, and compared to Wei Zhao's yet-to-be-determined wife, I, as the zhǒngfù jìnmén could be considered a less significant match. If one day Wei Jue found my value diminished, would he hesitate to find an excuse to replace me?

"冢妇进门" (zhǒngfù jìnmén) refers to a wife/concubine entering a household. It is a term used in to describe a wife's status in a family.

Most of the female family members were not in the best physical condition, so the venue for the banquet was not too elevated. Although I knew Jiumu would come, I was still surprised when I saw her come to greet Guo Furen.

Introduced to Lu Furen, the wife of the Ministry of Rites (Tàicháng), who was on good terms with Guo Furen and often visited the mansion to worship the gods together. After they exchanged greetings, I composed myself and approached Jiumu to pay my respects.

"So this is Xiao Furen's Jiumu?" Guo Furen said in surprise.

I nodded and said, "It is exactly so." During the New Year, Wei Tan and I visited Jiumu's home to pay our respects, and Guo Furen was aware of the details.

Guo Furen nodded and smiled at Jiumu, saying, "It turns out we are relatives, and yet we haven't had a chance to visit each other. Now that we're here, let's sit together."

Jiumu smiled warmly and replied, "It's a pleasure to meet Furen."

"Is this Qingjia's daughter (NǚJun)?" After a while, Guo Furen noticed Qiao Ti standing behind Jiumu.

"That's correct, this is One's daughter." Jiumu replied, and then she instructed Qiao Ti to step forward and pay her respects.

Even though I never wanted to admit it, Qiao Ti indeed had a good appearance and was dressed exquisitely, surpassing many others. She adorned her hair with delicate hairpins and walked gracefully, bowing respectfully to Guo Furen.

Guo Furen accepted Qiao Ti's greeting with a smile, and I noticed a subtle glint in her eyes as she glanced at me.

After taking our seats, the music and singing began on the terrace. I looked up to see Wei Jue seated at the highest spot in the pavilion, with courtiers and noble ladies seated below in orderly fashion.

Wei Tan wore a golden crown on his head and a belt with jade and gold, complemented by a martial robe and a long sword, exuding a heroic aura. Wei Zhao, on the other hand, was dressed in a wide robe with large sleeves, with a jade crown adorning his head, presenting an elegant appearance. The two of them sitting together displayed contrasting styles—one exuding a sense of strength and heroism, while the other displaying refinement. There was a peculiar charm in their stark differences, which even caught my attention, making me glance at them a few more times.

"It has been a while since we last met, and now Er Gongzi looks even more handsome and impressive," Lu Furen praised.

Guo Furen smiled and shook her head, saying, "He's just a young man with limited experience."

Not long after, the musicians played again, and the voices sang in unison. This time, they sang the《Returning the Bi Tablet》poem, which Wei Zhao had recently composed for the Bì Tái.

Having grown up listening to many literary works and being influenced by my father, brothers, and Pei Qian, I had some understanding of such compositions. In my opinion, Wei Zhao's poem was decent, but to consider it top-notch, one could only say it was passable.

However, Guo Furen clearly had a different perspective. While listening, she appeared enchanted, tapping her fingers along with the rhythm. After the song ended, the women around praised it, and some even called Wei Zhao a rare talent in the world. Guo Furen humbly responded with a few words, but her smile was filled with pride.

I glanced at Jiumu, who was seated behind me, and noticed that she also offered a few words of praise. However, it seemed that either due to the crowd or it was intentional, Guo Furen never looked in her direction.

I understood the underlying meaning very well. However, since Jiumu was my relative, I couldn't just ignore her. I asked Ah Yuan to pass a plate of preserved fruits from the table and then turned to talk to Jiumu, inquiring if she wanted some more tea.

As Jiumu's embarrassment faded, she looked at me with a meaningful expression, a subtle hint of emotion in the arch of her eyebrows.

During the women's banquet, aside from eating, drinking, and sipping tea, they chatted about mundane household matters. Throughout the banquet, many noble ladies came to greet Guo Furen, and almost always, they were accompanied by their eligible young daughters.

Guo Furen had a warm and gracious demeanor, greeting each one of them personally and sometimes engaging in conversation. Everyone understood the unspoken meaning behind such a gathering. I looked at Jiumu again, and she appeared composed. Qiao Ti sat beside her, her gaze seemingly fixed on the performances happening on the terrace.

On the other side, the men were drinking, chatting, and having lively conversations. Wei Tan was engaged in conversation with some advisors from Wei Jue's camp, while Wei Zhao was surrounded by dashing young men of his age.

As I turned around to drink my tea, suddenly, I heard some commotion. When I looked again, I saw a courtier-like figure with a flushed face, seemingly intoxicated, standing on the steps and loudly berating Wei Jue on the pavilion, "Wei family you traitorous minister! The Bì Tái belongs to the Son of Heaven! How dare you sit on the seat facing the south, not fearing to bring shame to your ancestors in the netherworld!"

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