Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 476 Godfather

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Madeleine grabbed Ophelia’s hand. She thought for a while and finally remarked, “Ophelia, I think it’s

better for you to tell Zachariah to let him know your thought. Although I am always despised of him, he

is not a shallow person and will definitely understand your feeling.”

Ophelia dropped into the passenger seat, looking surprisingly sad. She slightly shook her head and

responded, “Madeleine, just let me consider about it.”

Madeleine didn’t want to push Ophelia too hard. She was simply not getting used to her negative

attitude. Among all people around Ophelia, Madeleine was the one who wished her to attain happiness

the most.

“Dear, I will just leave you with one more suggestion. You can take it if you think it’s right, if you don’t,

just act like you’ve never heard of it.” Madeleine decided to take a step back and remarked.

Ophelia only remained silent.

Madeleine sighed and continued, “Ophelia, Zachariah is your husband. You should tell him when

something wrong happens, instead of pretending everything is alright. That’s the way which will hurt

your relationship. My suggestion is that you should tell everything to him clearly.”

Ophelia closed her eyes and let out a weary sigh.

Madeleine grabbed her hands and asked in whisper, “Ophelia, what are you afraid of?”

Ophelia took her hand back and changed another topic, saying, “Just drive the car.”

Madeleine continued driving the car. Both of them remained silent afterwards.

When they were about to arrive at the Chambers family’s main house, Madeleine stopped the car and

raked up her old words, saying, “Ophelia, I think you should tell Zachariah about your situation.”

Ophelia glanced at Madeleine in puzzle, as if couldn’t figure out why she was so stubborn about telling

Zachariah the truth.

Seeming to notice her confusion, Madeleine explained, “I just don’t want there’s a gap between you

and him. You love him.”

Ophelia showed a bitter smile. She thought for a while and replied, “Madeleine, I will find a proper time

to tell it to him. Just give me some time to prepare.”

Madeleine nodded.

Madeleine sent Ophelia back. Ophelia untied the safety belt, while Madeleine still remarked with

concern, “Ophelia, don’t think too much. You can find a time to talk with Zachariah. Things are not as

complex as you think. Trust me.”

Ophelia nodded and replied, “I see, Madeleine. Take care on your way back.”

Madeleine showed a “OK” posture and slowly backed the car to drive away.

Ophelia got inside, went upstairs and got in the infant room. She noticed Ted was talking with Tommy

patiently. No matter how naughty Tommy was, Ted would respond him in a serious way, which looked

really funny.

Ophelia couldn’t stop laughing out.

Ted turned around to look at her.

Ophelia went forward. She carefully touched Tommy, who was looking at her with wide eyes, and then

she said to Ted, “You must be tired by looking after him all day.”

Ted shook his head and replied, “Tommy is really an interesting boy. I didn’t like babies in the past, but

now I think taking care of a baby is not a difficult job. At least Tommy behaves really great when he is

by my side.”

Ophelia couldn’t stop smiling and teased, “You give me the false impression that you’re Tommy’s father

when seeing he likes you so much.”

Ted hurriedly stood up and stepped back. Then he noted seriously, “I don’t dare.”

Ophelia hurriedly waved her hands and replied, “Ted, take it easy, I don’t have other meaning. I just

think you have a good relation with Tommy and want to share my thought with you. You can agree with

me if you think I am right, and of course, you can pretend you’ve never heard of it if you’re


Ted nodded seriously and replied, “Please continue, young mister.”

Ophelia looked at Tommy and gradually made up her mind.

“Ted, I want you to be Tommy’s godfather. No matter how Zachariah and I end up with, I wish you can

try your best to protect Tommy. Is it okay?” Ophelia looked at Ted in the eye and asked in a serious


A flicker of surprise passed over Ted’s eyes.

“Why?” First astonished, and then asked Ted rationally.

Ophelia bowed to grab Tommy’s pink, tiny hands and remarked, “Ted, don’t misinterpret my words. I

just find you are really in a good relation with Tommy and want you to be his godfather and also his

indirect relative. I wish no matter how Zachariah and I will end up with, you can be Tommy’s strong

backup in the Chambers family.”

Ophelia was not being dramatic. She had imagined all the bad results. It seemed she was bound to get

blind. Even if Zachariah loved her profoundly, she couldn’t allow the fact that there was a blind

daughter-in-law in the Chambers family, which would ruin the family image.

Besides, she couldn’t allow her weakness to be found by the public and being the joke in the upper


Even if she really had to get divorced with Zachariah, she didn’t know whether she could get the

custody of Tommy or not. Therefore, the most important thing was to guarantee Tommy’s safety.

Hearing her words, Ted didn’t make a promise in the first time, but asked, “Young mister, is there

something wrong?”

Ophelia was startled and then forced a smile.

“Is there really something wrong?” Ted became stubborn to hear her answer this time.

Ophelia quickly hid the fluctuation of her emotion. She shook her head and showed a smile, saying, “I

live an abundant life. What am I worried about?”

Ted looked her up and down and then nodded, saying, “Okay, I will be Tommy’s godfather.”

Ophelia showed a smile and remarked, “Since you’re Tommy’s godfather, I suppose our relation is not

simply limited to employer and bodyguard. Can you change the way you call me?”

Ted licked his lips subconsciously. He slightly opened his mouth and said embarrass, “Ophelia.”

Ophelia was generous about her new title. She reached out her hands and remarked, “Ted, it’s very

nice to get to know you in a new way. I will leave you to guard Tommy.”

Ted showed a gentle look and remarked seriously, “OK.”

Ophelia was not being dramatic. She had imagined all the bad results. It seemed she was bound to get

blind. Even if Zachariah loved her profoundly, she couldn't allow the fact that there was a blind

daughter-in-law in the Chambers family, which would ruin the family image.

Besides, she couldn't allow her weakness to be found by the public and being the joke in the upper


Even if she really had to get divorced with Zachariah, she didn’t know whether she could get the

custody of Tommy or not. Therefore, the most important thing was to guarantee Tommy's safety.

Hearing her words, Ted didn’t make a promise in the first time, but asked, “Young mister, is there

something wrong?”

Ophelia was startled and then forced a smile.

“Is there really something wrong?” Ted became stubborn to hear her answer this time.

Ophelia quickly hid the fluctuation of her emotion. She shook her head and showed a smile, saying, “|

live an abundant life. What am | worried about?”

Ted looked her up and down and then nodded, saying, “Okay, | will be Tommy’s godfather.”

Ophelia showed a smile and remarked, “Since you're Tommy’s godfather, | suppose our relation is not

simply limited to employer and bodyguard. Can you change the way you call me?”

Ted licked his lips subconsciously. He slightly opened his mouth and said embarrass, “Ophelia.”

Ophelia was generous about her new title. She reached out her hands and remarked, “Ted, it’s very

nice to get to know you in a new way. | will leave you to guard Tommy.”

Ted showed a gentle look and remarked seriously, “OK.”


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