Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 90 Please Do Not Act Like We Are Close

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“Tassach, when I saw you, at first sight, I thought you were a gentleman. I didn’t expect your temper to

be worse than everyone else’s. When you get angry, you would even humiliate a girl. None, but I like

it,” Gracie said frankly.

Tassach said without looking back, “Thank you for your appreciation, Miss King, but I can’t stand it.”

Gracie said to herself, “Tassach, I’ll work at your company tomorrow. I believe you’ll fall in love with me

once we spend time with each other.”

Tassach refused right away, “Miss King, I’ll be frank with you. Your level of academic mastery is too

high. My company is small. I’m afraid it won’t be a fit for someone like you. Perhaps you should go

back to work at your previous company.”

Gracie pretended not to understand his refusal and only said, “Small companies have their perks. But

there are dozens of employees at your company, so it’s not small. There’ll definitely be hundreds of

employees as your company grows. I like working at a small company. It’s not only challenging but also

fulfilling seeing a small company become big with my efforts.”

“Our company treats everyone equally. No matter what your level of education is, as long as you are an

employee, you have to start as a low-level employee. I’m afraid it’ll be a waste of talent for the daughter

of a highly respectable family like Miss King to work as a low-level employee.”

Gracie smiled carefreely. “Tassach, I understand that it’s important to work in a role that fits my

capabilities. I just like the culture of your company. Don’t worry, I promise you that I’ll be in the position I

want in a year. I’m capable, and I’m never worried about what position my boss would assign me.”

Tassach had to admit that Gracie was a mature and confident woman of the 21st century. She was

confident, arrogant, stylish, capable, and beautiful. But women like her made men feel inferior.

Tassach did not like women who were too confident that they become arrogant. She and Ophelia were

not the same type of woman. Both were beautiful, but Gracie looked innocent and harmless while she

treated people differently depending on their social status. She greeted those of the same social status

with a smile and looked down on those of a lower social status. Ophelia looked aggressive and acted

ostentatiously, but she did not look down on others. To the wealthy, she became all things to all people;

to the poor, she was not arrogant and treated the elderly with respect.

Comparing the two, he knew why he liked Ophelia so much.

Ophelia was beautiful and kind-hearted. Although she looked hard to get along with on the outside, he

knew what kind of woman she was on the inside after spending time with her.

“Tassach, what are you thinking about?” Gracie exclaimed with dissatisfaction.

Tassach replied without hesitation, “I was wondering why there is such a big difference between you

and Ophelia when you are both beautiful women? She is gentle, kind, stubborn, and admirable in all

aspects. In contrast, your appearance is pretty while your temper is off-putting.”

After that, Tassach came back to his senses and realized that he had happened to offend her.

Gracie fluffed up her long hair and said, “Tassach, we only met today. Isn’t it a bit unkind for you to

describe me this way?”

Tassach said insincerely, “Sorry.”

“If you feel sorry, then I’ll go to work at your company tomorrow,” Gracie said, making use of every


Tassach did not speak.

Gracie was persistent as she said, “Tassach, give me a chance, and I’ll prove to you that I’m not like a

dumb blond. Besides, I can guarantee that there I’ll draw a clear line between work and personal life. I

absolutely won’t involve any personal feelings in my work.”

After a pause, she asked, “Or are you someone who does not distinguish between work and personal

life that you even drive out real talent?”

“Tomorrow at nine o’clock, you can bring your resume. Once I read it and think you’re a fit, I’ll arrange a

position for you personally. If you aren’t a fit, then I’m sorry we cannot afford talent like you.”

“Okay, I’m sure we’ll be a good team in the future.” Gracie smiled confidently. “Tassach, I’ll celebrate in

advance that I became your colleague. Don’t worry, I’ll show 100% of my sincerity and won’t make you

disappointed for hiring someone like me”

Tassach did not speak and only parked in front of a detached villa. He asked, “Miss King, is this the


Gracie said, “It’s here. Although our family only comes back during the Spring Festival every year, we

hired someone to take care of it. The villa is quite clean. Tassach, why don’t you go in and sit down?

My parents are almost treating you as their adoptive son.”

Tassach just glanced at her and said indifferently, “Miss King, we aren’t close to each other, so please

stop these jokes. They can cause a misunderstanding. Not everyone can accept someone who is a


Gracie’s expression changed a bit, then she unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car. She

lowered her head and leaned in to say, “Tassach, did anyone tell you that you aren’t gentlemanly at all?

But you’re too manly when you are rough. The colder you are to me, the more I’m determined to

conquer you. Just you wait! You’ll be mine sooner or later.”

“Please close the door. Thank you!” Tassach said without looking at her.

Gracie closed the door, and Tassach’s car drove away like an arrow being released from a bow, leaving

Gracie with only the car’s exhaust.


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