Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 440 Rescue

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“We can go back to the apartment if you don’t want to go to the Chambers house. It’s near the

Chambers Group and is convenient for me to go to work.” Zachariah changed his mind.

Ophelia glanced at Mrs. Chambers subconsciously.

Noticing her gaze, Mrs. Chambers replied understandably, “You can go back if you want to. Anyway, I

will go to your place to spend a few days during my spare time. Young people should have private

space of them own. I won’t push you too hard.”

Since Mrs. Chambers was showing her attitude in this way, Ophelia felt she was the one who made

trouble out of nothing.

She thought for a while and finally answered, “Let’s go back to the Chambers house. There are lots of

servants to help us look after Tommy. More importantly, in that way, our parents can see Tommy at any


Zachariah’s lips couldn’t stop curling up, showing that he was in a good mood.

Mrs. Chambers also smiled.

Madeleine glanced at Ophelia and didn’t say anything more. After all, she was an outsider and it was

inappropriate to interrupt in their family business.

She converted a topic and remarked, “Ophelia, you can accompany aunt to sit here and I will go to

cook with the servant. We can have dinner soon.”

“Let me help you.” Ophelia got up and suggested.

“No need. Just spend time with aunt and others. It’s inconvenient if you help me in the kitchen. It’s

better for me and the servant to cook and we can spend less time in that way.”

The Chambers family had dinner in Madeleine’s place in a harmonious atmosphere. After dinner,

Madeleine sent them downstairs in person.

Mrs. Chambers held Tommy in her arms. During the night time, Tommy was quiet and didn’t cry out


Ophelia hugged Madeleine to farewell, while Madeleine whispered by her ears, saying, “Take good

care of yourself. Remember to tell me if you’re aggrieved.”

Ophelia nodded. “Madeleine, thank you so much for taking care of me during this time.” She remarked


Madeleine slightly petted her back and noted in a teasing way, “Well, well.”

They chatted for a while. Finally, Ophelia and Zacharia got to the back seat. Mr. Chambers would drive

this time.

Mrs. Chambers’ phone rang right after they drove out of the neighbourhood. She picked it up and

asked in an astonished manner in a short time, “What are you talking about? What happened to

Savannah? Where is she?”

After hearing the reply, Mrs. Chambers hanged up the phone and remarked anxiously, “It was

Savannah’s bodyguard’s call. He told me Savannah got into trouble with the gang leader and was

encircled by more than twenty punks. Dear, hurry up to drive there. Those bodyguards can’t compete

with the gang and I am afraid something will happen to Savannah.”

Mr. Chambers immediately speeded up. However, Ophelia was in a complex mood when hearing

Savannah’s name. Privately, she wanted Savannah to learn a lesson this time, otherwise, it was hard

for her to balance her angry feeling. She had been satirized by Savannah many times during her five

year’s marriage with Zachariah. Regarding Savannah as her sister-in-law, she had to put it up many

times, but she could never forgive her for trying to kill Tommy. Hence, Ophelia didn’t want to mind her


As the daughter-in-law in the Chambers family, she couldn’t compare with Savannah in terms of

relation. At least in Mrs. Chambers’ mind, Savannah meant more than her. If she did not marry to the

Chambers family, there were lots of women who were willing to replace her. However, the Chambers

family only had one young mistress and no one could take place.

Zachariah held Ophelia’s hand secretly, while Ophelia glanced at him subconsciously. Looking into

each other’s eyes, Ophelia could feel the gentleness and warmth in his eyes and her complex mood

suddenly smoothed.

However, Mrs. Chambers, who was sitting in the front seat, gradually calmed down after a short time of

anxiousness. She also reminded what happened between Savannah and Ophelia.

She turned around and glanced at Ophelia with a sorry look. She compressed her lips and remarked in

hesitation, “Ophelia, I am sorry. I am just worried about Savannah’s safety. You know that she is my

only daughter and I can’t see something happen to her.

Although having a mixed feeling, Ophelia still smiled on the surface and remarked, “Mom, I

understand.” However, I wouldn’t express anything.

Mrs. Chambers still showed her a concerned look and noted, “Ophelia, I know you don’t feel well,


Ophelia showed a gentle smile and said, “Mom, I am alright and I have no intension to blame you. You

don’t have to act in this way. I will feel guilty as the younger generation.”

Mrs. Chambers glanced at her carefully and then Tommy, who was in her arms, suggesting, “Ophelia,

how about you going back first with Zach? You dad and I will go to have a look.”

Ophelia shook her head and replied, “Mom, you and dad are old and you’re not in a good health. You

can take Tommy back with dad. Zach and I will deal with Savannah’s trouble.”

Mrs. Chambers turned to look at Zachariah and Zachariah slightly nodded his head.

Mr. Chambers suggested, “Let’s go together. Zach, call all the bodyguards to go there.”

“Yes.” Zachariah called. After the phone getting through, he remarked, “Ted, let all people go to the MS

Avenue as fast as they could and we will also go there.”

After commanding, Zachariah directly hanged up the phone.

Seeing Mr. Chambers, who was driving in the front seat, Zachariah suggested, “Dad, let me drive the

car. I will arrange Sam to pick you and mom up.”

Mr. Chambers thought for a while and finally nodded.

He stopped the car to get off and so did Zachariah and Ophelia. They switched their place with

Zachariah and Ophelia going to the front seat and Mr. and Mrs. Chambers going to the back. However,

Tommy, who was asleep at first, woke up their movement and cried out loudly.

Mrs. Chambers hurried petted his back. However, Tommy had no sign to stop crying but getting louder

and louder.

Ophelia got worried and reached out her hands to hold Tommy. Mrs. Chambers rejected her and

remarked, “Ophelia, just sit down. I can make him calm down.”

Mrs. Chambers gently comforted Tommy, but he still cried seriously. Ophelia turned to Zachariah and

noted, “Zach, you can call Ted here. Normally, he is the only one who can stop Tommy’s crying by

holding him, otherwise, Tommy will cry endlessly and his throat may get dumb.”

Zachariah grabbed out his phone to call Ted. After getting through, Ophelia reached out her hands and

suggested, “Zach, let me talk to him. It’s dangerous for you to pick up the phone during driving.”

Zachariah finally handed the phone to Ophelia.


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