Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Daughter-in-law of a Noble House Chapter 70. Southern Expedition

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Southern Expedition

In the message delivered by Ah Yuan, there were some discrepancies. When I hurriedly went to meet Wang Hui, he explained that it wasn't a dispute, but rather a clash between Wei Tan and Wei Jue when Wei Jue was inspecting the navy, and it caused Wei Jue to be somewhat displeased.

Since last year, Wei Jue has been training the navy, and his intentions for a southern expedition were already evident. Therefore, when news initially arrived of Liang and Wu joining forces to resist Wei, no one found it surprising."

Regarding the southern expedition, Wei Jue is ambitious and full of determination.

Today, Wei Jue visited the camp to inspect the navy and declared his intention to launch a Southern expedition in the Seventh month, aiming to completely wipe out the remaining remnants in the south. However, unexpectedly, as soon as this statement was made, Wei Tan immediately opposed it, citing the reason that the newly built navy was unprepared, and an expedition in the Seventh month might be too early.

Wei Jue's face immediately showed displeasure. He argued that the navy had already started training last year, so how could it be considered too early.

Wei Tan had valid and well-grounded points. He stated that while the navy had been training last year, the emphasis was on becoming familiar with aquatic conditions, and there hadn't been enough practice in tactics and formations, which was the first concern. Furthermore, many Northern commanders were skilled in land battles with cavalry and infantry, lacking expertise in naval warfare, which was the second concern. The geographical terrain in the South differed significantly from the North, and the soldiers under Wu Kun and Liang Wen were predominantly from the South. They were well-acquainted with the tactics and terrain. This time, it is the Wei Army who has not yet known themselves and the enemy. Moreover, the battlefield is in the south.

"The situation in the South is unclear, launching an expedition hastily would be disadvantageous for us. Begging Fuqin to think it over carefully," Wei Tan urged.

After hearing this, Wei Jue coldly laughed and said, "With my million-strong army, why would I fear those Liang Wu youngsters!" With that, he brushed his sleeve and left.

"Shao Furen," Wang Hui glanced at me, feeling somewhat timid, and said, "Xiao Ren was originally sent by Da Gongzi to come back and retrieve the leather armor. It is Xiao Ren who has spoke too much."

I shook my head, signaling Ah Yuan to fetch the leather armor for Wang Hui, and then I walked back to the back garden.

"What happened?" Guo Furen inquired as soon as she saw me return.

"It's about the dye-work," I smiled and explained, "Due to the heavy rain today, there was a little mishap with the fine jute cloth that was supposed to be dyed as per Gushi's instructions. One afraid the color might not turn out as expected."

"Oh?" Guo Furen asked, "Does the work need to be delayed?"

"It does not need to he delayed," I said.

Guo Furen's expression eased, and she said, "Since there's no need to delay, a slight difference in color is not a big issue. Just make sure to supervise it closely, so the deadline wouldn't be missed."

I nodded in agreement and sat back at the table. In a moment, I noticed that Liang Hui wanted to continue the conversation from earlier (about Wei Zhao and his concubine), so I smiled and gestured for Zhou Shi and the others to join us for tea.

"The tea prepared by Zhangsao is becoming even more delicious," Mao Shi said, taking a sip and praising it.

"Then please have some more," I smiled, scooping a spoonful and adding it to Liang Hui's cup. She looked at me, pursed her lips, seemed to lost in thought.

I was pondering over the recent events.

It's already the Sixth month, and ever since the alliance of Liang and Wu back in the Third month, Wei Jue has been fervently preparing for the upcoming campaign. Lately, the voices of departure have grown louder, and Guo Furen has been diligently tending to Wei Jue's needs. This month, she's been busy with both Wei Zhao's wedding and her newborn grandson. She even made sure I obtained several pieces of fine jute cloth, favored by Wei Jue, to be dyed in various colors, for him to have new clothes for the expedition.

After pondering, I also had a somewhat clearer understanding of Wei Jue's intentions.

Facing a formidable enemy in the south, instability in the rear would be a significant concern. Especially after the incident two months ago when Wei Jue conducted a palace coup (when he cleared many people in court), many courtiers had whispered criticisms. Considering this, Wei Zhao's marriage to the Princess could be seen as a means for Wei Jue to ease tensions with the Emperor.

However, merely marrying the Princess to his son is far from sufficient to gain the complete respect of everyone. Wei Jue must put an end to the courtiers' ambitions to seek alternatives. This requires an even more forceful approach. He needs a grand victory, to conquer all those who dare to challenge him, thus demonstrating his strength in front of the world.

Now that Wei Jue has made up his mind, it seemed almost inevitable. At this juncture, Wei Tan's opposition, while reasonable, was likely to touch upon Wei Jue's sensitive nerve.

I stared at the swirling tea leaves in the courtyard, unsure whether this situation would turn out for the better or worse.

I wondered if I was overthinking things. That night, when Wei Tan returned, I noticed he was quieter than usual.

He disliked the sweaty smell from the camp, so he always took a bath when he returned. After the meal, I informed Wei Tan that the water was ready. He nodded, wordlessly, and walked out of the room.

This bath seemed longer than usual, and when he returned, the night breeze brought in a refreshing scent of water as the door swung open.

I had Wei Tan sit on the couch and brought a towel to wipe away the remaining water droplets on his forehead and the back of his neck.

"Why stare at me like that?" He seemed to have a third eye, catching me in the act as I tried to discreetly observe his expression.

"Can't a wife admire her husband?" Denying it would seem more suspicious, so I smiled, calmly responding with a counter-question.

Wei Tan's lips curved into a slight smile, but he didn't say anything.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling that it was important to bring up something, so I softly asked, "Was Fujun very tired today?"

Wei Tan closed his eyes, enjoying my care. "Not very tired," he replied.

"Then why has Fujun been unusually quiet since came back today?"

Wei Tan opened his eyes and looked at me, with a glint of warmth in his gaze. He smiled and caught my hand as I was wiping him, taking the towel from me and placing it on the table. "Stop wiping, sit with me," he said.

I nodded and sat down beside him.

Wei Tan seemed to feel hot, as he loosened the ties of his clothing, opening the collar.

"I'm worried about something. I fear that Fuqin's upcoming expedition may not go smoothly," he said softly, gazing at the windowsill.

I was surprised. I thought he would at most mention some disagreements he had with Wei Jue during the day, but I didn't expect him to be so direct.

Wei Tan glanced at me, seeming to sense my unease, and his lips curled into a smile. "It's just a worry, perhaps I'm overthinking things," he said.

I pondered for a moment before asking, "Fujun has concerns, have you shared them with Jiushi?"

"I did inform him," Wei Tan nodded, "Fuqin didn't seem pleased. He left halfway through his inspection of the navy today."

Indeed, just as I suspected. I looked at him and gently caressed his hand. After a moment of thought, I comforted him, "Fujun, don't worry too much. Fujun is Jiushi's son, and as they say, people often quarrel with their loved ones. If it were someone else, One afraid Jiushi wouldn't even bother to acknowledge them."

Wei Tan's expression remained calm. After a moment, he smiled gently and said, "Indeed."

I hope that both Wei Tan's and my worries are unnecessary. The days passed, and by the Seventh Month, Wei Jue's expedition was already a certainty, with the departure scheduled for the middle of the month.

However, when it came time to deploy the troops, Wei Jue placed the navy under his command and assigned Wei Tan to lead the rear army. While such reassignments and troop arrangements were routine, they took on a different significance in the eyes of those who were observant.

"During a military campaign, we must not get too deeply entrenched without support. The rear army is of utmost importance," Wei Tan said calmly, smiling at me as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

However, I understood that the navy was something Wei Tan had trained himself. This arrangement effectively took away his area of expertise. Additionally, if they were victorious, the rewards and recognition would likely go to those who fought in the forefront. Reassigning Wei Tan to the rear army could signify that he might be sidelined with little to no involvement in future matters.

Of course, this matter wasn't entirely without its benefits. When Zhou Shi, Zhu Shi, and the others were anxiously praying for the safety of their husbands charging into battle, I strangely found a sense of relief. After all, Wei Tan was assigned to the rear army, which meant he faced considerably fewer dangers than those in the front lines.

On the day Wei Jue set out for the expedition, as usual, I joined the other women from the household to follow Guo Furen and bid farewell from the city wall.

Unlike usual, there was someone else by Guo Furen's side this time—Liang Hui. She was dressed stunningly today, adorned in luxurious garments and jewelry that were clearly precious items from the palace. Standing together, she seemed to overshadow Guo Furen in terms of appearance.

However, the expression on Liang Hui's face didn't match the brilliance of her jewelry. She stood at the city gate, devoid of any expression, her eyes fixed on the area below the city.

Liang Hui had already known about Xu Ji, as well as her recent childbirth. However, the birthing chamber was isolated in a small courtyard. Given that Liang Hui had recently married into the family, Guo Furen didn't keep Wei Zhi by her side. Once Xu Ji recovered from her illness, the child was sent back to her for care.

So, although Liang Hui was aware of the mother and child, she hadn't met them yet.

At the end of last month, Xu Ji finally left the delivery chamber. With Guo Furen's approval, she paid a visit to the legal wife.

I was also present at that moment, and I noticed Liang Hui's gaze fixed on Xu Ji and her child. Even though her face was adorned with rouge, the paleness underneath was evident. She didn't wait for Xu Ji to finish the greeting, and regardless of Guo Furen and Wei Zhao being present, Liang Hui stood up and left the hall.

Although I am their Zhangsao, I have no desire to meddle in the affairs of Wei Zhao's courtyard.

Afterward, Liang Hui returned to her own room and had a good cry. Guo Furen felt somewhat uncomfortable due to Liang Hui's actions. On the other hand, Xu Ji handled the situation quite well. Her eyes brimming with tears, she apologized to Guo Furen, expressing deep remorse for causing any discord between Wei Zhao and his wife. She even offered to shave her hair and enter a Buddhist temple, to pray for the well-being of the entire Wei household. Furthermore, she expressed her willingness to entrust the upbringing of Wei Zhi to the Princess, considering her as the child's mother if the Princess would accept.

Guo Furen greatly appreciated her attitude, not blaming her at all and instead offering words of comfort.

Not long after, a representative from Liang Hui's mother Wang Jiéyú arrived, who is her Jiumu. After some persuasion from her, Liang Hui finally emerged from her room and received the greetings from Xu Ji.

With the subtle matters involving Wei Tan and Wei Jue on my mind, I hadn't paid much attention to the situation between Liang Hui and Xu Ji. I only knew that although Xu Ji was accepted by Liang Hui, she didn't reside in Wei Zhao's courtyard. And even though Wei Zhi was entrusted to Liang Hui, she showed little interest in raising him, so he remained with Xu Ji. Guo Furen arranged a separate courtyard for Xu Ji and her child, and both sides coexisted peacefully.

On the city gate, the flags unfurled in the wind. As the carriage and horses began to exit the gate, suddenly, Wei Zhi burst into loud crying.

The wet nurse was flustered, coxing and hugging him, trying to calm him down.

"Is Zhi'er hungry or needs a diaper change? The wind at the city gate is strong. Hurry, take him downstairs," Guo Furen turned back and said.

The wet nurse nodded in acknowledgment, performed a courteous bow, and took her leave.

Meanwhile, Liang Hui remained completely silent, as if nothing had happened beside her. She didn't turn back at all.

"Xiongzhang," at this moment, Wei An suddenly spoke up.

I snapped back to attention and quickly looked down at the area below the city.

I heard the drums and music, and right through the central city gate, Wei Jue's imposing five-horse carriage was rolling out. Among the few riders following his carriage, I immediately spotted Wei Tan, his polished armor gleaming brightly.

The people around us were whispering, but I remained silent, gazing at his retreating figure as he moved forward.

A soft sob reached my ears, and I turned around to see Mao Shi, tears streaming down her face as she looked at Wei Gang below. "Why cry? You'll see him again in a few days….," Zhu Shi and Zhou Shi, standing nearby, comforted her gently with their soothing words.

"...In a few days, Weifu will share yellow silk with Furen again..." Wei Tan's playful words as I rose from my bed this morning echoed in my mind.

A warmth spread across my face. These days, we've been living well, enjoying our affectionate relationship. So, thinking about Wei Tan's departure and not knowing when he'd return, I couldn't help but feel reluctant.

So, despite the lingering intimacy of last night, and my body feeling sore, I still insisted on personally helping Wei Tan change his clothes in the morning. I wrapped my arms around his waist, intending to say some touching farewell words like a dutiful and gentle wife. But before I could utter a word, Wei Tan, with his hand gently touching my head, spoke with a heartfelt tone, saying those words.

A rogue. Only remembers the yellow silk.

I stared at that seemingly earnest figure, feeling both annoyed and amused at the same time.

While scanning the surroundings, suddenly, Wei Tan turned his head, his gaze looking in this direction. I could sense a change in his expression on his face, even though we were quite a distance apart, I could feel the familiar curve of his lips forming a smile.

My heart felt like it had been stirred by something.

The wind still whistling, I gazed at him for a moment, unable to help but smile.

"...Will you miss me?" While I was fastening his belt, he suddenly embraced me, lowering his head to whisper softly in my ear.

He was hindering me from continuing, making it hard for me to work, so I struggled a bit, saying, "Let go first..."

"Hmm?" But he held me even tighter.

Me: "....."

"I will," I responded helplessly.

Wei Tan looked at me, his black eyes gleaming, much like the morning sun at that moment—soft and dazzling.

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