Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 304 Burning Bridges

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Madeleine guarded Ophelia behind her, glared at Gracie, and said, “Gracie, aren’t you burning bridges

too quickly? Ophelia was called by you all. Now that Tassach has woken up, you’re driving her away.

What do you take Ophelia for? Why are you so shameless to think that she Ophelia should come and

go as you please?”

Gracie glanced at Madeleine with disdain, and said, “Madeleine. Ophelia, and I are talking, can you not


Madeleine placed her hands around her chest, mockingly smiled, and said, “I’m really sorry. Ophelia

usually talks to people. She doesn’t understand animal language, so I can only speak for her. Please

don’t mind Miss King. However, I think there are not many people like Miss King who has a human face

and speak in an animal language.”

Gracie's face was slightly distorted.

“Who are you calling an animal?” Gracie said gritted her teeth.

Madeleine shrugged and said very badly “I’m really sorry. Whoever responds to me is who I’m talking


Gracie raised her hand, and Madeleine looked scared, “Miss King, don’t be impulsive. You're in a ward.

If you make trouble, guess whose side Tassach will stand by?”

Gracie’s raised hand did not fall for a long time, and her pretty face was even more distorted.

Madeleine clapped her hands and said carelessly, “Miss King, it’s better for women to be gentle. If you

are willful and savage, no man can tolerate it regardless of how beautiful you are. Tassach, don’t you

think so?”

Gracie was taken aback and looked at the ward. As expected, Tassach, who was supposedly asleep,

had already woken up and looked straight at Ophelia.

Gracie’s heart was aching.

She forked out so much for Tassach, yet it still couldn’t match a look or a kind greeting from Ophelia.

In his eyes, it was as if Gracie had never existed.

Gracie felt that she was like a fool. It was the first time, she went all in for a man, abandoning all

reservations a woman should keep and confessed to him, yet he was always indifferent and let her

jump up and down like a clown.

Gracie’s heart was filled with unwillingness and sadness. She couldn’t figure out how she was inferior

to Ophelia. Why were men willing to shield Ophelia from all obstacles, but they were cold-hearted

towards her? She had a good family background, graduated from a famous university, and had an

excellent appearance and figure. She is a typical beautiful rich heiress. How could she be compared to

a woman who apart from her looks has nothing superior?

Gracie couldn’t understand. The more she couldn’t figure it out, the more complicated she felt, the

more she hated Ophelia, and the more annoyed she was with Tassach’s attitude towards her. Even if

Tassach gave her a little reaction, she wouldn’t have felt like a fool.

Madeleine blinked at Tassach and said, “Tassach, jinx, saw it? Your woman doesn’t want to see

Ophelia at all. Ophelia is always put in a difficult position each time she visits you. She has suffered

grievances for you, don’t you like to say something about it?”

Tassach’s face suddenly became very ugly.

Ophelia tugged at Madeleine’s clothes and motioned to her not to stop talking nonsense. She came to

see Tassach and didn’t want to make the atmosphere so awkward.

Gracie glared at Madeleine fiercely. She really didn’t expect that this woman wasn’t afraid of the chaos

that she snitched on her in front of Tassach.

“Gracie, I am very grateful to you for letting go of all your work during this period to take care of me.

You are also tired. Go back and get some rest.” Tassach said with not a good expression on his face.

Gracie’s expression also fell, she looked at Tassach aggrievedly, and said, “Tassach, are you driving

me away?”

Tassach shook his head and said, “I just don’t want you to be tired. You've been taking care of me

round the clock. I am very grateful. When I have recovered, I will invite uncle, aunty, and you for a meal

in return for your favor to me. If they agree, I will recognize you as my god sister. As long as you ask in

the future, I will help you out.”

Each word from Tassach was like knives poking Gracie’s heart. She fell in love with him at first sight.

During these days when he fell ill, she took care of him without any explanation and even dropped her

self-esteem for him to find Ophelia. She even endures that there was another woman in his heart. For

this love, it can be said that she has lowered her noble self-esteem to the dust, but the man in front of

her wanted to recognize her as his god sister.

God sister.

That was the most ironic thing she has ever heard. If she wanted a godbrother, many men are willing to

be. Tassach clearly understood her intentions, but he proposed something like this was simply ironic.

Gracie’s heart was numb from being poked. She sneered, “Tassach, I love you. I even let go of my self-

esteem for you. I have forked out so much for you. I don’t want to be your god sister. Can you stop

being so hypocritical?”

Gracie’s words made the atmosphere drop to a freezing point.


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