Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 385 The Commitment

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"I still have something to do and maybe go back later. Please take good care of yourself."

"Just go ahead. Madeleine and mom are with me. Don't worry about me." Ophelia said softly. "But even

if you are busy, remember to eat. Don’t continue your job when you are hungry."

Zachariah felt warm and said in an extremely soft tone, "Got it. I’ll be with you forever, so I’ll keep fit."

Ophelia could not help but blush. After Zachariah had changed his attitude to her, she felt flattered and

also sweet like drinking honey water.

"I see, just go to work."

After hanging up, Madeleine took the phone and joked, "Dear, your face is burning like a fire. Calm

down. Don’t lose yourself."

Ophelia’s face suddenly became more flushed.

Madeleine covered the quilt for her and said with a smile, "I know that you love Zachariah very much,

and I know that you are very happy now. Good girl, have good sleep now."

With a smile on her face, she was really tired. She barely replied to Madeleine with two or three

sentences and fell asleep then.

Looking at Ophelia sleeping, Madeleine was gratified and worried. She realized that Ophelia was totally

devoted to her love for Zachariah. And she could also see that because of the car accident,

Zachariah's attitude towards Ophelia had changed. However, she wondered whether Zachariah

secretly loved Ophelia so much as she loved him

It was said that people who fell in love at first always bore more.

Love first, lose first.

"Dear, I hope you’ve made a good choice and Zachariah is really a good mate to whom you can entrust

to your life. I hope you can live a happy life with him and your baby." Madeleine sighed and said


While Madeleine was stuck in a rare emotion, Zachariah, on the other side, became cold after hanging


He leaned against the soft chair and looked at the shivering man who was pressed to the ground by

two black bodyguards. "Tell me," he said.

The man on the ground looked at Zachariah in fear, and said with trepidation, "M...Mr. Chamber, please

forgive me. It’s all my fault, but I didn’t mean to send someone to hit Mrs. Chamber. It’s Miss

Savannah’s order. Believe me. It’s true."

His expression turned to subtle.

He motioned two bodyguards in black. They understood and took out a dagger with tacit

understanding, which was directly inserted into the man's hand.

"Ah..." For an instant, the loud cry of the man echoed in the room.

Zachariah frowned and said, "Shut his mouth."

A rag was stuffed directly into the man's mouth.

The man collapsed on the ground, holding his bloody right hand in his left hand, and his whole body

twitched in pain.

Zachariah motioned the black bodyguards again. Receiving the order, one of them leaned down and

took out the rag in the man's mouth.

The man repeatedly gulped in pain.

The man looked up, with his forehead covered with sweat. He endured the pain and said, "Mr.

Chamber. I was wrong. Trust me. It’s really the order from Miss Savannah, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to

hurt Mrs. Chamber."

Cold and furious expressions surged in Zachariah's eyes. He said, "Cohen, called Savannah and ask

her where she is. Go and pick her up."

"Yes, Sir." One of the bodyguards replied and went out.

Zachariah leaned against the soft chair and said very viciously, "Ted, destroy his hands."


The man kneeling on the ground showed an expression of fear. He shrank back hard and begged for

mercy with trepidation, "Mr. Chamber, forgive me. I won’t do it again. Believe me."

Zachariah frowned and said, "Ted, go."

The bodyguard in black stepped forward and caught the man on the ground quickly. In a short time, the

man's heart-wrenching voice was echoing in the room.

Ted threw the man to the ground, and then returned to his original position with a straight face and

stood still.

With his hands destroyed, the man was just like a sick shrimp, lingering on the ground, cried in a

repressed voice from time to time.

Zachariah said, "I'll give you another chance. As long as you tell me who's behind the scenes, I'll spare

your life. Otherwise, when Savannah comes and confronts you later, we’ll know that you are framing

her. Then you’ll get a much more terrible result."

The man’s eyes dimmed in pain. He looked up and struggled to say, "Mr. Chamber, I dare not tell lies.

It’s all Miss Savannah’s order. Forgive me. I have to support my old mother, my wife, and my children.

My wife was diagnosed with uremia last month. I am short of money, so I was crazy and asked

someone to hit Mrs. Chamber. I won’t do that again. Forgive me. My families need me.”

Zachariah raised the corner of her lips and smiled coldly.

"You’ve hurt my girl. You should have thought of the consequences." Zachariah fiddled his slender

fingers, which were very well maintained, and said, "I remember that your little daughter is just eighteen

years old this year. She has just grown up. I’ll send her to a nightclub to open op her eyes. OK?"


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