Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 455 Misunderstanding

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Fortunately, Ophelia dialed the phone number and called Zachariah, but there was no one answering.

Ophelia hung up and tried again, but no one answered.

Instead of calling again, she drove straight out of the house.

She drove very fast. When she was arriving at the urban area, Zachariah called her.

She picked up the phone and said nervously, “Zachariah, why not answer my call just now? Are you

angry now? You listen. The picture is not what you see. I can explain. There is nothing between me

and Tassach.”

Zachariah said in a gentle voice, “Ophelia, don’t be nasty, slow down. What photos? What is it about

Tassach? Is he bothering you again?” Speaking of Tassach, it’s can be heard from his voice that he

was sick of Tassach.

Ophelia was stunned.

“Ophelia, are you still there?” Zachariah’s voice came again.

Ophelia came to her sense and said nervously, “You didn’t see the photos?”

Zachariah cannot help but laugh and he said in a joke tone, “Do you have done something sorry to


Ophelia quickly denied, “No, I definitely did not, I am going to the company now. We’ll have lunch

together at noon, and you wait for me.”

Zachariah said, “I still have a very important meeting at noon. I make time to call you while seeing your

unanswered call. I have to go back to the meeting. How about having a candle dinner in the evening?”

“... Ok.” Ophelia paused for a while and just said reluctantly.

“Ok, I have to go back to the meeting. You are not well enough and you stay home. I will call you in the

evening when I make a reservation. You must think of me at home and you are not allowed to see

other man, otherwise, I will be jealous. Besides, you cannot mention other men in front of me. I am

narrow-minded. You know that.” Zachariah seemed to say it in a joke tone.

Ophelia was still stunned. She was a little distraught after the call was hung up.

She didn’t realize she was waiting for the traffic lights until a car honked behind her.

She started the car, thinking about Zachariah. Although he pretended as if nothing had happened, but

she still felt very strange. She believed that Zachariah must have seen the photos, but why did he

pretend to be like this. She cannot tell.

She would rather Zachariah put everything on the table than hide and avoid those things. They were

husband and wife and they should be frank to each other. Those thing hidden will explode one day.

Ophelia also knows that she should trust European Zachariah, also hope that the marriage between

them can stand the test, and not only with a few photos buried the seeds of doubt.

Undoubtedly, Ophelia cherished this marriage very much. After experiencing the car accident, she had

a new view on life. She cherished every seconds with Zachariah. Thanks to the accident, she realized

that life was fragile and you will lose everything in one second. So she didn’t want to have suspicion

between her and Zachariah. That was a big problem between couples.

Ophelia held the steering wheel. At the moment, she cannot find a point to rely on. She drove the car

automatically. She came back to her sense until she arrived at the Chambers Group.

Looking at the tall building, she was too scared to get off the car at the instance.

Anyhow, she was afraid to see Zachariah’s look with disappointment.

In the car, she stared at the building of the Chambers Group.

While Zachariah in the building was not happy as he showed when answering the Ophelia’s call. With a

dark face, he rubbed the screen of his phone. Looking closely, it can be seen that it’s the photo of

Tassach and Ophelia.

His wife was holding by someone else, and it’s clear that Zachariah was quite upset. He trusted

Ophelia. Or since Ophelia survived from the car accident, he had become highly tolerant to Ophelia. A

long as Ophelia was no longer lying on the operating table with eyes closed, he can even bear that she

had an affair. In front of death, other things were nothing.

He was tolerant but also unhappy. He didn’t mind that Ophelia was held by someone else, but mind

that Ophelia had no defenses to a man who loved her. Consequently, she was held by him in the main

house. If the servants saw this, they would gossip about this.

This picture was sent from Savannah, so she still held a plan to eject Ophelia out of the Chambers


Looking at the photos, the look in Zachariah’s eyes changed. He thought he was too indulgent to

Savannah, so that she repeatedly challenged his patience.

He deleted the photos from his phone and made a call. When it was answered, he said, “Savannah, it’s

me. See you in Room 209. I have to talk to you.”

Then he hung up.

The door was knocked, and Zachariah replied with a serious look, “Come in.”

Jerry came in and said respectfully, “President Chambers, Miss Fletcher is here to see you.”

Zachariah said with no emotion, “You tell her that I am not in.”

“Ok.” But before Jerry went out, the door was opened and Miss Fletcher came in herself.

“Zachariah.” She called him with a sweet voice.

Zachariah frowned slightly. He was unpleasant to see her now, but he waved hands to let Jerry out.

Zachariah stood up, and directly went outside. But Cora directly blocked in front of him, “Zachariah, we

have been in a cold war so long, don’t you want me?”

Zachariah just glanced at her, “I am busy, bye.”

Cora directly rushed to him and hugged him tightly. She said with grievance, “Zachariah, it’s enough to

have a cold war so long. Don’t be so indifferent to me. I have been thinking of you while sleeping and

having a meal. I cannot live without you.”

Zachariah just pushed her away, “Miss Fletcher, please behave yourself. I think we have no relation

now, and you are finding humiliation now.”

Jerry came in and said respectfully, “President Chambers, Miss Fletcher is here to see you.”

Zachariah said with no emotion, “You tell her that | am not in.”

“Ok.” But before Jerry went out, the door was opened and Miss Fletcher came in herself.

“Zachariah.” She called him with a sweet voice.

Zachariah frowned slightly. He was unpleasant to see her now, but he waved hands to let Jerry out.

Zachariah stood up, and directly went outside. But Cora directly blocked in front of him, “Zachariah, we

have been in a cold war so long, don’t you want me?”

Zachariah just glanced at her, “Il am busy, bye.”

Cora directly rushed to him and hugged him tightly. She said with grievance, “Zachariah, it's enough to

have a cold war so long. Don't be so indifferent to me. | have been thinking of you while sleeping and

having a meal. | cannot live without you.”

Zachariah just pushed her away, “Miss Fletcher, please behave yourself. | think we have no relation

now, and you are finding humiliation now.”


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