Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 107. Shuyu Spring (Part 2)

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Shuyu Spring (Part 2)

Meeting like this was truly unexpected. After exchanging greetings, a moment of awkward silence enveloped the surroundings, the discomfort palpable without words.

"Fu Furen," at this moment, Luo Shi approached with a smile, saying, "As Gushi has just arrived in Yongdu, Qie invited Gushi to visit Yongchi (the name of the lake) today. Never did One expect to encounter Furen. Qie has prepared fruits and a mat under the flowers ahead. Why not join us for a conversation at the banquet?" With that, she glanced at Liu Furen.

Liu Furen glanced at her, then turned to me. A hint of hesitation flickered across her calm face.

I saw this expression and understood it as well.

Back then, Liu Furen and my mother were close. The engagement between Pei Qian and me was also their idea. After Pei Qian broke off the engagement, I never saw Liu Furen again. During the days when I resented Pei Qian, I also held resentment towards his family. In countless imagined encounters, I would either glare at them fiercely and coldly, calling them "faithless people," or I would walk past them with my head held high, pretending not to see them. Then, they would be filled with remorse, weeping bitterly.

Of course, all of these were just fantasies. When one actually encounter them, it's just like now. Even if the grudges in the heart have faded, one still won't feel inclined to have a friendly chat with them.

"Furen's kind gesture should not be declined," I looked at Luo Shi and smiled, "However, Qie's husband also has a banquet, so it would not be appropriate for me to attend."

"Xiaoshi Furen extends her invitation, but One must respectfully decline," Wei Tan's voice suddenly interjected.

I was taken aback and turned to look, only to see him strolling over with a few others.

The crowd was taken aback, and the women all greeted him with courtesy.

"One hopes Furen has been well," Wei Tan walked up to Liu Furen and gave a formal bow.

"Laofu is in good health, many thanks to Da Sima," Liu Furen nodded and returned the courtesy.

Wei Tan smiled and said, "One recalls bidding farewell to Jiyuan as he left the capital for Yangzhou. At that time, Mou had the pleasure of meeting Furen. In the blink of an eye, it's been almost six years."

Liu Furen looked at him, her expression calm and unruffled.

"The past is in the past. It's impressive that Da Sima still remembers," she said in a calm tone.

Wei Tan turned and glanced at the three young scholars behind him, smiled amiably, and said, "Mou had a delightful conversation with the three Gongzis. Upon hearing that Furen was here, Mou came specifically to pay respects."

The three scholars were full of vigor and spirit. It dawned on me that they were likely Pei Qian's Tang cousins.

"The three Gongzi achieving such high honors in the Imperial Examinations are indeed pillars of the TasShi Mansion," Wei Tan remarked.

"Laofu has long resided in the inner chambers, and is not well-versed in many of the court's affairs," Liu Furen's gaze turned distant, "Da Sima shoulders countless responsibilities, and Laofu dare not impose further. One will take leave." With that, she gave a bow to Wei Tan and turned to depart.

"Gushi..." Luo Shi's face was filled with embarrassment. She glanced at Wei Tan and me, hastily giving a bow. "Gushi is not feeling well today. Da Sima and Furen, please do not take offense." With that, she apologized once again and followed Liu Furen in haste.

The crowd remained in their places, exchanging puzzled looks. However, Wei Tan's face remained calm, showing no signs of anger or resentment.

I glanced around, knowing that Liu Furen had just asserted her authority over Wei Tan in front of everyone. After today, it would likely become a topic of conversation for many.

"Qie just heard the sound of a chime by the water's edge. It seems that the festivities by the river have not yet concluded," I broke the silence and inquired of Wei Tan, "One wonders, in the earlier poetry contest, was there a clear winner?"

Wei Tan glanced at me and smiled, "Indeed." He then turned his gaze towards Pei Qian's three tang cousins, each with a different expression. "Mou have yet to hear the poems from you Gongzis. One wonders if One may have the honor today?"

The three men regained their composure and readily agreed.

The elegant gathering by the water's edge lasted until the sun began its descent in the west. Everyone present had taken some wine.

Wei Tan and the group of scholars walked and talked, seeming quite lively. Wei Zhao's side was also bustling with activity. When we left, his feast had yet to disperse.

By the time we returned to the residence, it was already late in the evening, with lanterns illuminating the surroundings.

Upon returning to our chamber, Wei Tan saw Ah Mi in the arms of her nursemaid, her eyes wide open. He smiled and picked her up.

"Waiting for Fuqin to come back? En?" Wei Tan gently nuzzled Ah Mi's cheek with his nose, his voice soft and tender.

Ah Mi let out a soft "wu" and her tiny hands reached out aimlessly.

"Fujun, go change, she still needs to have her meal," I instructed Ah Yuan and the nursemaid to leave. I then took Ah Mi from Wei Tan's arms.

Wei Tan reluctantly released his grip, giving Ah Mi a fond smile. He then walked towards a screen to change his clothes.

"Was today's gathering arranged by Er Shu?" I asked as I fed Ah Mi some water.

"En," Wei Tan responded from behind the screen, "They are all newly appointed scholars who excelled in the examinations."

I asked again, "Those scholars, it seems they are not only from noble families?"

"En. This year's scholars, regardless of their background, are all eligible for recommendation."

The spoon in my hand moved a bit too quickly, causing Ah Mi to cough. I quickly set down the spoon and lifted her, gently patting her back. But just as I stopped, Ah Mi's little face crinkled, and she started to cry, with "wah wah" sounds.

"What's wrong?" Wei Tan emerged from behind the screen, looking at Ah Mi. He reached out and said, "Let me."

I didn't argue and handed Ah Mi over to him.

It's strange, Ah Mi cried vigorously in my arms, but when Wei Tan held her and gently swayed, her "wah wah" stopped after just a couple of turns.

"This matter, was it Fujun's idea?" I looked at Wei Tan and asked.

"En?" Wei Tan glanced at me, still soothing Ah Mi: "En."

He certainly admitted it readily.

I hesitated for a minute, before saying, "Fujun, Qie has something to say. Not sure if One should or not."

"Just say it," Wei Tan walked over and sat on the bed.

"Fujun, since previous dynasties, noble families have prospered, and those holding high positions in the court have exclusively been from noble backgrounds. Have Fujun considered that with this current approach, where both nobles and commoners can serve, the noble families might not be willing to yield their positions?"

"They are indeed unwilling," Wei Tan replied calmly. "Wang Ju mentioned it to me yesterday."

I was surprised. "And what does Fujun think about it?"

Wei Tan held Ah Mi and placed her on his lap.

"How did these noble families come into being?" He glanced at me and said slowly, "The court has supported these families for centuries. Most of their descendants have become idle and useless, yet they continue to hold positions, squandering the nation's resources. They also form cliques and factions. What good does this serve?"

I furrowed my brows slightly and said, "While that may be true, in the court, the Three Excellencies and Nine Ministers, all come from noble backgrounds. Among high-ranking officials with positions of 600 or above, there are no commoners."

"I am not trying to suppress the noble families. It's about promoting based on merit, regardless of background," Wei Tan explained. "Why should scholars and commoners not serve together? In the military, Fuqin promoted based on merit. Most of the high-ranking officers with positions of 600th or above were from commoner families. Take Gongyang Gui for example. Even if he comes from a prestigious family, what does it matter? Due to the sheer number of influential families, he would at most have held a position of a thousand ranks before the age of forty. It's unlikely he would have had the opportunity to rise higher."

I opened my mouth but couldn't find a suitable retort. While his words didn't entirely convince me, they did hold some logic. It was clear that he had thought this through thoroughly. I was not well-versed in politics, and continuing the argument would likely lead to no fruitful conclusion.

"Qie's intention is not to say that Fujun's plan is infeasible," after a moment, I softened my tone. "It's just that the court is already complex and deeply entrenched. Even if there are issues, they must be addressed gradually, like administering medicine to a long-standing ailment. Rushing may not yield immediate results."

Wei Tan looked at me, a small smile forming at the corner of his lips.

While he held Ah Mi in one arm, his other hand reached out to embrace my waist.

"Furen is worried about Weifu?" He lowered his head, his dark eyes gleaming with a captivating light, as he looked at me.

I smiled and gently brushed his eyebrows with my hand. "Qie worries for Ah Mi. Qie fears that if Fujun is too strict, she might not find a suitable nobleman in the future even if she wanted to marry into a prestigious family."

"What's so great about prestigious families?" Wei Tan dismissed the notion. He lifted Ah Mi, letting her dainty feet rest on his legs, and said, "Can prestigious families put food on the table? If she's going to look, she should find someone like Fuqin, isn't that right, Ah Mi?"

Ah Mi enjoyed standing like this, making soft "woo woo" sounds.

Wei Tan smiled.

I joined in, resting my head on his shoulder.



I gazed at the lights on the table ahead and said softly, "With the Pei family here in Yongdu, Pei Gong has been reassigned as Taishi, can the noble families feel more at ease?"

Wei Tan's arm, which held Ah Mi, paused for a moment.

"Perhaps," he replied after a short pause, his tone non-committal.


The hottest days slowly passed, but within the Wei residence, the atmosphere grew increasingly uneasy due to Wei Jue's worsening illness.

Wei Jiao still hadn't returned, and no reputable doctor dared to treat Wei Jue's illness. The family could only brew medicines based on previous prescriptions, but the effect was minimal. Nevertheless, Wei Jue remained obstinate, becoming furious at the sight of the medicine, as if accusing the servants of trying to harm him.

Guo Furen, feeling helpless, believed it was an evil curse and invited several Taoist priests and sorcerers to come and perform exorcisms.

Ren Ji's belly grew day by day, and by the Seventh month, she was nearing her due date. Guo Furen set up a separate old house for her as a delivery chamber and moved her there well in advance.

While there was turmoil within the household, there were positive developments outside.

Since Wei An's return from Jiangdong, he had been immersed in studying naval architecture. By the Seventh month, his first ship had already emerged from the shipyard.

I went to see it, holding Ah Mi in my arms. The ship was massive, with towers rising up to five stories high. The ship's sides and upper decks were fortified like a castle wall, equipped with catapults and powerful crossbows. When I stepped onto the deck, the wind was strong and the waves were fierce on the water, but the deck only swayed gently. Ah Mi seemed to enjoy this place, looking around with curiosity. It was hard to say if she could really understand what she was seeing.

"This ship is truly magnificent. Congratulations, Si Shu," I said with a smile as I looked at Wei An, who had gotten as tanned as Wei Tan from working under the sun.

Wei An scratched his head and gave a smile.

Perhaps due to his frequent efforts and hard work outside, this year, Wei An's height shot up rapidly. His frame had elongated, and his voice had started to change. He was becoming quite the young man.

"It's still not good enough," he said modestly. "The sails aren't fast enough yet."

I smiled and said, "Make a few more, and Si Shu can set sail on the Yangtze River."

"One afraids we can't wait," Wei Ci arrived at that moment, dusty and with a scroll of paper in his hand. "Liang Wen has taken over Jiangdong. I'm afraid he will come looking for some trouble soon."

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