Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 361 Seeking Solace in the Beer Bottle

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"Ophelia was seriously injured in this car accident, which fractured her several ribs and made her

organs cracked. And her brain was also severely damaged. A blood clot has coagulated in her brain

around the nerve. If the nerve was really compressed, she might lose her sight. Of course, it’s the worst

result. As she gets better, her recovery ability will become better, and the blood clot may be taken out

through surgery." James told the pros and cons to Zachariah.

"Zach, it’s a miracle of the medical profession that Ophelia survived this car accident. My professor has

top-class medical skills, but it also depends on the patient's will to survive. Ophelia has a strong desire

to survive, so she can make it."

Zachariah drank the beer silently.

James took the bottle to clink his and said, "Zach, cheer up."

Zachariah took a sip of beer and said in a low voice, "If the blood clot can not be taken out. How likely

does she become blind?"

"Eighty percent."

Zachariah took another few sips of beer and said, "Then how likely is she cured?"

"Unless we find a well-matched cornea, otherwise..." James stopped, but the meaning of his words was


Zachariah drank the beer sullenly.

"James, you are an excellent doctor. Can you take out the blood clot in her head? How much is the


James took a sip of beer and said, "Thirty percent."

Zachariah abandoned himself to despair and felt the beer so bitter.

"If your mentor take charge of it, how about the possibility?"

"Forty percent."

Zachariah continued to drink and said in a low voice, "James, I remember that you’ve had such an

operation before. Why are you so unsure this time?"

James raised his glass and clicked his, "Zach, Ophelia’s situation is too complex. The blood clots in her

brain are gathered around nerves. Any operation may cause a rupture of blood vessels. At that time,

she may die in the operating room. Besides, she is too weak to undergo such a major operation in her

brain operation, so we can only choose conservative treatment. We can only control her disease with

medicine first and plan the next step when she becomes stronger. At that time, we can gather foreign

and domestic doctors to discuss her condition. Drawing on collective wisdom, we’ll find the best


Zachariah finished another bottle of beer.

"Don't tell Ophelia about it."

James nodded, but he could not help redressing him, "Zach, Ophelia will know that sooner or later.

When she wakes up, you could find a chance to tell her and let her prepare to accept the truth. It's

better than seeing her suddenly losing her sight."

Zachariah glanced at James and muttered as if to tell him or just to murmur himself.

"She won't be blind."

James said nothing more.

That night, Zachariah drank a lot of beer and wanted to get drunk. Unexpectedly, the more he drank,

the soberer he was. In the end, they two drank three dozen beers, which made the boss lady worry

about them.

The boss lady advised, "Gentlemen, sometimes life can turn sour. Even if you are crossed in love, you

should still take good care of yourself. There is plenty of fish in the sea, so why persist in a one-sided

love? Besides, you are so handsome, and once you snap your fingers, so many girls are willing to

sleep with you. Don’t drink too much beer, or you will wake up tomorrow with pain."

James laughed out.

"Zachy, thank you. My brother already has been married, but his wife is sick. He’s upset and asked me

to drink beer with him. Although he is handsome, he’s really a spoony."

The boss lady understood and gave Zachariah a thumbs up, "You are so charming and infatuated.

That’s rare. You're a good man, so stop drinking. I believe that the girl will get better being taken good

care of by such a handsome husband. Come on. Lucky people have their own destiny, and everything

will be fine."

In the end, Zachariah and James left in the enthusiastic expression of the boss lady.

James supported Zachariah and said, "Are you all right?"

Zachariah shook his head, and his voice sounded awake, "I still want to drink."

Sometimes, drowning your sorrow in drink would make you more clear about the terrible condition.

James frowned and said, "Bro, you wanna drink another run? Do you want to drink yourself to death?

Go back to the hospital. Your wife should see you when she wakes up, or she’ll think that you don’t

care about her. Then you’ll suffer. You know, women are very narrow-minded in this respect. She’ll

remember it for the rest of your life. "

Zachariah pushed James away, saying, "I want to go to the seaside and enjoy the cold wind. Maybe I’ll

be more awake."

James decided to accompany him to do whatever he wanted.

He said, "Get in the car. I'll stay with you all night today."

Then they got in the car and James drove.

It took them half an hour to drive the car to the seaside.

They got off the car and walked to the seaside side by side. James opened his arms and felt the

enthusiastic sea wave, saying, "It’s the best place for dating, but I am here with you today. What a

waste of this romantic atmosphere!"

Zachariah glanced at him discontentedly.

James shrugged and said, "OK. Fine. I’m sorry."

Zachariah sat directly on the beach casually and enjoyed the sound of waves beating silently.

James sat down like him.

They listened to the sound of the waves. After several minutes, James said, "Zach, you’ve enjoyed the

sea breeze and become calm down. Shall we go? It's still quite cold at night. "


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