Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 446 Apologizing Again

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Savannah’s face was tinged with anger as she suppressed her anger and questioned, “Ted, what are

you doing?”

“Ms. Savannah, I’m sorry. Boss Zachariah has instructed that you can not hug Tommy.”

Her face grimaced for a moment as Ted simply nodded at her before sidling up the stairs past her body.

Savannah flung her arms and angrily walked towards Zachariah, aggrieved, “Zachariah, what do you

mean by that? I’m Tommy’s aunt. Why can’t I hold him?”

Zachariah ate a piece of bread, ignored her words, and looked directly at Mrs. Chambers, “Mom, there

is a lot of business to deal with during this period time, and it will be a bit strenuous for me to commute

between the company and home every day, so I want to take Ophelia and Tommy back to the flat in the

city, which is close to Chambers Group, so there is no need to spend two to three hours driving every


Mrs. Chambers froze for a moment and subconsciously looked at Ophelia who avoided her eyes

because she was a bit guilty instead.

Mrs. Chambers thought for a moment and said, “Oh, you are busy with work, and Ophelia is still not

good at taking care of Tommy by herself. It would be very hard for her to do that.

Zachariah shook his head and said, “Mom, don’t worry! There’s Mrs. Miriam in the flat to help look after

the baby, and Tommy seems to be quite dependent on Ted. You can count on the two of them.”

Mrs. Chambers sighed in her heart and she was persuaded.

On the contrary, it was Savannah who objected emotionally, “NO. I don’t agree with that.”

If Ophelia goes back, how can her plan go ahead? She still wanted to get Ophelia’s mobile phone, but

how could she get it if Ophelia was there?

All of them looked at Savannah in unison.

Savannah picked up the bread on the plate, took a bite, and made up an excuse: “I know I was wrong. I

have also profoundly reviewed this month and a half. I know I did not treat her well.”

The reason for the car accident was that I couldn’t stand to see my mother treating my sister-in-law too

well and that’s why I hired someone to hit you with a car due to my feverish manner.

But I just only asked the guys to scare you. I think it wouldn’t make such a big deal. When I heard that

their life was in danger, I was too scared to go to the hospital. I was worried for them but I was afraid

that all of you would find out. It was a very difficult time for me.

When I saw them come to my rescue. I was grateful, but I was afraid that she would still be angry with

me since I have my nature pride and self-respect that I did say something worse to pre-empt the


I hope that we can be friends who can tell each other everything not just family members. Please stay

and see how I’ll change. I want to make amends. Otherwise, if you leave, I’ll think you’ll never forgive

me in my life, I’ll never be able to forgive myself too.”

Mrs. Chambers was visibly shocked. Maybe she had never expected her daughter to admit her


On the other hand, Zachariah was not completely unconvinced, while Ophelia gave Savannah a very

complicated look.

Zachariah called for the maid and said, “Hana, go and help me pack up their packages and send them

to the car.”

Hanaglanced at Mrs. Chambers and Mr. Chambers then nodded and went upstairs.

Savannah gave Zachariah a resigned look, she had even put down her dignity and poured out a show

of repentance, but she didn’t expect her most respected brother to ignore her.

Savannah stopped her performance as she had made a decision, suddenly stood up, walking directly

towards Ophelia, and knelt.

“Ophelia, Sorry for my behavior. Please forgive me.” Savannah hung her head and could not see the

expression on her face, but she said in a very sincere tone.

Ophelia looked at her, who was kneeling on the ground, in a very complicated way, and could not find

the words to say for a while.

Savannah looked up at Ophelia, then lowered her head again, biting her mouth and said, “Ophelia, I

did wrong. Please forgive me.”

Once she said NO, even if Mrs. Chambers valued her, she would still have a slight grudge against her.

But after all, Savannah was her only valued daughter, and no matter how hard Ophelia tried, she will

never be as important as her daughter.

However, she could not forgive Savannah just like that. Savannah had violated her bottom line, which

was not easily forgiven.

When Ophelia was in a dilemma, Zachariah decided for her.

Zachariah wrapped his arm around her waist, looked icily at Savannah who looked like she was putting

on a show, and said, “Get up.”

Savannah raised her head and looked at Zachariah very aggressively, “ I’m apologizing very sincerely.

Can’t you forgive me?”

Zachariah just spat out one relentless word, “Get up.”

Savannah looked at Mrs. Chambers helplessly.

Mrs. Chambers stood up from her chair, “Zachariah, she is your sister after all, don’t be so mean to

her.” Said with a soft voice.

Zachariah pursed his lips and softened his tone slightly, “Mom, we will go back after lunch, if you and

Dad want to visit Tommy, always welcome.”

Mrs. Chambers frowned and looked at Ophelia with expectant eyes.

Ophelia subconsciously avoided her direction.


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