Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 118 Social Engagement

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Ophelia said, "Director, here are the design drafts you asked for, and there is still a large pile of them

out there. If you need them, I will ask my colleagues to move them in."

Gracie looked gloomy and satirized, "Ophelia, you are so capable. You don't have a long working time,

but you get along well with your colleagues. Can I say that both men and women will be seduced by


Ophelia talked back, "The most important thing in the interaction between colleagues is sincerity. I think

you are more beautiful than me, so you should be more suitable to be a vixen. If you want, you can

also get along with them."

Gracie sneered and said, "Go out."

Ophelia nodded.

Soon after returning to the design department, she heard that Gracie was called to Tassach's office. No

one knew what Tassach said to her, but Gracie was very angry when she came out.

Elisa gossiped, "Have you heard? Director King was called to Mr. Conduibh's office. The secretary said

that when she went in to deliver the coffee, she saw Director King with red eyes. I think she might have

been scolded by Mr. Conduibh. As soon as she made things difficult for you, she was rebuked by Mr.

Conduibh. I want to see if she will dare to be insufferably arrogant. "

Ophelia just glanced at her and said, "Elisa, don't gossip at work. Mr. Conduibh is just talking about

work-related matters with Director King, so don't imagine it. Remember that disaster emanates from

careless talk. If Director King knows, she won't let you off."

Elisa stuck out her tongue out and whispered, "I just can't understand her style of work. When she

came, she was just an assistant to Mr. Conduibh. However, she was promoted to design director in

only half a month. I'm quite dissatisfied."

Ophelia comforted her, "Elisa, if your family background and education are the same as hers, you can

also become a director in such a short time." A male colleague interrupted and laughed.

Then Elisa shut up.

Because of the complicated tasks, the morning passed quickly.

Gracie appeared at the door of the design department and said, "Ophelia, let's go."

Ophelia knew they were going to engage in social activities.

"It just so happens that you are all there, I'll go together," Tassach's gentle voice came.

Gracie turned her head and said, "Mr. Conduibh, do you want to go?"

Tassach nodded.

"Didn't you entrust me to go because you didn't have time at noon? Why..." Halfway through, Gracie

took a look at Ophelia and understood at once.

She became sullen and said to her, "Since Mr. Conduibh is going, then you don't have to go.".

Tassach suggested, "Let's go together. With two beautiful ladies, it is easier to make a business."

Gracie got angry and took the elevator downstairs.

After getting into the car, Tassach drove it. Ophelia was invited to sit in the co-pilot, but Gracie could

only sit in the back seat.

Gracie was already in a rage. Seeing Tassach caring about Ophelia so much, she became even more


She put her hands around her chest and said aggressively, "Tassach, what do you mean?".

Tassach said casually, "Nothing, whatever you think.".

Gracie continued, "Tassach, when I joined the company, your mother asked you to take good care of


"Within half a month, I made an exception and promoted you to design director. Doesn't this count as

taking care of you?"

"If you take care of me, why should you hire Ophelia? Don't forget, we are going to get married. You

are humiliating me by obsessing about her, don't you? " Gracie yelled rudely.

Tassach looked displeased and said, "Gracie, first, I and Ophelia only have a leader-member

relationship. Second, I have no affair with you. Please don't say anything that is misleading."

With this, he glanced at Ophelia subconsciously for fear of her misunderstanding.

Gracie gave Ophelia a vicious look, and said, "Are you going to distance yourself from me for her?"

Ophelia looked ahead and thought, "I didn't say anything, but I still brought trouble on my own head."

Tassach's tone became cold, "Gracie, if you continue to do this, please get out of the car."

Gracie kept her mouth shut, but her eyes were full of unwillingness.

Ophelia coughed lightly and wanted to relax the atmosphere, "Mr. Conduibh, how about you and

Director King going to lunch? I can just find a restaurant to have a meal."

Tassach softened his tone, "We almost arrived here. I have asked the hotel to prepare a pregnant

woman package for you, which is good for the baby's development."

Ophelia said, "Mr. Conduibh, there is no need to be so troublesome. I rarely have morning sickness

and I am not picky about eating."

Gracie sneered, "Tassach, it seems that she doesn't feel grateful to you. She is already married, but

you are still all over her. Do you want to be a disgusting paramour, causing her to have conflicts with

her husband? "

Tassach held the steering wheel tighter.


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