Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 303 Like a Fool

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Madeleine curled her lips and said, “My dear, you have a big heart while mine is the size of a sesame

seed. I don’t blame Tassach for being a coward back then, but I think I can't change my impression of

him. If it was up to me, I think you shouldn’t contact him. Some feelings are meant to remain broken.”

Ophelia gave a wry smile.

Madeleine rhythmically tapped the steering wheel with her thumb, and said, “My dear, tell me honestly,

are you still unable to forget your affection for Tassach?”

Ophelia was speechless by her question.

“Madeleine, what are you talking about? Tassach and I are just friends.”

“Don’t forget... He has never forgotten you. If you have no feeling for him, you shouldn’t lead him on,

otherwise, he will fall deeper. I don’t want your marriage with Zachariah crumbling because of him.”

Ophelia smiled bitterly.

She looked sideways at Madeleine and said, “Madeleine, you should know that my marriage with

Zachariah has never been due to Tassach. In this marriage, Zachariah was in control, and I can only

cooperate passively. Regardless of how deep my love for Zachariah is, once he calls it quits t, I have to

pack my bags and leave without complaints.”

Madeleine irritably patted the steering wheel.

She said, “My dear if you didn’t look so beautiful maybe your luck will not be so prosperous.”

Ophelia raised her hand and touched her face, and smiled bitterly, “I have never thought that I was

beautiful, but women have said that I am a vixen who specialized in seducing men.”

Madeleine smiled and said, “My dear, aren’t you just a vixen? Don’t mind it, addressing you as a vixen

is a compliment to you. Many people can’t even be qualified as a vixen.”

Ophelia glanced at her obliquely.

Madeleine shrugged.

“My dear, to be honest, your appearance may be fatal to men. Tassach, Zachariah, and now even

Wilfred, who has met you twice have all fallen for your beauty. You are so lucky that even I can’t stand

looking at it.”

Ophelia helplessly said, “Madeleine, stop talking nonsense.”

“Ophelia, you are a woman. Don’t tell me that you didn’t notice that Wilfred treats you differently.”

“If it weren’t for you who entertained him, it wouldn’t have ended up like this.”

“I’m just thinking for you. Who knew that your affinity with men is so strong? I have only seen your

situation in my novels. The heroine has her own attributes, which can make the male protagonist and

the male supporting actor go crazy, and they would go all out for her.”

Ophelia closed her eyes and remained silent.

Madeleine glanced at her and asked, “Tired?”

Ophelia nodded.

Madeleine said, “Then go sleep. My dear, I was just joking earlier. Don’t take it personally. I know you

feel bad too. I just want to tease you.”

Ophelia shook her head and was silent for a while. She said, “Madeleine, sometimes, a man’s affection

to me can be a disturbance. If I can, I just want my marriage with Zachariah to become indestructible. I

love him, and I don’t want my child to be born without a father. That it was because of me, that I let my

child grow up in an incomplete family, I will feel very guilty.”

Madeleine ached for her. She always kept to herself and carries a heavy burden.

“Stupid women, stop overthinking. You should learn more from me. Just watch TV when you have

nothing to do. Go to bed when you are sleepy. Drink water when you are thirsty. Don’t think too much

about anything else. Anyway, even if the sky falls, taller people are standing around us. We aren’t the

tallest, and the sky can’t hold us down.”

Madeleine pretended to be relaxed and spoke.

When Ophelia heard this, she smiled slightly.

Madeleine breathed a sigh of relief and finally smiled.

After reaching the hospital, Madeleine placed her hand on the steering wheel and said, “My dear, wake

up. We are here.”

It took several seconds for Ophelia to slowly open her eyes, “Let’s go.”

Madeleine unbuttoned her seat belt, hesitated for a few seconds, and said, “My dear, why don’t I go to

see Tassach for you? Anyway, I am also his friend, so he wouldn’t welcome me.”

Ophelia laughed, “Madeleine, do you regard the Conduibh family as animals, or do you regard Tassach

as a bad person?”

Madeleine shrugged.

“I have never had a good impression of the Conduibh family.”

Ophelia shook her head and said with a smile, “Let’s go! We don’t have much contact with the

Conduibh family anyway, we’ve just got to maintain a cordial relationship with them.”

Madeleine had no choice but to follow her up.

After entering the ward, except for Tassach, who was lying in the hospital bed, only Gracie was in.

Gracie gave Ophelia a complex expression, her complexion was a bit awkward. She was angry yet she

calmed down. She displayed a look of arrogance and asked, “You've come?”

Ophelia glanced at Tassach who was still asleep and nodded, then gently whispered, “Are you asleep?”

Gracie said, “He just went to bed. He was making a fuss to see you. He was in a bad mood when he

heard that you didn’t have time to visit him. I didn’t expect you to come.”

Ophelia and Madeleine leaned in front of the hospital bed and saw that although Tassach’s complexion

was a little pale, it was not as bad as they had imagined. They finally relinquished their worries.

“I had something to do, so I came to see him as soon as I was done,” Ophelia explained.

Gracie placed her hands around her chest with a lightly arrogant attitude but on closer look, she looked

like a hedgehog guarding her love full of thorns.

“Ophelia, I am very grateful that you have come to the hospital to visit Tassach, but can you stop

coming in the future? Each trip you make only rekindles hope for him. You are married and soon will be

having your baby. It is impossible between you two. Why not try to let him go? Remaining as

colleagues can be regarded as giving yourself a way out.”


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