Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 276 He Heard It

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“Mom, you said you played smart back then to marry my dad, so you would understand my approach

best, wouldn't you?”

Mrs. Gwylan sighed again.

“Cora, you are still unable to understand some of the things that Mom said, because you are still

young, later you will know that sometimes the love or marriage that is not supposed to belong to you is

painful in the end.”

Cora frowned and said, “Mom, what happened to you?”

Mrs. Gwylan sighed and continued, “You can’t get it now, but you will in your 30s. I just hope you don't

put too much focus on Zachariah, as for the child Ophelia is carrying, I don't agree with getting rid of it.

If she gives birth to this child, you will have one more bargaining chip to marry into the Chambers

family. I am your Mom and I will never hurt you. Just listen to me for once, or else I don't want to

meddle in your affairs anymore.”

Cora insisted, “Mom, I want her baby gone. Once this child comes between me and Zachariah,

Zachariah's heart will not be with me.”

“You…”Mrs. Gwylan got angry, “Whatever, I’m going out.”

After saying that, she turned around and was going out. When she suddenly saw Zachariah standing

not far away, she was so shocked that her heart almost jumped out. She stammered, “Zack, Zachariah,

you, why are you here? No, when did you get here?”

When Cora heard Mrs. Gwylan's words, her face instantly turned pale, her eyes widened as she looked

at Zachariah, and her entire body trembling.

Seeing their mother and daughter's identical expressions, Zachariah's lips curved upward slightly,

revealing a mocking smile.

“Mrs. Gwylan, Cora, am I interrupting something?” Zachariah's tone was calm, but anyone can hear

that this was the calm before the storm.

Cora was scared and frightened, and her hands and feet were a little weak.

She lifted the covers and got out of bed, her feet almost fell off the bed because of the weakness, and

then walked up to Zachariah, almost with uncoordinated limbs. She begged, “Zach, listen to me, I was

just having a little joke with my mom, don't take it seriously.”

Zachariah looked at her and said faintly, his eyes no ripple, “Cora, did you just say something?”

Cora's face became even paler. She knew Zachariah too well, if he hadn't heard anything, he definitely

wouldn't have reacted like this. The calmer he was, the more scared she was, and she was afraid that

Zachariah had heard it all that she had said.

If Zachariah heard her words, then everything she had planned before would have been ruined.

Cora grabbed his arm and said with pity, “Zach, please don't be like this, I'd rather you scold me than

be so cold to me. I was wrong, just say something to me. You know I love you, I love you more than

anything or anyone in this world. I can't stand it when you ignore me, so can you smile at me? I'm really

scared when you look like this.”

Zachariah just sneered and his tone became calmer, “Cora, what are you afraid of? Did you do

something wrong? Why else would I scold you?”

Cora's hands were trembling as she grabbed Zachariah's arm.

“Zach, don’t do this to me, I was wrong, totally. Don't ignore me.”

Cora cried suppressively and heartbreakingly. If it was before, Zachariah might have taken her in his

arms and pampered her, but now, he just looked at her coldly, without a trace of warmth in his eyes.

Cora was now completely panicked. She did so much just to keep Zachariah forever, if things went

against her wishes, she would rather never have done it.

“Zach, listen to me, I was just making a little joke. I love you and I’ll love your children more. No matter

who the mother is, as long as the father is you, I will treat them as my own children, and I will love them


Zachariah just looked down at her. He did not expect that the woman who grew up with him, who was

once simple in front of him and occasionally a little capricious, would now become so frightening. Not

only did she tell a pack of lies, but she was also full of cunning tricks.

Such Cora made him feel terrible and also a bit disappointed. Once he took her in the palm of his hand

and cared for her, even she capriciously went to Europe without leaving a word before their wedding,

he did not really blame her for anything. He acted rashly to marry Ophelia, but also made all the

preparations. He waited, hoping that she would return home, and he was able to easily pull out this

marriage and marry her.

He never thought she would be gone for nearly five years. Five years of time can change things, can

turn a simple and lovely little girl into a worldly and sophisticated woman, and can also make his girl

become strange to him. Right at this moment, that's how he felt.

Before, even if he knew that her true face was not as what he saw, he still deceived himself by

comforting himself that it was only because they had been separated for too long and were not yet

familiar with each other that he could not accept her change. It turned out that all this was not his

illusion, she had truly become another person, one he could not recognize.

Zachariah drew his arm and said, “Cora, you get some good rest. I haven't finished with my work yet,

so I may not have time to be here with you.”

Cora was now more panicked and looked pleadingly at Mrs. Gwylan. Mrs. Gwylan soon became calm

after the panic.

She coughed lightly twice and said, “Zachariah, can I say a few words?”


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