Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 469 Search for Cornea

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After Ophelia slept soundly, Zachariah got out of bed, went to the baby’s room and asked Ted, “what's

wrong with Ophelia today?”

Ted thought for a while and said, “She cried for a long time in front of Tommy today. She said If she was

blind one day, she won't be able to see you and Tommy.”

Zachariah frowned and knew what was going on.

He guessed that Ophelia knew there were blood clots in her brain. No wonder she was a little off all

day today.

He had been trying so hard to find doctors who were capable of curing Ophelia around the world. He

also strived to find the matching cornea for her in case she should be blind in the future.

He knew Ophelia was of high self-esteem. She can’t stand the possibility of being blind one day. That

was a crushing blow to her. But how could he let her understand that even if she became blind, he

would still regard her as the love of his life and be willing to be with her for the rest of his life.

Zachariah sighed, looked at Tommy who was having a sound sleep, and said, “Take good care of



Walking out of the baby’s room, Zachariah’s mind was in a mess. The doctors he found clearly told him

that Ophelia situation was not optimistic. He was worried that Ophelia won’t be able to withstand all



Zachariah went back to the bedroom and went to bed carefully. He felt distressed that Ophelia had

gone through everything alone. He enfolded her in his arms, kissed her hair very gently and said, “You

silly. You can always tell me whenever you feel wronged and afraid. You don’t need to carry all this

alone. You can always count on me. My heart aches when I see you cry. For you, I scolded Savannah

even though she is my sister. I’ve even thought about sending her to the slum, so can you not stay

away from me?”

Ophelia didn’t answer because she was still asleep.

Zachariah really didn’t know how to do with her. He had never felt like this when he was with Cora. Now

he couldn’t even remember why he had been so obsessed with Cora for five years after she had left.

And how could he have ignored Ophelia for five years? He thought that was the biggest mistake he had

ever made. He wasted the time with Ophelia to chase after a woman who once had betrayed him. Only

when he got Cora back did he know how ridiculous his love for Cora was. He and Cora had only been

back together for a few months, and he found that his love for her was nothing but a lie!

But for the car accident, he wouldn’t realize that he had fallen in love with Ophelia. Maybe he would

continue to lie to himself and say that he loved Cora. Thanks to the car accident, he was aware that his

feelings for Ophelia were so much deeper than he imagined.

Ophelia was afraid of losing him, so was he. She had been part of his life. He couldn’t tolerate the life

without her.

Gently stroking Ophelia's hair, Zachariah was really worried. He had been thinking about the blood

clots in Ophelia's brain. As long as this problem remained unsolved, he won’t feel relieved.

Zachariah held Ophelia tighter. He didn’t relax a bit until she felt uncomfortable.

Zachariah had so much to think about that he slept at 2 AM.


Savannah was also very uncomfortable. She hurt so much. The more she hurt, the more she hated

Ophelia. She blamed everything Zachariah had done to her on Ophelia. She felt the humiliation she

suffered was all caused by Ophelia. If it weren't for Ophelia, she wouldn't be in such a difficult situation.

She would never forget it. The resentment in her heart was burning. She wanted so badly to kick

Ophelia out of the Chambers family.

It was even painful for Savannah to turn over. She endured the pain, took out her mobile phone and

looked at it. It was already 2 AM. Then she made a call.

Soon someone answered the phone in a sleepy voice, “Hello?”

Savannah sneered, “Cora, how could you sleep? Zach now totally belongs with someone else.”

Cora suddenly woke up and asked nervously, “What do you mean?”

“Literal meaning,” Savannah said.

Cora took a deep breath and said patiently, “You called me in the middle of the night. You want to help

me or not?”

“The plan you told me didn’t work at all. Zach was not angry at the photos of Ophelia hugging other

guys at all, and he even scolded me. I think he must love her very much. We need to change our plan,”

Savannah said viciously.

Cora was frantic on the phone, squealing, “Bullshit! Zach loves me! He only loves me! It’s impossible

that he loves Ophelia! He is just being sulky for a while. He will come back to me after that.”


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