Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 175 Divorce

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“Why can’t I do some investigation about you after you committed something shameless like that?”

Savannah said as if it was a matter of fact.

Helena cast her a glimpse and said, “Savannah, enough.”

Savannah pouted and softened her tone as she was afraid to irritate her mom again, “Mom, I was just

telling the truth.”

Helena still stared at her.

So then Savannah kept her mouth shut.

Steffan now uttered, “Ophelia, please come with me to the study. I have a talk to you.“

Ophelia couldn’t help getting nervous. Helena immediately looked at him, “Ophelia has just discharged

from the hospital. Why don’t you leave the talk for a few days later?”

Steffan smiled, “Helena, don’t worry. It’s just a simple talk. I won’t do anything bad to her.”

But Helena still looked worried. So Ophelia smiled to comfort her, “Helena, don’t worry. Perhaps he has

something important to tell me.”

Then Helena compromised, “Honey, now Ophelia is still pregnant. Don’t say anything harsh to her. I will

come to you for trouble if you scare her!”

Steffan simply replied with a smile.

Ophelia then followed him upstairs to the study.

Steffan pointed at the chair in front of the desk and said, “Take a seat.”

Ophelia replied in a restrained manner still, “Thank you.”

As she sat down, Steffan directly cut into the topic, “Ophelia, I make you here just to have a talk about

the picture. That really annoyed me. And I have ever thought about your divorce with Zachariah. But

now since you are pregnant, I shouldn’t be so cold-blooded.”

Hearing that, Ophelia felt like falling into a frozen abyss. Her face also turned to be pale.

Though Steffan was taciturn, he had always been sagacious. As he could run such a business giant,

Chambers Group, so well, of course he should be a decisive one. So he always got straightforward into

the topic.

Ophelia kept her head down and said, “Mr. Chambers, I am really sorry about the picture. But I can

explain it.”

Steffan waved his hand and continued, “I make you here for your divorce with Zachariah. Here is the

compensation for it.”

Hearing that, Ophelia was rendered ghastly pale. Staring at the brown paper package on the desk, she

stammered, “Mr. Chambers, what do you mean?”

“Ophelia, don’t be mistaken. You are an excellent lady. But I don’t think you fit in the Chambers as my


Then Steffan continued calmly, “You have married Zachariah for almost five years. And you have been

working so hard to fit in the family. To be honest, in spite of your education and family background, you

did a better job indeed than any other debutantes. However, the two missing parts count much. So…

inside the package you will get your compensation, which consists of a share of the company and one

twentieth of my personal property. That should be enough to sustain you a decent life. As for the baby,

you can make it stay in the Chambers Family.”

Ophelia still stammered, “Can I have a reason for it?”

“I just want Zachariah to marry a lady who could bring him a lot in business.” Steffan said.

Ophelia replied with a bitter smile, “Mr. Chambers, if Zachariah needs such a lady, I can do my best to

shape myself. I have been married for five years. I used to deem that you had already accepted me

even if you didn’t like me.”

Steffan said, “You are a good lady and you have been filial to me and Helena. But your family

background is too indecent. So that’s what makes me discontent. If you have a discerning eyes about

the current situation, you should take the compensation and leave the family after the baby is born. I

am sure that my suggestion would be the best choice for both of you and Zachariah. I still deem Cora

the best match for Zachariah. Though Helen doesn’t like her, I believe that she would still accept her

sooner or later.”

Hearing that, Ophelia felt like being struck hard by a hammer.

She had been working so hard for the five years. She used to deem that at least the Chambers would

not hate her anymore even if they favored her either. However, the fact was that all her efforts had

gone in vain. Steffan was much more cold-blooded than she had ever expected.

Mixed feelings surged up in her mind. But she still forced out a smile, “Dad, I know what you mean. But

the marriage is only the matter between me and Zachariah. So you can’t decide on the divorce. If

Zachariah wanted a divorce, I would not ask for a stay. So I am afraid that I can’t take the

compensation. Or Zachariah would accuse me for being ill-mannered.”

Steffan looked at her, “Ophelia, you are a clever one. So I am sure you should know what is the best

choice for you.”

Ophelia nodded and replied with great honest, “I know. But I still insist that only when Zachariah

chooses to divorce me will I accept it. And I promise I won’t pester him anymore. But I have one

request only.”

A trace of coldness flashed across Zachariah’s eyes. Then he said, “Go ahead.”

“If I were to divorce Zachariah, I would not ask for a penny but a single request only.”

Steffan seemed to be surprised. But soon he returned to be calm while looking at Ophelia for a while as

if he was judging. Then he said, “Just go ahead.”

Ophelia nodded and replied with great honest, “I know. But | still insist that only when Zachariah

chooses to divorce me will | accept it. And | promise | won't pester him anymore. But | have one

request only.”

A trace of coldness flashed across Zachariah’s eyes. Then he said, “Go ahead.”

“If | were to divorce Zachariah, | would not ask for a penny but a single request only.”

Steffan seemed to be surprised. But soon he returned to be calm while looking at Ophelia for a while as

if he was judging. Then he said, “Just go ahead.”


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