Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 407 Meet Him Again

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June shook his head while saying in a generous manner, “Mrs. Fletcher, whom Cora truly loves doesn’t

matter to me. The only thing matters for me is that I still love her. If not, I wouldn’t have travelled all the

way through just for her. If I were honored enough to gain your trust to marry her, I would be glad to

suggest my family that we should set up a branch in this country. After all, the market here is also

promising. So I am sure my family will agree with me.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Fletcher seemed to be lit up with joy.

She stared at him, asking with great expectation, “June, what’s the name of your family?”

“Lauren Family.” June confessed.

Hearing that, both Bradwen and his wife stared at each other, dumbfounded.

They had never expected that June was actually born in one of the most privileged families with a

history of more than 100 years in the western world. Though the Fletcher was also known as one of

those in the upper class, the Lauren actually went a bit more beyond than that. So undoubtedly, June

had a wonderful family background.

Mrs. Fletcher soon made up her mind—she had to make Cora Mrs. Lauren. After all, she was aware

that the relationship between Zachariah and Cora had gone collapsed, which humiliated her again and

again. Since then, why didn’t she get her own girl a better husband?

If so, not only would she retrieve her long lost pride, but she could also make it a strong fight-back

against the Chambers. She wanted to show the world that Cora could still capture the heart of a refined

gentleman from a privileged family even if Zachariah turned a blind eye to her. Besides, she fancied a

retaliation against the Chambers with the power of June.

Ever since she got humiliated because of Zachariah, she had been waiting for the moment of


After all, Mrs. Fletcher wasn’t that generous enough to put up with humiliation.

“June, I am really excited to know that you are here for Cora. You look handsome, personable, refined

and well-mannered. Your every single move signals your great charm. I bet you must be a perfect

match for Cora.” Mrs. Fletcher hurried to overwhelm him with compliments. Then she added, “Don’t

worry about Cora’s attitude. Just leave it to me. You look so good that I deem you the best match for

Cora. We have spoiled her so much that she had done so many stupid things. But for you, this time will

be an exception. Just rest assure.”

June smiled warmly to reply, “Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher. If there is anything I can do for you, please let

me know. I will be at your disposal.” Said June sincerely.

Hearing that, both Bradwen and Mrs. Fletcher had a nice impression of him.

Out of the instinct of a businessman, Bradwen was also aware of the great advantages of the marriage

between June and Cora—first, Cora would be officially accepted as Mrs. Lauren instead of a mistress

of Zachariah; second, the Fletcher Group could utilize this opportunity to engage in the European

market with the help of June. So for the above reasons, Bradwen had to seize the chance.

June took out his business card and handed it to Bradwen, “Mr. Fletcher, here is my number. You can

call me if needed.”

Bradwen took it over and noticed his hand, “What happened to your hand? It doesn’t look good.”

June casually smiled,” I just cut my hand while peeling apple. It doesn’t matter. But thanks for your


Bradwen nodded.

While Mrs. Fletcher looked worried, “You got cut? It looks so bad! Come on, let’s go to the doctor. It

must be hurt with so many bandages wrapped on it.”

June smiled warmly, “Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher. But I am fine. It looks a bit awful but I am still okay with

it. It’s not that bad.”

“Well, don’t play tough if you do feel hurt. After all, I will soon be your mother-in-law. No need to be so

restrained. I will tell Cora to show more care about you and stop wasting time on a wrong guy.”

“Appreciate that, Mrs. Fletcher.”

They were all having a nice talk inside the ward. Meanwhile, Cora, driven by tantrum, rushed into the

elevator to get to the ground floor. She then strayed in the garden. When she was about to walk back, a

tall one attracted her attention.

She walked over and said, “Wow, Mr. Conduibh, did you get sick?”

Cora had done a lot of investigation about Ophelia. So she wasn’t strange to Tassach.

Tassach, who had been quietly sitting on the chair and looking around, turned around as he heard

someone talking to him. But he frowned when he noticed it was Cora, showing little interest to talk.

Cora ignored his coldness. She approached and asked out of formality, “May I take a seat?”

But before any answer, she sat down.

Unlike the manner as a gentleman as usual, Tassach stood up and was about to walk away. Cora

casually added, “Mr. Conduibh, don’t you want to know something about Ophelia recently?”

Tassach, who was walking away, suddenly stopped.

He turned around and looked at her from above, “What do you want to say?”

Cora patted on the seat beside to invite, “Mr. Conduibh, if you may, why don’t you spend a few minutes

for a talk. Though the one we love differs, we still share the same final purpose—to get whom we love.

Mr. Conduibh, stop telling me that you can sacrifice whatever it takes for her own good. If you do love

her, why would you be willing to give up? Don’t you deem it ridiculous? The one who smiles when his

true love enjoys staying with another guy actually never shows enough love for his obsession. If not,

his obsession should be strong enough to fight till his true love chooses him over that guy. Standing by

and watching prove no love but bullshit.”

Tassach frowned, feeling that Cora seemed to change greatly, who once looked pure and innocent.

Cora simply ignored his weird look. She stared forward blankly, “Mr. Conduibh, if you may, just sit down

to talk with me. Or are you afraid a lady like me would do something bad to you?”

Hearing that, Tassach sat down out of politeness.

Cora glanced at him and said softly, “Thank you.”

Tassach was a bit surprised, “What happened to you?” Though they were now in the same hospital,

Tassach had never pay attention to Cora. So he knew nothing about her situation.

Cora shook her own hand to say with self-mockery, “Oh, Mr. Conduibh, thanks for your concern. I

assume you care about no lady but Ophelia only.”

Lips pressed, Tassach responded with silence.


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