Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 404 Frustration

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“Young master, are you ok?” The five guards June brought all came forward. They lowered their head

in guilt when seeing his bloody hand.

June looked at them coldly and wanted to curse them badly. However, his hand hurt so much and he

could only urge, “A bunch of wastes. Hurry up to put me a bandage.”

One of the muscular guys went to grab the medicine kit on the car and skilfully bounded June up.

Cold sweat was running on June’s forehead because of pain. When his hand was finished getting

bounded, he raised up his hand to hit those men angrily. Those muscle men now all behaved cowardly.

They didn’t dare say anything and could only listen to June’s curses.

“You are all losers. I have paid a lot to hire you, but you are useless at the crucial time. What is the

point for me to pay? Hurry up to drive the car and send me to the hospital. If something happens to my

hands, I will cut both of your hands off. You are too useless to use them.” When June was irritating, the

five guards all lowered their heads and showed no reaction.

Seeing his curse get no reaction, June felt he was fisting on the cotton. The anger was hanging in his

chest and it was hard to let it off.

He could only go back to his car angrily.

When he was sitting in the car, nobody came for a long time. He rolled down the car window and poked

out his head, screaming like a dinosaur at rage, “What’s wrong with you? Are you dumb or dead? Hurry

up to drive the car. Am I asking you to play like a stiff wood by paying you so much money? A bunch of

wastes! You can’t even protect me well. How about feeding your guys to pigs?”

In the end, several cars drove away in June’s curses.

June was always playing the role of elegant gentleman. He treated his girlfriends from the upper class

kindly and could remain calm no matter what happened. Women who had dated him all agreed with the

point that he was a friendly-looking villain. No matter whether he treated his girlfriends whole-heartly or

not, at least he behaved like a gentleman and was generous. However, he really lost his face in front of

Zachariah today. He didn’t get any advantage but got beaten badly. He would never forget the insult in

his whole life. He got so irritated that he even forgot his role to play like a gentleman.

June went to exam himself in a hospital. The doctor reminded that his hand would be completely

useless if the knife stabbed on the other side. In that case, it was hard for him to lift heavy things even

if his wound got well. However, it was lucky for him to handle his badly-injured wound on time. He

should be careful with touching the water and his hands would get well in two or three months.

June went to get his subscriptions and went downstairs silently. After he getting on the car, the guard,

who was sitting on the driver’s seat, asked carefully, “Young master, where are we going?”

“Find a KTV.”


However, June changed his direction and went to People’s Hospital at Downtown in the half way.

At first, he didn’t want to show up in an embarrassed way, but he received Cora’s call just now. Cora

remarked on the other side of the phone, “June, I miss you so much. Can you come to see me now?”

Although Cora may not say those words sincerely, June was spellbound by her, otherwise, he wouldn’t

give up the wealthy life aboard and came to find her in her country. He had to put up with her sarcasm

and helped her whole-heartly out of love.

However, Cora never expressed her thankfulness.

June reached People’s Hospital at Downtown and took the elevator to go upstairs. A beautiful figure

ran towards him before he got close to her.

June thought the figure was going to run into his arms, however, what she said really upset him.

“Where is the baby? Where is the baby?”

June showed a terrible look. He was beaten up hardly by Zachariah because of that child. He not only

lost his dignity, but also almost lost his life. It left a biggest stain in his thirty years life. He would always

remember the shame in his whole life.

However, the harder he tried to forget, the more someone would remind him.

That someone was Cora.

June felt his hands got painful again and asked in a deep voice, “Honey, is the child all you care


Cora raised her head and looked at him in the eye. The enthusiasm in her eyes gradually faded away.

She asked, “Haven’t you stolen the baby successfully?”

June deliberately raised up his injured hand. However, Cora only glanced at it and then chose to


June felt the anger he tried to supressed gradually floored up.

“Honey, haven’t you seen that my hand gets injured?”

“Well, you haven’t dead. Why do you keep murmuring like a girl? It’s just a little wound. How dare you

mention it?” Cora raised her eyebrows and replied disdainfully.

June looked at the woman he spent so many years to care with complex expression. At this point, he

even had the intension to kill her, but he couldn’t.

“Honey, don’t you think yours words are mean?” June deliberately lowered his voice and asked.

Cora shook her hands and remarked more sarcastically, “June, stop playing tricks with me. You can get

those innocent girls or empty housewives successfully, but for me, even you’re lying in the hospital

now, I won’t cry for you. Both you and I know this at the very beginning, right?”

June’s expression went darker and darker. The woman in front of him could always irritate him easily.

He strangled her and showed a mysterious look. If he used more strength, he could have killed this


Suddenly, a pleasant feeling swelled up. If the woman he loved never cared about him, then it was also

a beautiful try to let her die in his arms.

He noticed his love turned to the desire to be in possession. He would rather kill her if he couldn’t win

her heart.


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