Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 417 Dispute

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“Helena, how could you allow such an impolite girl to stay by your side?” Mrs. Fletcher frowned and


Mrs. Chambers glanced over Savannah, who was clearly afraid of her, and replied deliberately,

“Madeleine is a lovely girl. I have made up my mind to let her be my goddaughter.”

Mrs. Fletcher also glanced at Savannah subconsciously and remarked, “Helena, have you lost your

mind? How can you let an unrelated outsider to be your goddaughter while chasing your own daughter

from hone and cutting her living expenses? You must be crazy. No wonder Savannah would find Cora

for help in aggrievedly. I will consider you go too far this time even if I were you. She’s your own

daughter. Don’t you have compassion for her?”

Mrs. Chambers showed a complex expression. Madeleine also felt weird because she originally

thought it was Savannah who didn’t want to meet Ophelia everyday and moved away by herself. She

never expected that Savannah was chases out by her mother.

However, why would Mrs. Chambers chase her out?

Madeleine got confused.

Mrs. Chambers comforted Tommy in her arms and answered, “Savannah is already in her twentieth.

It’s time for her to be independent to practice. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. The young

people should be more diligent. I don’t care how much she could earn. I just want her to make up a


Mrs. Fletcher laughed out and remarked sarcastically, “Helena, that’s the biggest joke I have ever

heard. Why would the young mistress from the Chambers family swallow her pride and get a low-paid

job? If others know, people from the upper class will definitely make fun of you.”

Mrs. Chambers turned a deaf ear to her words.

Mr. Fletcher looked at his wife disapprovingly and hinted her to stop talking.

“Helena, my wife is thoughtless. Don’t blame her. I come here to see Tommy today. I am really upset

for you to invite others except the Fletcher family. I have known each other for decades. There is no

need to cut off contact simply because of some tiny misunderstandings. It’s such a pity.” Mr. Fletcher

remarked sincerely.

Mrs. Chambers handed Tommy to Madeleine and replied, “Bradwen, you know the reason why I didn’t

invite you. Today is Tommy’s first month’s party. I don’t want to make it awkward because some

people’s arrival. Although it has been five years for what happened between Cora and Zachariah,

people from the upper class still take delight in talking about it. I don’t want those rumours hurt the

marriage of my son and daughter-in-law. I wish you can understand it.”

Mrs. Fletcher smiled sarcastically.

“Helena, do you think the Fletcher family can afford the price to shame ourselves? Cora has done so

much for Zachariah. She had an abortion and tried suicide. How could Zachariah erase her damage

simply by saying they are not suitable? You’re even worse than your son. You are trying to blame

everything on Cora. Do you think the Fletcher family is a soft touch?” Mrs. Fletcher remarked sharply.

Madeleine wanted to argue. However, Mrs. Chambers stopped her. She looked at Mr. Fletcher and

noted, “Bradwen, many of my friends from the business sector and political circle have come and every

one of them is powerful. I don’t care whether you want to have a fight here or not. Zachariah is a man

who already has a family. The others could only judge his early behaviour as impulsive, but Cora will be

different. Although men and women are equal in the modern world, people still hold a biased opinion

for the mistress. If everybody knows what Cora has done, her fame will be ruined and it will be hard for

her to get married. Don’t blame everything on our family if that turns out to be true.”

“Helena, you took it wrong. We’re only here today to see Tommy. We have been friends for years. I will

not put the Chambers family into an awkward position. Don’t think me as that kind of person.” Mr.

Fletcher noted in an apologizing tone.

After he finished his speech, Mrs. Fletcher hurriedly argued, “Bradwen, it is Cora who gets blamed. I

will not easily let the thing go if you put our daughter into embarrassment simply because of your so-

called friendship.”

Mrs. Chambers directly called the servant. She showed a terrible expression and remarked, “Bring Mr.

Fletcher and his wife away.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Mrs. Chambers then looked at Savannah, who stood by Cora’s side and pretended to be innocent,

saying, “Savannah, go upstairs with me.”

However, Savannah then hid behind Mrs. Fletcher.

Mrs. Fletcher put on a complacent look and remarked, “Helena, what a loser you are! Even your own

daughter gets afraid of you.”

Mrs. Chambers showed a more terrible expression.

Madeleine petted Tommy and noted, “Auntie, don’t be angry.”

Mrs. Chambers took a deep breath and commanded coldly, “Savannah, come here”

Savannah finally popped her head behind Mrs. Fletcher and said in aggrievance, “Mom, I want to go

home. I have run out of money. I haven’t bought bags and ate delicious food for a long time. Please let

me go back.”

Mrs. Chambers found her chest got hurt because of anger. “Follow me upstairs. What are you doing by

hiding behind an outsider? Are you trying to make me furious in the public?”

Savannah showed a more aggrieved look. “Mom, I just want to go home. I don’t have any money with

me. The others all treat me as a nobody and bully me because of that. You’re my mom. Don’t you feel

sorry for me at all?” Savannah got smarter for being good at threatening her mom based on their


Mrs. Chambers’ face completely darkened, commanding, “Go upstairs me, or don’t call me mom from

now on.”

Savannah pretended to be afraid of her words. Mrs. Fletcher petted her hand and noted, “Savannah,

don’t be afraid. Aunt is here with you.”

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Chambers’ chest got so hurt.

People in the hall were all important guests who had business cooperation with the Chambers family.

They would think young daughter from the Chambers family was quarrelling with her mother.

Madeleine got concerned with Mrs. Chambers. She looked at her worriedly and noted in anger, “Miss

Chambers, although I am an outsider and shouldn’t intrude into your family business, I want to tell you

that she is your own mother. How could she harm me? But now you are hiding behind an outsider,

have you ever considered whether you mom will get upset or not?”

Savannah stared at Madeleine resentfully and replied in anger, “Go away! Why will an ordinary nobody

owns the nerve to have relation with the Chambers? I am the young daughter from the Chambers

family and you are only a replica. Even my mom has the intension to recognize you as her

goddaughter, you won’t get half of our fortune. Stop daydreaming.”

Mrs. Chambers warned Savannah by staring at her and continued commanding, “Go upstairs with me.”


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