Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 1 Do I Need to Make it Clear?

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“Ophelia, I'm back. Zachariah is mine. If you are willing to quit the game, I will give you 20 million

dollars as compensation.”

Looking at the text message on her phone, Ophelia Lowe’s lips curled. Obviously, this text was sent by

Zachariah Chambers’ true love, Cora Fletcher. Cora left him for some reason four years ago, and

Ophelia was honored to be her substitute.

Ophelia took the phone and went into the bedroom. She stood there for a while, infatuated and

captivated by the tall figure standing next to the window. She withdrew her obsession after a while,

walking swiftly over to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist. Then, she whispered, “Mr.

Chambers, Miss Fletcher texted me again. Shall I call her and clarify our relationship to her?”

“There is no need.” Zachariah said lightly, “I have asked the lawyer to draft a divorce agreement, and

all you have to do is to sign the papers when it is ready.”

Faking a sad expression, Ophelia said, “What a pity. I wanted to carry the tales to Miss Fletcher, but

congratulations, you can finally be with the one you love.”

Even if Zachariah couldn't see her expression, he caught her brisk tone.

If this woman ever showed any sadness, he should be surprised.

Ophelia was about to pull her arms away. However, the man suddenly grabbed a hold of her before

pulling her into his chest.

Embraced in his arms, she raised her chin, and welcomed his kiss.

Panting slightly and leaned against his arms, after the kiss, Ophelia murmured, “Mr. Chambers, Miss

Fletcher, the lady you kept thinking about is coming back. Aren’t you afraid that she will be jealous after

seeing us like this?”

“You're still Mrs. Chambers.” The implication was that as long as they haven't divorced officially, she

had to fulfill her obligations as his wife.

Zachariah lifted her chin, and kisses fell all over her again.

To be honest, he liked Ophelia quite a lot. Apart from looking similar to the woman he loved, he was

especially attracted to her hot figure.

Men were visual creatures. Unless they really love a woman; otherwise, they only love her physical

appearance. Compared with women worn out with age, they loved young and beautiful women with

perfect figure.

“Mr. Chambers, I just came back, drenched in sweat, I’ll take a shower first.” Ophelia slid out of

Zachariah's embrace like a beautiful villain.

Zachariah looked at her with inexplicit intentions and said, “May I join you?”

Ophelia winked at him, and walked into the bathroom, leaning forward, and said, “I prefer to take the

bath alone.”

Then she closed the door straightway.

Zachariah’s expression changed. He liked Ophelia's playing hard to get, like an evil spirit who was born

to tempt people.

Four years ago, his beloved woman left him due to a misunderstanding and didn’t show up for their

wedding. After that, he found a woman who looked just like her to serve as a substitute. What was jaw-

dropping to the guests invited was that his bride was not the daughter of the Fletcher family.

Everyone said that he let down Miss Fletcher. Both families knew that it was Cora Fletcher who had run

away from the wedding. The Fletchers felt ashamed and sorry for him. He did not retaliate against the

Fletcher family because he loved Cora. He just found a woman who loved money to replace Cora at

the critical moment.

And the Cinderella who was brought under the spotlight was none other than Ophelia.

Ophelia was exhausted after sex, and didn't get up until seven o'clock in the evening.

After taking a shower in the bathroom, she put on a dress she had just bought, and simply dressed up

before going downstairs.

She walked toward Zachariah who was enjoying his dinner, and gave him a light peck on his cheek

before smiling at him, “Mr. Chambers, why didn’t you wake me up?”

“You were sleeping sound and deep. I didn't want to.” Zachariah said, as he put some food on his plate.

Ophelia dropped another kiss on his cheek and said, “Mrs. Miriam, I'm hungry.”

After a while, a chubby middle-aged woman with a happy face came out carrying a few dishes, “Young

Master just said that Young Mistress might sleep longer as you seemed tired, so he asked me to

reserve some food for you. I didn't expect you to wake up so soon.”

Ophelia sat down with a smile. Seeing what Mrs. Miriam brought up was her favorite dishes, she was

honey mouthed, “Mrs. Miriam, you are the best. What you prepared was my favorites.”

“Please eat more, Young Mistress. It's great to see you finally at home. I expect to see put one some

weight. You look thinner now since the last time I saw you. I will prepare delicious food for you every

day from one on.” Mrs. Miriam replied with a smile.

“Thank you, Mrs. Miriam.”

Zachariah almost finished eating when Mrs. Miriam went back to her work. He wiped his mouth and

said, “Go home and accompany mom tomorrow. Dad is on a business trip, so she must be bored at

home alone.”


Ophelia smiled sweetly. Zachariah looked at her smile in a trance. He knew that she looked a lot like

Cora, but he didn’t expect her to appear even more similar when she smiled. Compared to Cora,

Ophelia had her own unique characteristics.

“Remember to listen to mom’s words.”

“Yes, Mr. Chambers.”

When she saw Zachariah getting up from his seat, Ophelia got up as well. Then, she pointed at her

cheek playfully, and smiled at him, “Mr. Chambers, I want an evening kiss.”

Zachariah glanced at her before walking over, and dropped a light peck on her right cheek.

“You’ll have to eat alone. I still have some unfinished work to attend to.”


They were like an old married couple who have been together for many years; a couple who knew very

well of each other’s living habits.

Although there were no pretty flowers or fancy accessories to demonstrate it, one can feel their tacit

understanding through their way of getting along with each other.

Unfortunately, who would have thought that their marriage was actually on the verge of divorce?


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