Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 89 A Crush on A Married Woman

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Tassach paused, turned around, and asked, “What did Mr. Chambers want to say?”

“Mr. Conduibh, Ophelia is my wife. I’ll take care of her no matter how she is. I don’t think I’ll need you to

be attentive to my wife. She treats you as a friend. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to ruin our marriage,


Tassach smiled slightly and said, “I wouldn’t need to be attentive if Mr. Chambers took care of his wife


Zachariah also smiled and said, “It’ll be fine as long as Mr. Conduibh is aware of where the line lies. I

won’t be troubling you with my wife. Also, I think you and the lady next to you are a good match for

each other. You are talented, and she is beautiful. You should set a date as soon as possible, so the

lady can rest assured.”

Tassach wanted to say something until Ophelia stepped forward and said, “Tassach, you should send

Miss King back first. Thank you for giving me a ride back today.”

Tassach nodded. He walked around to the left of the car, opened the door to get, and fastened the seat

belt. Just when he drove the car out of the community, Gracie, who sat in the front passenger seat,

chuckled softly and said, “Tassach, I really didn’t expect you to have a crush on a married woman. Are

you really willing to be the other man with your social status?”

Tassach gazed at her and said, “Miss King, we aren’t close at all. It’s not your place to discuss my

personal life. There is nothing between Ophelia and me. You better think carefully about what you say. I

don’t care if you’re the daughter of a highly respectable family.”

Gracie leisurely leaned on the front passenger seat and said, “When I first saw you, I was surprised

that there is a guy who looks perfect and handsome in this country. Plus, my parents have been talking

about how successful you are. After meeting you today, I found out that my parents are right for once.”

After a pause, Gracie continued, “But now it seems that you’re not as perfect as you look. Your

shortcoming is that you have poor taste. No matter what, you should only like a woman who has never

married before. I didn’t expect you to like a married woman. Not to mention that man doesn’t look

friendly. Tsk tsk.”

Tassach hit the steering wheel and stopped the car on the side of the road. He said coldly, “Get out.”

Gracie looked at the lane where few vehicles passed by. She pointed her finger at herself and asked in

disbelief, “Tassach, you are making me get out?”

Tassach just nodded.

Gracie chuckled softly, “Tassach, you aren’t that petty, right?”

“I’m very petty,” Tassach admitted naturally.

“Tassach, I’m not familiar with this place at all. If something happens after I got out, you’re going to

have a hard time telling your parents and my parents,” Gracie sneered slightly and spoke.

“Get out,” Tassach just repeated coldly.

Gracie continued to sit very cheeky and said, “Tassach, it would be very low of you if you kicked me out

of the car today.”

Tassach looked at her coldly and said, “Miss King, you’ve crossed the line. I’ll show you what low looks

like today.”

Gracie was truly somewhat scared now. All the men she met were courteous towards her. None of

them could withstand her pure and charming appearance. But the man in front of her would not even

look at her.

Why? She was obviously more beautiful than that woman.

Yes, she admitted that the woman just now was also very beautiful and had a very hot body. But hers

was not bad. Why would Tassach rather have a crush on a married woman than give her a little


Gracie subconsciously called Mrs. Conduibh. Tassach snatched her phone and saw that it was his

mom’s number.

He ended the call and said, “Miss King, don’t even think about using my mom to threaten me. I took

you out for the sake of my family, but I didn’t expect you to be so rude. You don’t live up to your

reputation as a top student at all. What a waste!”

Gracie’s mouth twitched because of his words. But for some reason, she was angry. Instead, her heart

was moved, and her eyes looked at Tassach differently.

If it could be said that she was only curious about Tassach at the beginning, then she now had a good

impression of him.

She felt that only such a man was suitable.

Her tone softened. “Tassach, I was wrong just now. I apologize. I was just jealous when I saw you

being so attentive to another beautiful woman. You know that two beautiful women get jealous of each

other easily, just like how two great powers cannot exist at the same time, so I lost control and was a bit

impolite. If you think I crossed the line, I can apologize to her. So please don’t kick me out of the car.”

Tassach glanced at her strangely, wondering whether girls’ attitudes all changed so quickly? If this was

the case, then he would not dare marry someone like her.

He would not be marrying a woman who would become his wife but marrying a lord who he would


Tassach’s expression looked a little better. He started the car again and sent her back to the King’s villa

right away.


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