Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 39 Don't Seduce Me!

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“I dare not. You support me financially, why would I dare to disobey you? I just feel sad because you

questioned me before I could even speak.”

Zachariah frowned and said, “Why are you being so aggressive today?”

Ophelia put her arms around Zachariah’s neck and regained her previous coquettish looks. She said

with a smile, “I am sorry for what I said just now. Please forgive me.”

Zachariah looked at her blankly.

Ophelia was not afraid of his expressionless face. Then she continued, “Mr. Chambers, I thought you

would spend more time with Cora since she was back.”

“She's busy preparing for the piano concert,” Zachariah explained briefly.

Ophelia nodded. “That explains why you have the time to come home.”

Zachariah lifted Ophelia up by the waist. Then he carried her upstairs and walked into the bedroom.

When he was about to throw her onto the bed, she said, “My body felt a bit sore lately, could you

please put me on the bed gently?”

Zachariah did as she requested and put her on the bed. Then, with sharp looks, he stared at her, or to

be more specific, at her belly. He was frowning, “Why is your belly getting bigger?”

Ophelia felt somehow nervous, and then said with a smile, “Are you saying I'm fat?”

Zachariah's brows frowned deeper. “How could you put on so much weight? I've just left for a month.”

Ophelia sat up on the bed and smiled coquettishly. “Mr. Chambers, have you heard that 'the better one

lives, the fatter he or she will be? I've been drinking and dining nicely during your one month's leave

and Madeleine's health condition is getting better day by day. I've been happy, and that's why I've put

on some weight.”

“You don't get fat easily. Your belly is getting bigger while the rest of your body isn't. You're pregnant,

aren't you?” Zachariah got straight to the point.

Ophelia's scared and trembled, but she kept a perfect smile on her face, “Why would you say that?”

Zachariah's eyes turned sharp suddenly, “Are you really pregnant?”

“If I say yes, will you let me have an abortion?”

“Yes,” Zachariah said without mercy.

Ophelia's face changed, and she smiled helplessly, “Even the most vicious creature on the earth

wouldn't eat its own heir. I never expect you to be so ruthless that you would kill your own blood.”

“So, that's a yes. You're really pregnant.”

“I would have blackmailed you with the baby if I were pregnant. I wouldn't wait till now. If you don't trust

me, you can call a doctor here and have me tested. I'll have the abortion right away if I am.”

Zachariah got up from the bed. He took over his phone and made a call. After that, he said to her, “I've

already called Mr. Kenelm, he'll come over later and run a check for you.”

Ophelia's lost her calmness. She got up from the bed and said, “Zachariah, you're the cruelest man I've

ever met. We should get a divorce. I won't take any of your property. I’ll leave by myself without

anything. I'll never threaten you and Cora with the baby.”

She said as she tried to walk around Zachariah and leave the room.

Zachariah grabbed her, and said with an emotionless tone, “Are you really pregnant? How long has it


Ophelia turned over and sneered, “I have you let you down... It's just the weight I put on recently,

believe it or not.”

Zachariah's face calmed down. Then he said, “Ophelia, I'm the only one who has the right to say no in

our marriage. If you divorce me unilaterally, you'll have to pay me 100 million dollars as the


Smiling sweetly, Ophelia straightened Zachariah's white shirt for him and said, “There's no need to be

so angry. I'll always bear it in my mind that you're my employer... but I think we'll get a divorce soon

enough, isn't that right?”

Zachariah carried her in his arms and was about to throw her on the bed. However, an idea suddenly

came to his mind. He put her on the bed softly and then pressed his strong body on her.

He pinched her chin and said calmly, “Remember, Ophelia, you're just a pet to entertain me. Don't try to

irritate me again, or there will be consequences for you to suffer. You should behave like a pet, do you


She pulled his tie and replied as coquettish as a flower, “Mr. Chambers, have seen ever seen such a

coquettish pet?”

“Cora will be back to Europe two days later, so we won't divorce, at least not now.” said Zachariah.

Ophelia looked at Zachariah with a faint smile. “Should I thank you for that generous decision?”

“The only thing you need to do is to behave like a pet and be obedient.”

Grabbing Zachariah’s tie in her hand, Ophelia pulled slightly so that their lips were just inches way. The

she breathed a scented breath and said, “Can any pet sleep with you and do those things for you?”

Zachariah's eyes darkened. He felt as if he had been shocked by a slight electric current. Then he

gritted his teeth and said, “Don't seduce me!”


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