Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 22 An Unexpected Announcement

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Zachariah’s close friends were not only rich and influential, but also handsome and decent. When it

came to the standards of excellent modern men, these guys could absolutely challenge Zachariah.

Noah laughed and said, “Come here, Mrs. Chambers! Four years have passed since you married

Zachariah, while we never have a chance to see you in real life. Come on, sit beside us and leave

Zachariah alone, as a punishment for him being so mean to keep us from meeting you earlier.”

Without any hesitation, Ophelia smiled, and went straight to Noah’s side and took her seat. She made

her move so quickly that even Noah and Chester were stunned by her reaction, and then laughed out

open-heartedly. These guys from well-off families were men of bohemian style, and had witnessed

numerous beauties of various kinds in their lives. It was obvious that they were impressed by Ophelia's

personality and kind of appreciated the ways she coped with the situation.

“I like the way you handle things, Mrs. Chambers. I guess I have to show some respect for that. Come

on! Drink up the cup of wine, as a sign of the start of our friendship!” Noah handed a half-full glass of

wine to Ophelia and said genuinely.

“You are smart, and I enjoy making friends with those who are smart. Cheers!” With her eyes flickering,

Ophelia took the glass and drank it up without any hesitation.

Each movement and words of her had gradually grasped the interest of Noah, while Chester, sitting on

the left of Noah, was staring at Ophelia with an unspeakable expression in his bright eyes.

Noah laughed again and said, “Cheers, Mrs. Chambers! By the way, if Zachariah dares to do anything

mean to you, just call me and I will teach him a lesson on how to treat his wife better!”

“Well, you'd better keep your words, since I will take them seriously. You've got to tell me anything if he

dares to mess around out there.”

“Of course you have my words, Mrs. Chambers! I will keep a close eye on him and he will never have

that chance to betray you!” Noah said in a pleasant mood.

Wearing a faint smile on her face, Ophelia said to Zachariah sitting in front, “You hear that, honey? Now

I have eyes on you out there, and you'd better be more careful about that.”

Zachariah respond in a plain tone, “Just don't get drunk.”

Ophelia always showed Zachariah enough respect and avoid messing things up in front of others.

Therefore, she nodded her head and gave an obedient affirmative answer.

At the moment, Chester took a secret glimpse at both Zachariah and Ophelia.

After a while, Zachariah got up and excused himself to the restroom, and Chester followed him out


Such scenes gave Noah a strange feeling. He said in an indifferent tone, “Well, when did they start to

stick together like this?”

Another man beside him laughed, “Are you drinking too much tonight? I guess they will kick your ass if

they hear you doubt their relationship.”

“Come on, man! No one here will ever tell them about it. Am I right, Mrs. Chambers?” Noah laughed

and turned to Ophelia, who couldn't help bursting into laughter.

Everything was going well in the private room. On the contrary, things were somehow not going

smoothly for Zachariah and Chester in the restroom.

As both of them were washing their hands, Chester suddenly posed a question to Zachariah,

“Zachariah, are you sure you are going to divorce your wife Ophelia, merely for a woman who had

betrayed you before? I mean, Ophelia is quite a nice woman, and most importantly, she is your wife

and has done nothing wrong.”

Zachariah shot him a glance and responded, “Chester, it's really my private matter, and could you just

leave me alone on this?”

Chester went to the hand dryer, stretched his hands and said, “You're my close friend, and one of the

duties of a man is to keep his friends from doing something stupid, in case he regrets afterward. I have

to admit that Ophelia truly looks like Cora. However, Ophelia was much better in terms of being

understanding and considerate. Are you sure that you have to do this?”

Upon hearing that, Zachariah’s expression changed suddenly, and said in a cold tone, “Chester, since

we have been close friends for years, you definitely know me: neither would I ever make any regretful

decision in my whole life, nor would I allow anyone to make any evil comment on Cora, not even you,


Shaking his head helplessly, Chester said, “Fine, since you have made up your mind, I would make

that of mine as well. I have decided to be her suitor after your divorce with her. If you decided to leave

her and no longer be the guardian of her happiness, let me do the job.”

The words of Chester stunned Zachariah, and his facial expressions changed constantly, like a palette

of colors being bumped over.

“You know, there is an old saying, showing respect to your friend is to not dally with his wife.”

“You are going to file a divorce, right?”

Zachariah was about to say something, however, he failed to utter a single word.

“While there is also an old saying that every individual has the right to pursue his or her love, not to

mention a divorced woman,”

“The answer is simple. You leave her, and then it makes sense that she has the opportunity to choose

the right person in her life. By the way, I'm really fascinated by her beauty and tenderness.”

“What good it brings to you speaking well for her, even if it may sabotage the friendship between you

and me?”

Chester smiled and said, “You know me, Zachariah, I'm not that sort. The only thing in my head is that

she is a good enough woman, and there is nothing wrong for me to pursue a divorced woman. That I

tell you my feeling in advance is because I cherish you as one of my best friends, and I don't want us to

go different ways merely because of a woman.”

“While there is also an old saying that every individual has the right to pursue his or her love, not to

mention a divorced woman,”

“The answer is simple. You leave her, and then it makes sense that she has the opportunity to choose

the right person in her life. By the way, I'm really fascinated by her beauty and tenderness.”

“What good it brings to you speaking well for her, even if it may sabotage the friendship between you

and me?”

Chester smiled and said, “You know me, Zachariah, I'm not that sort. The only thing in my head is that

she is a good enough woman, and there is nothing wrong for me to pursue a divorced woman. That |

tell you my feeling in advance is because | cherish you as one of my best friends, and | don't want us to

go different ways merely because of a woman.”


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