Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 5 Falling For You?

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Ophelia felt the pain in her heart, as if it was being cut open with a knife, and she could even feel the

blood dripping off.

She took a deep breath to suppress her bitterness, then opened her eyes, looked at Zachariah with a

smile, and said, “Mr. Chambers, why are you so afraid of me falling in love with you?”

Zachariah lifted the sheet off his body and got off the bed, exposing his naked strong body.

He meticulously picked up his clothes and put them on, condescendingly looking at Ophelia, who was

still lying on the bed, “Ophelia, I am out of your league. Put away your so-called love, or I will consider

ending our marriage earlier.”

Ophelia got off the bed as well, and walked towards Zachariah, stretching out to wrap around his strong


“Mr. Chambers, don't you think you are too heartless? Anyway, I am still your nominal wife. You won’t

lose anything if you say something nice to me, will you?” Ophelia said in a sobbing tone.

Buttoning his shirt, Zachariah froze for a while, as he suddenly realized that Ophelia, who was always

invulnerable, had cried.

Zachariah had mixed feelings. He lifted her chin, only to see her big smile, and there was no trace of

sadness on her face.

Zachariah pinched her chin and said, “As long as you behave yourself and stop your fantasy, you can

hold the title of Mrs. Chambers for a longer period of time. As for the money, I will make sure you get

what you deserve.”

Ophelia leaned over, taking a bite on his chin lightly, and said in a sweet tone, “Don't worry, Mr.

Chambers, I am unworthy to seek any connection with you. I was just joking.”

“It's good for you to know your position.” Zachariah said.

He liked Ophelia’s enduring personality. Four years ago, he chose to marry her based on two

considerations: firstly, she looked like Cora; and secondly, she worshipped money. A woman who could

be handled with money would not become a problem for him in the future, and that was why he married

her in the first place. In the past four years, he was quite satisfied for her abiding attitude.

Zachariah squeezed her chin, and said, “Just behave yourself! I have asked the lawyer to draft the

divorce agreement. You can go directly to the law firm next week and sign the papers. As for the

compensation fee, I am sure to transfer a generous amount to you.”

Ophelia smiled sweetly, “Then I’d like to thank you in advance, Mr. Chambers.”

Upon hearing her words, Zachariah kissed her aggressively on her lips, kicking off another round of

“pleasure” on the bed.

Afterward, Ophelia nestled in Zachariah's arms, and said coquettishly, “Mr. Chambers, will you carry

me to the bathroom? I want to take a shower”

Zachariah stroked her back with enjoyment, but said coldly, “I'm a little tired now. You can take the

shower tomorrow morning. Let’s go to bed now.”

A trace of disappointment flashed in Ophelia's eyes. She had known Zachariah for four years, but she

was nothing but a sex tool to him.

Zachariah couldn’t care less about what Ophelia was thinking, and quickly fell asleep.

Ophelia went into the bathroom and soaked in a hot bath to washaway her exhaustion. Then, she

walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel wrapped around her body.

Standing by the bed, Ophelia looked at Zachariah with complex emotions, and finally sighed deeply.


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